News Scrapbook 1959-1962

0 .)_/,~o 5 {i~ Attorney En1oys Return to 'Practic

At Cniversitv

,, and ' om~ out' a 1iarly to gi:eat uniVe · After btvi,g the Univerintv o! California In l 918 with an AJl. '[), ,·,e in .Journali ·m, , m th he!~,! pio n<'P.r MarlnP. llV1at1 on w1•h 19 month ~ervice •n World WRr I, He returned •o L" Mesi\ 1o



fathrr and


publish with

h!'OthPr fn11r weeklv new~pa• pera, the firsl chain or we~kly n•wapapns In R•n Di Pg o Count\" Youngest Named ln 1927, h• WM nFtmerl St111, jO Printer of f'Ahfornia. Then 32, off(;,. he was the youngest ever ye,i 1 named to that office.

,J nuAr · 1 It WA~ while in S11cramento, trtal d P that the law gained the upper ;Dl riHg hand. He studied law at night At University KAttorney Enioys

Ash Wednesda Left to right are Terrance Van Orshoven, he Rev. John Quinn, and John Harmon. Special weekday and evening masses and services are scheduled throughout Lent. services t

IlARRY LANmm.:; Ji'"li(l-"l A~ ,Toe l 1 "oss

C'AIU.KfO!V ~OUNG )l('nds Carlson's Hahl"r"

Play~ (l('n, Ynn

'GALLANT HOURS' Unknown Legions s-}Jt~°u~ ,J.:~_gen d s The ~an Dieg-o Union':- 'l'ht>ater 'Wrltrr During the early 1940s,


ttc10~ amed Saint Cage Coac~ Tom F 1o o d, a graduate of Santa Clara University, will t s over aa head basketball coach at St Augustin HI i;: h School !or the fall term, Very Rev. John R. Aheme, OSA. school ptinctpa' said 1oday In announcing coaching' appolnt- mPnts Joe Galindo, wh Mached II:• Salnl3 cagpn, thl11 year, will bP- come the asst.slant foot b a 11 coach to work with Tom Carter Gallndo replace, Len Smorin as he grid aid. Flood joined the t. Augustine faculty lut !all as an English Instructor Two additions to the faculty and coaching 11ta.ff also were announced by Father Aheme Dallas Evans, former Sa.n Diego State College and San Diego High School football and track performer will join the St. Augustine staff as an as- 11is !ball n 1ck Shea, a 1959 graduate of the Universit,• or San Dte,::-o ' curr~ntlv worklng for t'1~ C' t P&rk and RecrMtlon Depart• ment hu been sign~d for the fall term and \\111 assist with junior ,·al't!lty buketball re B Engl Mnt e ~udents Elect "'f-. Jan Chapman J Chapman, a 24-:year-old history maJor a.nd star quarter- back, was elected president of the Associated Students at the University of San Diego's Col- lege for Men- Chapman Is the seconil Pro- testant to be. etu(lent president of the five-year-old college, He ans!erred to USD from his h::>111etown Arkat1~8.l! CjlY \Kan- sas) Junior College ln,:;J,95 Chapman, ,·so s first-string quarterback In 958 and 19:l9, is a '

US[) r,Ni~e ~ ,, F:!::!. F,'.~,~!~,,-1 v~ralt ,t 8 n n ego bueball t m traHl Sahu 11

Return to 'Practice' (ContlnuNI. from Pare 1) .And now he :njoy1 the teach• service laws. He 5upervlaed the Ing role again. He previolll!IY promulgation of the first set of taught at the Unlveralty o! rules !or the San Diego Oo~y CallfQrI\I& :Extelll!lon and In tlle county adult evening school Civil Service Comml6lllon. He !Lleo wu legal .adviser to program. High Praise all county departments and county public schools. 1s:ooos~;~r He hiµ! high pra.iaa for the law students at the university. "The 1tudents, I find, are ex- ceptionally well prepared in dally assignments," he said. "The studenllJ appear to know where they want to go and have acquired a determ!natlon to get there.

