News Scrapbook 1959-1962
l THE SAN DIEGO UNION I USD, Biolo Fives Tangle Tonight $Helot ro The son ole10 Union LA !\!!RADA, Jan , 14
of an ni.. go hope. tr 11,:: of lo ~l's at
to end It
I EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Friday, Jan. 15, 1960 ~3J USD SEEKS TO END STREAK $Ptclol lo EVENING TRIBUNE LA MIRADA- Univer.slty ot San Diego baskclballers oppose Biola College to- night nt 8 In hope o! end- ing a ·lx-g a me losing i.tre k. Tomorrow night the P1011!!ers play Anrsa Col- lt•gP. THE SAN DIEGO UNION Biola Defeats USO, 71-69, In l wo Overtimes b• San 01110 Un,on , .Jan. 15 Biola' baskelbnll am tonight out- lasted Ju kl" 'Un! •erslty of San Diego, 71-69, l:n two over- time : ThP. ho 1~ v.on de~pite 2.> polnt1 by Rus Cra\'PllS and 17 by 6-4 Art Wical, who also did some ·trong rebounding for thP. PlonPer~. USD 16') BIOL" (71) ~,apT OF-PT 12 1 S 25 Atherton 4 3 & 11 1 oo 2 oovldson 2 2 2 6 7 3 S 17 Mntgmrv 2: 3 S 7 g ! : l~bth~mn l 1 1~ 3 2 , 8 Hofer 2 3 2 7 3 3 S 9 Gerbrnat 9 2 , 20 1 0 2 2 Toto 27 lS 24 6t Total, 26 1' 20 11 Ham .... ICOr 61ol~ 28 USO 27. End f e- ton playlr,v t1m Sola 57, USO nd of 1 it OY rtlme---8iokl 63, USO
v-111 travl•l 10 to op- po " Azu •l l'oll<'ge in anoth- er IS u ·lo"k ,·unl<'sl. U D pr <'Yiou ly lllt:!l and de- f Pal •d hotll opponrnts in San Di<•go Iola, :it-31.l, and Azu- a , I. TIJ,, Hioln nnd Azu will hi' tlw la. t fo thr, Pion,,,.r bP/ori> thr <'Jlrl of th(• fall ~emPSIPr RIHi , final <•>wminatlons.
P ibT aP c Cagers Top Pioneer , 73-63
amp back In the _ec- 11 \\ Ith Ru Cra, ens
fil T
GP' p T n ft'!.~, Hf U~: l 1 2 .S Osborr,e ¥ g : H~:;;r • 1 3 t W1 son I Hu,: e, 0 I
ljt g 2: f8A ? l -4 lS f : : 2 5 3 f 1 0 0 2 0010
Totals 30 1J 17 1J Halflime KOA: Pbibtraa:ioc :It, USO, 24. 27 t H 4':l Total1
PhibTraPac Thumps USO I For 22
Pionee s Ton,,le With Azusa Five Sooclol lo EVININO TRIBUNE A Z t; SA University ot S n Diego meets Azusa Col- lege tomght after bowing to Blola, 71--69, la t night at Art la. Russ Cravens scorpd :5 points !or the Pioneers. I Summary; . USD ('9) BIOL" (71) GFPT GIIPT ~~~,n• 1 f ! ~~hv,~lio"n 1 l A Wlcol 7 3 5 11 JAnt;mry 2 3 5 7 c . Wical O 2 l l Soltzen J 1 1 7 g : ~":}f~trhrmn j J 1] ~lr~~l ft ; Gerbrndt 9 2 " 2 J '!'otr:1., ,11~:?4'9_ Totals 1,1,1011 Hal.t m~ .score E\1010 28, USO 27. f:nc. of rl!9ulot10"' p!ovln~ ti1T1e Blolo 57, USO !~·. End of fir,t overtlme-Blolo OJ, USO
I Cr d
To a,. Totals HaHf tM score PhlbtroPoc n 17 t 1S '3
Special t, Th• San Ditto Union AZUSA, Jan. 16 T Ii e University of San Diego es- tablished a new school basket- ball scoring ,record tonight it swamped Azusa Col- ]Jl-75, the loser's Fie ing and A rt Wi paced the winl'l<'rs with 23 and l oin ts, respective- ly. Bob Van Patenhoe potted ''O points !or thP losers. Pio- nPers •hit 47 per cent o! their S\lots. The old tea scori[lg rPc- ord was JOO set ai::ainst La Verne College in 1937 USD Cllt) AZUSA 175) GFPT GFPT Cravens S 2 A l2 Von P'hoe 14 2 2 JO Reed • 2 o 10 Lozano o J 1 3 A. Wicol 8 3 0 W Banks ll 6 3 H J. Wical O o o O llem 1 o 2 2 O'Neel -4 J -4 11 • Nel!on .s 6 2 16 Moines " 6 2 U roto 2 g 5 2 P'skl 6 o o 12 vieck o o o ~fJ~f~o 1 f 3 1 2~ Phllll~l;on ! \ \ ! Boron 7 2 1 16 Dunn o o o o Total!. 4'9 21 16 119 Totals 38 1S 16 75 Halftime score: uso 57, Azusa 37.
Pioneers Set For 2 Games
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