News Scrapbook 1959-1962



THE SAN DIEGO UNION 'Up' For Intra-City Duel ~:s,,::::.:i,~~i.,P 6 _ 5


quarterback Bill Young, a good r u n n e r with good quarterback sense ; linemen Frank Reed and Bradley Baer, and back Joe Mc- Kirahan .•. We expect real tough games with our re- maining opponents, El Ca- tan and Mt. Miguel were about equally tough for us." Tom Carter, c o a c h of once-beaten St. Augustine in the 13-6 loss to Lincoln ; they just whipped us . . . Now our problem is to re- bound a gainst Mission Bay (Thursday) and San Diego High... . Linemen Ron Cola, Al Oliver and John us ..• Comparing two of our past opponents : Craw- ford is better-balanced than any team we have played; jon and Helix . . . El Capi- '\likl' Pecarovich, Univer- si ty of San Diego, 25-6 Jos. er to San Francisco State- "Our pa s defense was okay but they ran on us, and we will have to work on our of• fense before meeting Cal Poly of Pomona next week- end ... San Francisco was very ag ive, and had us s couted well." teams just don't quit. Lewis and Clark was very well passe by our quarterback, Tom Maudlin, made the dif- fe rence. They weren't down here to see Disneyland ... coached: three touchdown when we needed them • . . After the game the general said "Lhank goodness you Maj S c o l t y Harris, MCRD, 22-20 out a g a i n Le victor over and Clark-' ·w e found these college th y make few errors, hl<>ck and tackle effectively. Li tea Pl,Q ba tr t>mendous ed but was hurt by , intermittent or 20 men." to In uric


the only one mi~sing

the Pepperdine 1,layers. We makes very few mistakes." oryell, whose Aztecs will view State as a team that Western game.

By HOW RD HAGt;N Cal We. tern players al- rrady are "up' ' and San D1Pgo State hopes to r l'acl).

Aztec Coach F ars USD Coryell Calls Saturday's Meeting 'Toughest Of Season' For State By HOWARD IIAC J<;N Coaches of the San Diego St t . Diego football teams which \\and Un_,versity of Sau day night in Aztl'c Bowl tradedc~omo\i the first time Satur- W<'f"kly ml"Pting of the Union-Trib P Qmcnts al Y<'Sterday's . coach Don Corye!JI un" uarlcrhack Club . .said this no doubt will be oui·

Pointing out the "gener- ous" natur e of his players, Coryell said one of them the Waves before a play that they had only 10 meen on the fireld. "you can be sure our quar- terback, Wayne Sevier, would have called an auto- matic into the vacancy if Col. Anthony Picardi of Iarlne Corps Recruit De- told of plans for the Leatherneck Bowl game in tadium Satur day arternoon between MCRD notified "And," Coryell added , po Balboa Ken 'l nynnrd, whose un- beaten Gros mont HI g h "I want to credi Sam Muscolino for much of finest team I've ever had. 210 and 215 and they can years ·tor this team , which has a i:;uperior attitude . • . our success . . It's the Up front e weigh between team has won . raight coach and Pensacola.

into said

4-2-1 record rid meeting of the


u: t


th · t menta l cond ltton fore their Int ra -city I battle in 1.tec Bo day ni •ht. 'l'ho~e wen • rival coaches, Cal Wr. tern a"- ·-=



"we re



Becau r of the shape of the ball and b cau e football is an !'motion I game, thi ng can happen WP our play rs get 'up'iJJorr. .i.i;irt 1:, Cal We tern dro 20-12 verdict to Clare ha s won one, lost seven. Coryell !Said film Prppcrdine game show line• men Warren Simmons, 3oe Gibbs. Dave Stenson and Ran ct y Chaffin delivered good games, and, of course ar on and Cooks also had of the " We'll probably move Chaffin up to first Iring," s a i d Coryell, He everal games be- of a knee injury . aid his injured F,n quez, Pat Roberts and r a Pr. ties, all first-string- but Enriquez may be tack! nussed cau Coryell Mudd last Sa 'tday and n v good nights.

they hadn't illed it in time." H!gh- "We had no excuses

ell of State, g Tdbunc Quar w kly mret noon at Tow


Hote l.

