Alcalá 1991
Aikane'o Hawaii Club
ikane O' Hawaii was a club on campus that was misinterpreted as a
"hawallan only" club. This was far from the truth. Being only its third year on campus, the club was more than 40 members strong. Said Margo Mau, presi– dent, of the club, "/ wish more people that aren't from Hawaii would join. Our purpose Is to bring Hawaiian culture to all stu– dents. " The Asian Cl·ub he Asian Club was formed In the fall of 1989 by a community of stu– dents who had specific goals and Interests in mind. As Mi– chelle Paloma, president re– veals, "The club's primary goal when It first began was to pro– vide an environment in which Asians and non-Asians were giv– en the opportunity to share, practice and learn about the dif– ferent traditions and customs that contribute to the di verse Asian culture." Hispanos Un 1 the goals to " enhance the edu– cational and cultural environ– ment of all University of San Diego students and to act as a positive outreach for the com– munity." The group started the year by participating in the International Fair held during Homecoming week. t I 71 n--.unkkn Club ispanos Unidos was cre– ated during the spring semester of 1990 with
Mizuno. member of Alkane ·o 11a· wall. shows affection for his fellow members by giving JIii Gunning. Sheri Manalili. Margo Mau and Michelle Paloma a big hug.
Rocelynn Estrellon and Rhlza t.rrasquln man the Asian Students Association table In front or the u.c during Torero Week.
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