News Scrapbook 1959-1962


-San DINO Union """ l'IIO!O Campus at Alcala Park. Eight services In all were held in chapel on Easter,

Dr. Harry R. Wellman, vice the university. Behind 1rs. Roosevelt is Dr. Roger Revelle, director of the Uni- versity of California at La Jolla, and to




UNION ~/.)..~/lo 'GALLANT HOUR~'

nphier Feat pan dmiral


several sizes, each with its own swimming pool and children's play area.

project now being d veloped near 1he University of -----=---~-...:.-:.:.i.:;......--.:.......:'....._::::..............::._:::!:...:.:--=:.:.::.::=-~ San Diego. The project will comprise buildings of

Pt I

Unive sity Knolls Of ers Bay View Constructionltwo floors will be served by Co., an affiliate pf the Trave• elevators. Each gr o u p of Lodge Corp., . 15 developing bulldmgs will have its own one of San Diego's largest . . , apartment communitiPs, Uni- swimming pool and children s versity Knolls, the company play .area. has announced. Accommod~tions Told _The ap_artments o 11 e r a top overlooking Mission Val• wide variety of accommoda- ley and the Mission Bay area. tions, including three bed• University Knolls is a joint rooms with two baths two lventu~e of Trave½odge Con• bedrooms with two bath~ two struct1on, the Tr1co Corp., . ' and the Betz Corp. bedrooms with one bath, and June SO Date Set somecwith one each. The first 36 of an eventual All apartments will have 250 apartments are slated for views overlooking Mission completion about June 30. Bay and the university cam- Th~ co?lmunity will have 11 pus. Garage and s to r a g e sw1mmm~ pools and a mod- areas will be provide_d at the est shoppmg center- lower levels with off-street Some of the apartments parking ,avf\il,ble wi! be furnished for rentals, . . · . al ough the majority are . Constt uction is a combma• planned unfurnished, w I th t10n of cement block mason. only carpets and appliances ry ':nd fran_ie and stucco. ! installed. Arc_h1te~ture 1s c~ntemp~rary Cal!forma, !ncludmg private patio areas and balconies. 1s elude s e v e n two-story build- planned for completion by the ings, three buildings of three end of 1961. storl , three of six stories, -- and one eight-story structure topped by a penthouse. All buildings higher than TraveLodge It is adjacent to the Unlver. sity of San Diego on the hill- Penthouse Planned University Knolls will In• The entire p r o j e c t

l,tnr- t n t'1r l<'ad r \\




lhoma ) a old 1r Cor


ir hday · ew Movie

,/ rs

\etPran ol whom

l'lay, )I 11\·i+• Role

he \\orld ar :1 r to h al' m

t'1at µrecluded the use of pat achutes. . ·ot man~ months before. Adm. Yamamoto. the archi- tect of the Pearl Harbor at- tack who taught the world a battleship-versus-aircraft lesson in sinking the Brit- ish Prince of Wales and Re- pulse in the China Sea. had boasted that he would "dic- tate the terms of peace from the \Vhite House " Ya• mamolo had met an Ameri- can earlier and closf'~ than he had anticipated. The man who had trig- gered his death went on to rise in the aircraft and mis• silP industr). becoming a , ice presid!-'nt of Com air here. a post he resigned be• cau e he said he did not want hiS' criticism of Amer- ica's missile lag to be in- terpreted as the policy of his Pmployers. * * " The abo\·e e\·ent is one of the climactic scenes in "The Gallant Hours," t h e Cagney - Montgomery pro- duction released by United Artists, which will have a benefit premiere :>lay 17 at thP Fox '1" .eater. The Ben- efit, sponsored b) lhe Worn• er . AtL iliar) , will aid the l;m~ ersity of San Diego. Ticket, can he purchased at Thearle;, 'nion Title ( o. and ·tanle, Andrews n a Diego and the Val• P n c i a Hotel. Stephenson's .and the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club in the north shor area. The mo, ie filmed prin- c,pally at Camp PerdlPton and othe1 San Diexo Coun. t) pomts, te I of the de -. perate "eek folio\ ing the Solomon I·lard, mva,ion which Adm. \\"illtam F'. I BullJ Halse) 's command was able to stem and turn back the Japanese ad,·ance. James Cagney plays Adm. Halsey and Robert :\font- , gomery directed.