Other coaches' comm~nti; : Nettles are outstanding for

toughrst gamf' of the Sl"ason . Our scouts, Tom Bass and Jim ErkenbC'ck, saw USO at Cal P o I Y or Pomona Jasl ~eckend and reported usn•s lmc> may give us more trouble than !<'1·eisno's " M i k e Pccarovlch, whose USO club lost to Cal Poly by 41 ·2, largely because o! Poly's a: r I a I bombardmPnl, said h Al Lewis of Cal Wes- iJIL•ubuuild me Statp can be 01;1 just need eight l'l_ty good joh against th <'l r l'Ushmg but couldn't slop their ~fl.rowing. Our mPn were in position but couldn't handle lh<>1r r<'ceivt"rs. . .. We We're 10 minutes late coming out fo r th e 8 "<'onrl half, so 1 told the Irc>f it look us 23 minutrs to I talk out· men into coinin back onto the firld " g Cor~ell again praisC'd his a 1. ternatmg quarterbacks Wa S . , ync evwr _and Larry Korsm <>ier for th<>ir paissing in the 51-34 conqupst of Cal Western. Each completed four o! five aPrials for a total of 270 yards, which lied the Aztec record . Wh~n Cal Western came up with a couple of touch- downs," Coryell added "I asked one of our players :.Vhat was the _matter out there. And he . replied 'you should sec then· eyes. They 'r e bigger I than th ir hPads.' Cal Wes- tern was fired up, all right." Coryell sard hi men "must play their best "11l11 " 10 gPt / past USD. Archie. M o o r c he light heavyweight b O x I n g cham- pion, was a gue t at th e w e e k I Y luncheoJJ eeting , !me and six in the h, who can lakP a with the bt"s! 0£ aft • !)C'akers, said "we . r did_ held at Town and Country Hotel. Jack Mµrphy, sports I ?d1tor of The an Diet::"o Un- ion, was toastmaster. Moore said his next op- p 0 • n e n t, Canadian heavy-1 weight champion Bob Cler- o_ux, "looked like a good fighter " when Moor... saw him on a card two years ago 1 "_And h<>'s come along weJi since then ," Moore added. M O o r e and Cleroux will clash Dec. 5 in Montreal Coaches ' .comments: · ., Al Lewis, Cal W e s t e,. 11 _ We knew State's speed on deep passes would hur u a nd · it did . Our ctefer1s~ a%amst their running wa all ! right, however .. . . Our team (Continued on b-7, Col, l)

w a t t ha n an"•hollllv •r h.-r n perrl . They

Ji t Included fullback Hank move We' e worked three





t I/18 k,




ztec Gridde



PART OF TOUGH LJSD FORWARD" w A'i."i'o" Phofo Gray Elhott, left a ,·z..u,-11,mnd sen ·t ior guard, and Ton;, Procopio, a 21~ ~ers'. Y of San Diego Saturday night pound lll?ior tackle, ar expected to t Azt~c Bowl when the Toz:eros face see considerable action for the Uni- i3:11 Di~g~ State for the first time. ---------:..:.::..::..:.:.....:.::_:::.:::......::;'..:.'.:'.::...._:21~0::c~op10 is expected 1o be a starter.

ed out P tlles pl, ycd no

n 011' o Stati' gained the Len ·e anrt Kern Carson ver)

"city srrles" little on defPnse. They are our ends in Terr} Greeson . e ondary men aga1nst Uvaldo Martinez

in it

!Ir t Ir

· turd y night, conqu r- best


. aid "we were dis-

in a pa~ e ."

mg Cal We tern, 5-1-34,


g 1me that _Coryl'll said he ,\as happy appointed they burned us for point record for .Aztec Bowl. with )/!endl'z' 46-yard t,,ouch. 20 points in the first quarter, t State'. total-

1.t cs, now '5-2-1 !or down burst, Thi' Aztec hall- but after that it was even in Halfbark Ben Lrtt was our \\11! re u m e hack has b!'rn bothered mo t . coring. Tako> away the :\1en- star; he got the first downs


""" on


dez run and they gained only eight yards rushing in the sec-


c·tlon tn th

ro s-town

:~i~r Bowl .

