News Scrapbook 1959-1962
2* os .21n~rlr!.'l t:p1tr~ 5 WED., APR. 20, 1960-Part IV
San Diego Nin Lo~ola for 8th
xpected To Name ich Grid Coach
cept the job. He Is current- ly teaching buslnc s and law at the Long Be a ch school Hi. Ia t coaching a gn- ment was as an a s, tant on the , ew York Yanks' staff under R y Flah the old All- lean pro- fessional league in 1 · . Since then. he h been a cout !or the Detroit Lions and Wa. hlngton Red kin . Pecarovlch coached t" ice at Loyola (Jnlvcrsity in Lo~ Angele , 1927- and 1939-40. He ('oached at ti! a I m a mater. Go n z a a Uni\'er- sity, from 1931 through 1938. He also was an a EVENING TRIBUNE b8 SAN DIEc;Q, CALl~OIINJ,1 • WP.d., April 211, Hl611 )' USD Annexes 8 h in Row; MC D --.:.,Vt THE SAN DIEGO UNION \ 'ed .. Aprll" ,I o (1) bS SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA -- - USQ Wins 8th In Row 5H run . San Dir , • C journl'\ rd tn ()c~anRlclP J post 11. 1f2 vlr tory ovpr cPansldl'• arl had :JC" Wildre s on t'1r part of the lo !'rs' L!-roy ofhrgrr hi' walkr>d nml' aided thr Kn ,:hts 'lrP • USO OCO 103 360- 6 7 J LOYOia 000 000 001 t 6 4 Lor r o d Cox k tlon, Naso U,J onJ Imm prcd Son D tCIO JC 303 400 e 13 11 1 0 • t-Corl>b0d 000 11)0 OI- 2 6 2 woOd a d Aru ge, Nof1$1n er and R a o MC~D 010 002 21»-S f 0 Ung Beath OlO 020 000-4 s 1 Boo ~r. Hotte t.5) arid LI ter, Biel and 0Unc.Q'lo EVENING TRIBUNE b-7 Bob McCutcheon Eyed by Nee RAM basebal! coacr. at R a m o n a Ht h School, aid ye terd he being con ldered for th job of football coach at eedle~ }Ugh School Jim Alken re- cently re THE SAN D!EGO UNIOfl l USD Topples MCRD In 11 or 9th In Row . of I AN DIEGO UNION 21 Sat., , prll '!3, l9f.O SAH DIEGO, CALIFOIINIA a USD,DE MEET TODAY Tom Gode! rd \\ ill be on the m · nd today as th l nl 1ty of • n DI· " pts \o wm ts tra!gl>t b scball game agah tough a- 1 e Corp P.eC'rUlt De-po at B f ,eld. Garn ttmC' 1 at 2 p.m. fhe- Mar n hold the dge r. three ga e 11 1 1.yl'd thus far, ha g topp<'d the Pioneers, 2 0 and -3, ard lo irg. 14-3. odda d s re ord is flv 1ctor1 again t three lo. The Marine Cor;is Recruit Depot' Lew Watson slides home saf under tag of University of an Diego pitcher Tom Goddard EVENING T IWNE b Q SAN .OIEOO, C LtiORNJA '"Q Ion., April 25, 1961 y '------- SPORTS .. Peca rovich Gets San Diego U Job • DJ GO, April 25- r LoyoJ. niver. it Ioo L.ill coach Mike Pcca- Vich torlay became the new San . Dte o mentor, suc- ceeding Paul Platz 'ho re- signed to accept a job with the Escondido high scho0l district. Pecaro~ich tutored' th Lion teams in 1927-28 and also 1038-3!)-40. 11 e i cur- renlly a teacher ai SL An- thony's High in Long Beach. Times Los Angeles A.pril 26, 1960
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