Alcalá 1991

Staff Assistants


executive Assistant

Pam Bourne

Administrative Assistant

Wendy Roan

I Senior


Susan Payment

Graduate Assistants

Assistant Director of Student Activities

lt} euben Mitchell, the Assis– ~\.tant Director of Student Ac– tivities, supervised the student or– ganizations office. The student or– ganizations office, located in the University Center, provided infor– mation about campus clubs, ac– tivities and organizations. In addi– tion, Mr. Mitchell was the adviser of the Vista, yearbook, 1.F.C. and Clubs and Organizations. He also coordinated the Emerging Leader Program for freshmen and worked with the A.S. Concert Board.

cm he two graduate W assistants , John Egan and Donna Reed, helped both Car– ol and Reuben by ex– pressing student input as to what was needed for a successful calen– dar of social events.

Donna Reed

John t:gan

L. Reuben Mitchell

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