STATISTICS stat• wost

Saturda) night in thl•

ren l•r t,

~~:J, d, 0 u';::ln, gif;:'1}~~;:::: ;~~:Jt1ts

,l: 1 :i j'!;


,ig 1 ij i-il

ond half.




c~~~~i~e~ii::d a nd '"' too much for our defense: 1 though we had warned them

\\i:~e ;,~:: ~!~;.~;nA: ~i:g::


1 p

0 , was a

, lrwl!d h. 7 ,. 0


as two

ensaco a,

riva •

h,1 ti between thr "home run" Panu m1orc1ot1d by


1 t three games by points or Jess, so they're really better than their 5.,1

d.d 't I n


t ·t 1







rea ize


nd th" lighter, .·crap.


a "'

· ~tf'rners, or the season hy a lame kn!'<' how fa t th e Aztec backs real-

grincl-1l out t yrd in

p}, who

recor d."

like ly \\ere. But it was a fml' thP ~ame an? ~~·e hope

the light on h11t Coryell said "ii look.


to play '-:-:--------



ready at

ltn•· p, sing by qunrterback he'

late again.

l'SD an

,Jim ltornh

14-.M 14-34 (Se-,

I 6

12 14


~~",1~,n ao•••

spNI Into a 20-0 crult DeptJt iarnl' period but Wr. ·tnn roach rir~

ilec n lhP



from Sevier

a v., k

IL w1s

rro'"":t '~•~ 1 "c/''~~bs

re-wisp, the proud of his "team elfort ' wes1et"'il 11ncl agre d quarterback Hom run).

werr. held ever., rrst of thf' wa · Wr. tl'rn ran 6 0 m W ha



orsme er, 1

un failodl.


d a goo mg t. Hombs hit WH!ern--M rdOCk, 2, run (PG5S failodl. h

h d . urprl:ingly, a

?,f;/• 1 es, 61 so f/:"d"'


.... ''""' Sevier (run

play• to 36 14 of 26 pa•.ses for t86 yard·; 10

r wa.

tom· !or five and

, . ::,ev

for St II'

but th<>re's an

planatlon. Thr.-e of Stair's 130, and Korsm.-1er was four light touehdowns were on Jong for live for 140.

O..-Sev .,., 1s~~ 00 runJ.

yard , pass r r O m

J csse :\-1urdo<'k was We. t- ,1o~~~':.'n"t~i.Jtmb • 55 , ..,, lnterceo-


r~'.""oo,!J,fr~~- 1 ~~bs1:




Wayne ev1l'r to rnd Kcal Pat- ern's main Iles, 46 yard , off.tackle romp


\ ndn and 62




ry Kor~meier


r t rn It had short early yardage and two touchdown drives. 1;i a <' , consumed a to- I y , ach D on Coryel hi quarterback , Se• Kor ml'ier, w inghark

~Jo/"! ster er Eye ft rWin C:..I 'le tern's f o o t b a I 1 forces snapped their ix-game lo ing ~freak :aturj:]ay night b), bl_ankirg University of Cal- ifornia at Riverside, 10-0, and took dead aim at l 1 r ivcr ity of San Diego. The We terners a nd Tore. ro · clash Thursday mornmg at 11 a m m the season i ,nale for both teams in what \\iU be the first meeting of the two San Diego schools. Western, looking much im- proved against San Diego tatc a week ago despite Jos- ng threw up a tough uef!'nse I ,:ain t Ri\ ers ide and also ex-. ibitcd its best ground offense f the ~ea~o . It was a long p ho\\. vcr. the Westen 1is a\o ite h e ane s only touchdown in the third period . Jim H o m b s a. ed to halfback J essP :\1ur- o k on a 66-ya rd cormg play D o o t- o CW-Jesse Murdock. 66 POSS from Jim I ombs < Love ick J. apon that produced Cal Western o 3 7 0-10 R~~~rr~ d(ove, a FG * • • STATISTICS F,rst litushlng yardage P c.sting Yardo9e Passes lost Yards Penalized . Passes P1J11ts Fumble,s ottcmpfeef lnferc@ted .. ,. cw 11 173 98 5-25 l 1.37.5 1 30 UCR B 17 1D6 • 8-27 1 9·33.3 2 JO

Coo and guard Sparky Bi. h• op, hut withh!'ld further ac- colad

Aft Gain loss Net AYt., 5 21 5 16 3 2 2 18 0 18 9.0 1 0 2 •2 •2.0 3 .ta· 1 4/ 15.0 13 6' 3 61 ,.1 2 8 0 8 • .OI Att Gain Lou Net Ave. 1451 6 45 3.1 I 29 13 16 10 .C 16 0 16 4.0 i3 a'~! U, 3 12 0 12 ,.o 4 ll 0 13 3.1 1 1 3 · 5 AU Comp Int. Yds , 5 4 0 130 5 4 I 140 Att ~:"'fc In~ ~j?

