Alcalá 1991

Public Relations I magine running the Town Meetings, pub– lishing the Alcala Life Newspaper, run– ning weekly a~ in the Vista newspaper, and in general Ju!t keeping the liqes open. Big Job eh? Just ask the Public Relations Com– mittee. "Yeah, it's a lot of work but I really like it a lot," said director Co1leen Quick. "My staff really works hard too," she quick– ly added.

Colleen Quick

ommlttee: Norman Chol. omas ·asmlna Kwaslzovlc, inner Traq Reines, Joyce Debbie Presson.

Colleen takes time out to enjoy the Alpha Delta Pl ran formal wtth her sorority sister

A.S. was IMng on the edge during their retreat In the Julian Mountains. Wendy, Tara, erlc, Megan, Colleen, Meighen, Carol, and Karin wave to the camera from atop a dllf.

Ed Starkey, uso·s head librarian gives his opinion at a town meet· Ing.

Film Forum R eady and roll 'em. It was Sunday night again at Unlv~rslty of San Diego. Stu– dents were takJng a break from their studies to catch a flick down at the University Center Forum presented by Wendy Weddle and her committee. Streams of students trickled into the Forum, armed with pillows and popcorn, ready to cozy up in front of the screen. Time for a good old fashioned movie.

Wendy Weddle

A.S. film Forum: Art La flamme. Mary Nopper. AIII Andes, Angle Alford.



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