News Scrapbook 1959-1962


-Son Du•go Union Stoff Photo Sullivan ha l<<'lhall award; .Jim Fio- rC'nza, th Bob K rrigan baseball award and .Jan Chapma n, the Gil Ku lm [ootbal award.

The Unhe ity of San Diego's three top athlc-tc be m over trophi<'s aft!'r awards ditm r on c·ampus la ·t night. .Jim Fl ming, left, rN·!'ivt'd t h Larry

Top USD Honored At quet Jan Chapmnn, Jim 1-'Jt-mmg and :Jim Fior<'nzn rNrlvrd op hmiors lai;t night at h annual University of San Diego lPttC'rm1•n awa. ds banqu t at Lark Cafeteria_.___ _ Chnpman. t;9-t·aptain anc quart<'rbMk rlf la t yl'ar's l'ion<'<>r foothall t1• m. re- c<>iv<'d th<' Gil Kuhn t rophy as th<' outstanding gridd<'r. Fl<'ming, ho avc>ragc>d 15.6 thletes

e t 1 d

football training

- 10n

1arln Co R cru1t De-pot. on are kit to right, Chuck Kilkus and Jan Chapman.

points a game !or the the bas- lcc>thall t1'11m, won the Larry Sullivan trophy, 1op honor in tha1 spor.t Fior nza, "110 lNI In a J. mos1 PV<'l'Y hatting d<'part- mc>nl was g1vf'n the Bob K<'r- rigan trophy as ttw top USO baseballer.•ar lf'tter winners rl'celvc>d watclws, s <' c o n d- year men wer honored with plaques and first-year award nn<'rs r<'Cl'tved .i a ck et s. Spl'cial awards also were giv- <'n to Chapman and C. G. Wa)kl'r in foot b a 11, Bob a.Ines in basketball and Tim Wilbur in baseball Rev. Russell Wilson, pr<'si- d<'nt of the university, gave Paul Platz, outgoing football coach, an award for recogni- tion of his work at USD from 1957 through 1960. Platz is ac- CC'pting a position in the Es- condido school system. Twenty-one football play- ers, 11 basketballers and 13 b a s e ball players received awards. Mike Pecarovich, n o t e d after-dinner speaker and new USD football coach, was the feature speaker. • Football-Lavon Bal




THE SAN DIEGO UNION Wed., lay18.1960 G) b5 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA USD Awards Dinner Tonight Fo t -n Lark Cafe. n campus. Pre-dinner activiti s start at 6 o'clock, Dinner is at 7. Mike Pecarovich, new USD grid coach, will be featured spPaker. Several outstanding player '.1Wards will be given, includ- mg- the Gil Kuhn Trophy for the outstanding football play- er, Larry Sullivan Trophy to the top baslcethalter and Bob Kerrigan Trophy to the lead- ing baseball player. men's teria



USO Fetes Chapman at ward of San DiPg:o, has received the Gil Kuhn trophy as t!\l! Pioneers' out- standing foo all player. Chapman received h i s award la. t 1ight in Lark C'afeteria on th~ USO cam- pus at th ~hoots annual let\errnen-.." d dwt9er. Jim Fl~r I wll, led the Pioneers' b etball tean) was ,~·ardt! ~ 1(' L,iH~ 'plli- oph R e ou1stand- ing I yer on tJ1e hardwoods and Jlm f'lon,nzQ \\ as named lea g ba :Jiall player. Speaker or th 'nne was :\1:ike Pecarovl ''D' football coach ermen1 Football-Lavon t r, BIii Bana;o, Wa~ne Bourque, Bi I 8ourqutt, Jan Chap- mon, WIii Cha~t>ell, BIii Llork, Cove ;~i:;r1ei!~ac~esi~:~~f0n~r~~e EJ~g~t; J.i~l ~i,;oloMIH~~? J~~r,h\~Jly1ceJc,io«\j~j!q ~uni~- Wolkor C fllijam,. A Basketball Ed Ber Tony Capufo, ... · ~~ss8g,aYJ~fn~::mJl~ei1,ige11t,oh;!t H~~d- ~Fc'-'~fk.1, Nerle Rted, Art Wical, Charle! Bosebol~Pn Cnopmon, Jim Co)(, Jim Flerenza, Tom Goddard, John Holliday, Bob Keyes, Tim Leyden, Terry Lore-nz, D~ 1Wi(bu/, 0 ~rm ?;fr~~.or, H LI go 1ght Jan Chapman, co-captain and quart the Uni 'ers :back last tall for

and Chapman, Cox,

orenza. Tom God

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