Sevier Cooks

Ftrond Mende.i Car.son Korsmeler WHltrn Murdec~ J. Homb1 Bartlett G 1--1 mbs Borr f trob, Navorro Mas

( ill'lle!ll is young with only sl . seniors, jton. -mi te~ Taylor wh h and 31 pla_yed against State. a 10.6 ave-rage, and end~ Bf!~ By s c o r I n g 34 points we R a u t h and Ned Downham. , showed we can play this type !i, -ct' Berry is an accurate, of ball and h . ai th rower, and probably the Stat . ope to contmue.30 per cent of his passes have . e series. · · · We con- Ibeen on target b t d s1dered the Aztecs 0ur tough- Even so he h u ropped . t est learn to date, with Whit- out of 77' for 52~sy:~mdsP,;ted 26 1er next •· . · . · . _Dirk Gorrie, unbeaten Helix C Ma,J . Scotty Hal'1'1s, Marine High, 56-21 victor over El orp_s Recruit Depot, 21-15 Capitan- ''We have been de- lose1 lo Pensa la- "Though fense-minded and were sur- ~c . lost, Navy Relif'f and the prised to get 56 points against mted .Fund wer,, big win-. EI Capitan. Our team was ners with about .10,000 paid slol;Ved by early . season in. and 24,000 al thP ga . . . . .1ur1P • hut finally jelled with 0 :~ey found weaktc::j, ·es in a. lE'am f 0rt last . Friday . .· secondary, . becau r in. jmghl. . . Subs came throu h .1u11es are ca tchmg up to us for us in early es gh and exploited it. For instanc~: j as Art Whaiing', who ;;;~~~d ':'" had B~n Lett, who tand bree touchdowns in one con- •J·7, covering 6-4 _rec:ivers on 1 est.... Quarterback George passes on certain situations. Engle, a college prospect is · · · Joe Tranchini of Pensa- /our best all . round la ' r ~olakwas an excellent quarter- George Sherrod has co~e r;t~ ac · • • • It hurt us when we ,his own, and another ua ~~~bfhe_ ball five times on terback, Tom Van Dyke,\s: just f:~t t1 guess our men strong thrower.... Our Bill Th . e pressure. . . · 1 Burnett, who can get by on es eir rollouts and s_wing pass- college teams with his kicking a so worked agamst us." alone, did eight . for . eight . Gene Edwards, La Jolla against EI Capitan and has High, 26-7 winner over Poin t I scored 33 points this season Loma and beaten only once on field goals and extra this year "Our top men havr points. . . . We select our been backs Dan Berry, who quarterbacks from freshmen has run and passed for 1,074 on their IQ's, and find it has 1 'Yards, passed for seven pa1? otC in plat -calling. .. touchdowns and scoi'ed seven We II need our 'b game to/ hn~self;~Ken Liberty, who ha. •get past Crossmon in the big g_amed ;ill yards and :cored one this week.", six touchdown~. Dave Boyn. 1



l U No. Ydt. TO 3 102 2 I 21 0 I 17 0 1 16 0 , 101 'I No. Yds. TO 6 56 0 ? f! gr 1 2~ 01 , 3 41 0 I 6 0 l

AIR AR:\I POISED - Nelson Murphy will start at quarterback for University of San Diego Saturday as the Toreros hope to vary attack with passing

Sevier, Korsmeier Eye Sky As Possible Route Past USD Coach Don Coryell isn't

last week. It was the first time this year the Aztecs used their air arm with any great success. The reros have been bu ed b I y by strong pa Ing t this year. ryi>ll has respect for SD line. If the Aztecs they might try going over it with their newly found airlift. Return of tailback Mario Mendez to what appears to ca_ ' go through it,

be his old form will bolster the Aztec ground attack. Fullback H a n k Enriquez probably won't see action because of a knee Injury and guard Jack Thomerson, 210, also is out for the To- rero gam . End Neal Petties should be completely recovered from his bruised shoulder after seeing only part-time duty against Cal Western. - P.C.

revealing his strategy, but quarterbacks Wayne Sevier and Larry Korsmeier may be arm-weary after Satur- day night's intracity rivalry between San Diego Stat College and University of San Die~o. Which is another way o saying the Aztecs may take full advantage of the To- reros' weakness- pass de- fense and throw th foot- ball. Sevier a n d K frneier threw a total of 1~ jJ ses and completed eight for 270 yards against Cal Western


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