Ji t '1 e ,., een on t'le, L lnerable ~Ide. Lanphie1 swung and ex- c1tr-dl) tired too ~oon at the lead Zero Fortunately the Japanese aim al o wa. bad • ene relaxed by the ac- t10n, Lanphler's next burst of .50 raliber bullets tore a wmg off the enemy fighter and the other two Zeros Zipper! by ,. * • 1 n1nan1oto' ho1nbe,r ,\"a~ reaking to th<' landing trip at nearly tree-top le\"- 1 Lanph1e1 "t t ,rto a dive tt, t I"' judgect to be too !a,t, cut back his en- gi'1es and ~kidded o as not o \ e I sh o o t the fleeing bnmhcr. "he '\\o Z ro steered to tl'lPrce,it, apparently ,, ill- ing to accept a collision to top the American Lan- phier kept on, and fortu• nately the Zeros were un- aole to ram or intercept. When the bomber loomed large ahead of him, Lan- phiei• tirPd a long, steady burst across the bomber's flight path and almost im- mcd1ate1' flames burst from the r1ght engine and Pn- gtJfed the l'igh l ,, mg. With the 1\\0 7£ o, pur- uing hun and tating into t e tar! c nno of the crip- iled bomb<'r, it lookecl as if nphler w,. Id not !i,·e to !Pbrate hr v1cto1T. ,tPr c_ to double


Aoou ob. Is p, tty Llrida Danson. Shelwere read, nl'wspapers end- av'. portrl!S,S an American Re d l field representative es~ of dt'rk of a ship in the Brook• serving m the South Pacific. offlctal documents examined. 1 yn Na v Mon .,ornery makes his bow\Hundreds of people who had Yard, an ti ·n 'the dou le capacity of served u er Halsey were, watched an produr,..r and director for questioned. The result was old sea dog, 'The Gallant Hours," which n!\med Fleetlwas filmed !ndependently by more than twenty hours of ,Adm. William the Cagney-Montgomery Pro- taped intervie~, a garland of F. Halsey Jr. ductions Co., and is being re- viewi:; of Halsey the man and come up th e leased by United Artists. the sailor, culled from every- gangplank. If the birth of "The Gal- conceivable angle. mingJto completion was not. A year 1 portrait of one of the ,authen- aboard for the cutting of hi:; and a half was spent in an tic heroes of World War II cake. jexcrucia?ngly thorough doc-jwas put together and fash.- Whate\"er 1boughls Mont- umentat1on of material. Books ioned into a screenplay. gomery might; h11,ve h d at the sight of the gall old fighter to whom eviµ-rone on the crowded oeck. had ome to do homage, h$ ,k p him- 1 • hand hlmse f, stood on th C r o s scanned, volumes The occa i'i was the cele- !ant Hours" was swift and Out of ilie written material.' bration of Hal ey '15th 'Qirth- ,painless, its growth from idea and the spoken, the rounded. day, and he as ert Montgom~

self. But when the 1;¢.1. lira- tion was over, he ;made l»s way to the ncarC'st te,ell.l:i pe and put -in a ~all ti;i J4mesl • Cagney 1n ,Hollywoo~ "JimmJ," he said. ''lou're going to play Bull 1,$l! ," I "Great," saiie);'o aux- illary ·~ Gallaqt 'Hoµrs ' deals with tha ia,;itastic PJ.?tjqd of le s than ,five eel



Woly Family Y-- Band. Spo/~f "~ s . &tt#./J ily School Band Linda "\'.ist;a captured first place in the fifth annual San Diego Parochial Schools Battle .of Bands and music festival ) Jut Sunday in t-Mors Hall on be Alcaja Par campus. St. John of the Cross, Lemon Gro , won seCO!ld ,place, with St. Didacus flch9ol Band fin- ishing third. Nine ,.chool~ participated ln the Battle of Bands, 8lld 45 students were appraised on . olo performances.

The Unh College its fi,• .,,.,... test a 16, Park


Eight fl original ot11,tl"-"''"'''" for trophies- a.nd 100 sdl'Olar•• sbip prize. The ora.Ucms



CHEERL~G Th'FLL"~.N"CF.,-Linda Danson, playing !he part of an A!ll~ncan Red Cross representative, 1s the only femmme performer featured in "The Gallant Hours," the film story of Fleet Adm. Wil- liam F. Halsey, to be released by United Artists.

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