News Scrapbook 1959-1962
hitect' eonception of athletic n to be con tructed at the Uni- an Diego ~ampus. Bi hop
Charle i. Buddy, pre. ident o! th uni\·er- ·ity, said that a 5,QOO.s at football stadium (lower right), athletic clubhou e, swjm-
min pool and oth will be built 011 a !il-acr e campus and north of Linda Vi t it
THE SAN DIEGO UNION I h11i-~•• I t>b. 1060 15 SAN 01 EGO CALIFORNIA a
Con t uct Stadium ,000, Clubho se
eveals Plans to Add Grid Stadium By IELZIKE.
t 1c LI da Vista Road Stadium work tarts next month. I· expected to co t In the nclghbo bood of halI-mtmon dolla , Dr. R ichard Luther c, in tal cd pre · de t of the Boo er Clu d, ''\ I' hot>c to ha, e the B r foot part of the b h ctlon oi the nr fac t Also anno The pro 0 ra
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