News Scrapbook 1959-1962
n 1J)ityo 1lni n
ztecs Hot Aft r Title
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As Race
Page a- 17
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• Gri 1r n Riva ry Tonig
, that has 1-ulned State'.· two latest rivals, P!'pperdine and Cal Western The Aztecs will carry a 5-2-1 record into the ntra- eity battle while the Tor!'- ros are 2-6 for a schedule lightly tougher than State's date Ialfbl\ek 1\lendez. slowed of the season .by a knee. p r o v e d he·s J t week v.,ith
By HOWARD HAGEN San Diego State and Uni- versity of San Diego launch their Jong-awaited rlootball rivalry at Aztec Bowl to- night at 8 with the well,bal- th op ents, Pepperdme and Lo g Beach State, are almost I identical from e scoring . tandpoint, the Aztec rate an edge on the running of backs Kern Carson, . !arlo Mendez and Wayne Sevier and a ~tirririg aerial attack again tw comm
Rounding out the AzteC' attack, Sevier is a fine pitch- k,,ep quarterback and with Larry Korsm<'ier makes up a potent throwing r.:ombina, tion. Sevier has conri ct<'d on 12 of 2:l pas~<· , Kors- meier on 31 of 66. Their main rN·eh Prs ar,, wingback EldridgP Cooks, who has developed into a strong deep-pass thrPat, and acr end Neal PC'tti , one of the rro t feared mPn in tate's lineup. Each team has played eight gam!'s, lftld Stat.: has gained 2,5 ards to 1,594 for the Tore USD, primarily a running
team, is Jed by haC'k OPSantis and Joe Gra , both of whom havP 4.3-)ard av. Jim
ing and spr<'ad. Annual the A7.te units pa t ht!ld in Cl
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?.llkr Gurrola, Ray
Jim G hr'i<'I
Guy Selleck,
a'ld Jim O'Leary ar nwn in lhf' Torer-o line, who will bl! hanging a g a i n t top
Tororos WJi?~~:/ ~136 Pr0<.0010 c',8Y'J~~ !elleck (\~'gJ>~~~~~; cmfo,, santts (l 17201 (l90I 11 1 90 1110 JmG~~•n
A1tecs /;t;:,1/~~ \1W,
outs ta nding line• t e rusres of Son Diego Stole the Aztecs in on 8 p.m. encoun• ry was on oil-Independent pick
inclu ing f Jt ml} • fi
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State's Wai·ren
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\ alt Sevi,/c\~ 1
~haffln, David Cubie . Sparky Rr.,;hop, Gibbs ancf Jo M ek,• Linc Wf'ights 81 e about C\ ('fl Beside~ his Usual 'f-forma I:ay .Joe>
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al.·o prepaml 8 double- hot- gun attack "';1t h baeks pass-
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AT QB MEETING Kearny' Payoff Birt • I trr coach of l'rarny 1!1gh football t am t , th Friday mght playoff _gamr . I tN' Konwts. champiorl
s t
ol thr Wrstern Leagur, and Jolla game. which we won by M, tro repre entnt1v Sweet- turning two inten:eptions into \\ ater will cla h in a class AA touchdo1,1 ns, wa the turning first round m o th!' Swel't• point in our '" .. Big water f1dd. fa<'tor. · In the e of the "Fn t or all ·;atcr told team \\Crc quart back Lany the w kl mcctm of h 'hcparcl, end Wittler, Union 'fnbune Quarterback win baC'k Richa e, tack- Club at T ¾n nrl Country le Mano Ramo linemen Hotel "the pla}oU 1te wa Harold Bridges Charlie c,t b' fore the season o en d. Cowart W about a fin this c-a e th .!\lctro tram oy a week fu, •..,..,..ous rra- 1 wa de ignated h t J. I be- on e C-aver-1 1ev 1t hould be don by a a •e re . o letcs. I be• :fll11 of a coin after th l'Om- l this C:average rule pcting team are decided should be renewed . . . I ''M ybe a coach won't be think _vernu. Rags?ale of ~in- . bi •k at the same school the coin 1s the county s top high
STEADY Pat Rob rts all CCAA guor ct• ed to pace Son Diego Stat ts I tra•c:lty motch with Unlve11 ty of Son Diego Sol• urdoy n ght at Aztec: Bowl. Roberts gained first teom all-Independent honors lost aeoson. tee:
\\ estel't;l at B . Tha~. ;;hou d be " Al Lewi·. wJ,o e ern club blank:cl Pecaio\ 1ch s pie one. 10-0 _la~.t ,Satmd
1o)~a.... 1ng )Car so om p~ay at homo m orf . Al o. it wlll co 1 nm of tu
c-hool back."
oth r
the play. high school coarhes on hand 1 Slater waq one of th re e l us mon, for the nrxt-to-last QB club I the_ ,ear. Gene l 1 i~ Gregston, cxeeut1ve sports ed- 1 npaclty league gets to
to play at :weetwater. meeting of
1,800; it would be hPtll'r to !tor of the Evening Tribune, 1 ti~?t_battle T=u.,~,. ,lay 1 t 011 a fie d that seats wa.· toastmaster. "~. \\_er
, up _ tor and \\ ~. 11
ooo or R ooo d ' ta 1um
Herb ;l.lcyrr of Oceanside i (('ontinurd on h-6. C'ol. i)
,, in Bal-
be fired up for this on!', too. :\larlne coach '.llaj Harris said his team "played Idaho State, !:8-6 Idaho State had been ranked mnth among Scotty a fine game" in downing
Warren Simmon·, one of San Di- ego State's outstanding linemen, will open at center for the Aztecs tonight when they faee the Toreros.
r o I )ed
l ha I'' :id ha own tad u at Ba lb and La Jolla fie! -ia er pr Len , mort before club 5 m a J l-colleg bowing to the Leatherneck · here last Saturday uc Ing a HI o commente • (Continued) e team comp.led a d wa co-cham- A\ ocado League. le e"ld Jack Wald- e 0 o thP!r against Depot up as a He a nii:g of l\ endez in tiw 42-12 conque t o l.'ni\'ersity of San D i e g o but added. "Don't O\erlook our line play It wa · the e,t of the year from the stanq!JOints of block- ing a d ense, even better than Fresno. We played a I am not ust one or h\o ters Coryell complimented L'SD playe for good rtsman- hip and commented "more ol them over to ton- gra tula te u. al! the rest of our opponents put together this year." -
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