Alcalá 1991

Finance I magine dealing with six digit num– bers. It's a dirty Job, but somebody 1 needs to balance the budget and del– egate funds. Being the Secretary of the Finance and Budget Committees, Cindy Tolewitzke, and Kim Do who filled the position for the Spring Semester, had the task of formulating the AS budget, over– seeing the distribution of funds, and mak- ing sure that the money was spent in a proper manner.

Kim Do

F INANCE COMMITTEE. Owen Braman. Amy Drury. Kim Do. Robert Kim, Jim Martone, Cecy Garcia, Neille Correntl. Rob Gannon. Irene Flores.

Cindy Is hard at work on the Fall semester budget.

Academics D id you ever stop to wonder how the faculty got a hold of students' grievances? Led by Karin Ander– son, it was the duty of the Academics Committee to provide the link for interac– tion between the students and the facul– ty. The committee kept its ears open for issues of academic interest and concern, and reported back to Karin. THE MIDDLE EAST CRISIS: .os.-..,-,-,...... ,. _-*Y -~._. ~ .____ ,-11y-. - ·-·· ... lnlmlha-EMt. Tuesday,November27 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. UC Forum B WHAT IS REALLY ,...,,_.,. .... _ GOING ON?

Karin Anderson

A CADEMIC COMMITTEE. Belinda Fisher. Allison Fuentevilla. Joanna Madison. Christy Palecek. Sara Rentz. Jean Witczak [ =.: 42

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