pens tJSD rid Drills coach

the time of the story. Now a resi~nt of La Jolla, he is portr:iyC'd by ,John Brennan. Joe Fos~. the first man to h1 cak Eddie Rickenbacker's World War I record of 25 enem~' plane.<; hot down and \\ '.10 later became the gov- <'rnor o! S,,uth Dal,ota, is plnyC'd by Harry Land0rs. Among 1he tllp bras~ ap- P adng in "T allant Hours" are Adm Ghormlt Y (Carl B<'nton R d ; M • Gen. Roy S. G , mar <' a\' :ition comman <'r of the ,·elPhrated 'Cactus Air Force" (Rob" rt Burton); laj r.0n. M Harmon, A'"m • Air C'orps mmandcr on Guadak n 1Jol'n Ze- remba); CoJ E\an Carlson of Carlsor' Haldrrs fame •Carleton v o t n g) ; R<'ar Adm. Kell Tut and Adm. Chester Nimit~. Adm. 1 a d Adm. • <'agn and fl bt'rt Mont• gomeiy, -tltr<' tor and pro· dueer o 'ThC' Ga 11 an t Hours, v.1 I a tend he pre- miC're '.th y will bP In W ington lay :3 !or the wotld 1 r Mt •re sponsored by the a\ y League and will show f Im clips !\111.y 15 on th<' Ed ·, llivan televi• !'ion ow clor !lying to the p~emlere rickets ar<' av ilable at Th rle's. l"ruon Tille Co. and . tanley Anc'rcw's in San Diego and Stcpherson' · I a Valenda Hotel and La Jolla Beach and Tenni~ CIL•b In the north shore area.


the American public b<'came conscious of new nam s .n the news, those of career military men ard som" ei vilians pressed in o crvic They were ma i r: heroic stand in th r lo~on Islands to stem t Japa~ se advance toward A 1 ralia and "·ew Zea'an These names, th ugh the years, have takl'n on thP aura of legend For tli.e fits time in the new motJOn pie ture, "The Gallant Hour ,'' roam· of thrs<' mrn are brou.ght to the scre<'n ~o th(' public ma) .C'e how thC')' looked and act d during th~ hectic davs -.,;h America was hard-pres d t p,o\e it still was a world power. * * * "The Ga 11 ant Hours," which will ha \ e a West Coast premiere May Ii a1 the Fox Theater as a bcme• fit for the Univ!'r,-ity of San Diego sponsored b) the Women's Auxilian, tells the story of Fleet Adm. William F. (Bull) Halse~· who Jed the c_-ount -attack agamst the JapancSl' Halsey will be i,ortrayed by James Cagney and his principal adv ,:sary. '\dm. Isokuru Yamamoto, chief of the Imperial JapanPse Na\'y, will be played by James T. Goto. William Schallert is as Thoma~ G. Lanphier, the young Army Air Corps lieutenant shot down Yamamoto's r nC' D"nni Weavrr pla}:; a conposi charac er rlra n from . CJ • era! of Ha sc, · a,dcs. Promt'len• n o comm 'ld<'r of the m<1.rincs on Guadalcanal, pl;!:',C'd bv Raymond Balley. Richard Carlyle ha~ a ipn rr ro)!' as Re,·. FredC'ricl . Gehring, the Nayy chaplain "ho be· c-ame famous as the 'Padre of Gua-!alcar~I" and •at<'r rereivcd a Lc~ion of Merit * * * life peopl1> por Gallant Hoi;rs GC'n. A. A.



t h• t•nJVtr,,lty of

bal drills San Dlf'go


•Ith a ch!Llk

hut Friday night and then •t 20 varsity prosprrt In douhl•- sf'ASlon worf!out• lut week nd. Pecarovlcb, who topk over tollowing the reslg'l11 tlon of hf'ad coach Paul Platz. an- nounced that spring drill!! would end within the 20-day practice period allowed by the NCAA. He said tha.t the drilla would end before the atart of final exam at the College for :Men, May 2:5. commuting be- tween San Diego and St An thony (Long Bear.h) High School, where he teaches Eng- lish and aenior law, said he { would coat h the Fr1day, Sat - day and Sunday srssions He will coach on a full-tim" basis next fall. LiJle coach anrt ath- leti~ coordll)ator Bob Sexton a.nd Platz;, whose contra.ct rx- plres July 31, ill handle the weekdjly practice .!ezslone. The weekdays workouts, held at the San Dieco arlne Corps Recruit Depot, be In at 2:30 p.m. Double ses ans on Satur- day and Sunda • begin at 11 a.m. and 4 pm. Pecarovic,h said Uint t D would cha.Jtgi, I oftrns next season ! r om the conv nt anal T-!ormation tn a odif d singl,--wfn f" matlorr TSD op eratetl rr n a ~rl1 -T n ms, and 19a8 d op rat~d ft'om slot-T formation IMt all Peca.rovich,

Is Presented To University A ~5.000 gr11n was pre- sented to th• Un1vefsity of San Diogo·~ Cnll~g• for Men last wee h th CIT Foun- dation. /I rhantable arm or thP r-rT Fl~anrlal Corpo- rabnn The p esPntation "as made to the Mo•t ReverPnd Bishop hv Howo.rd P. Preish, district n~anai:er of lJn,vet'sal CTT Credit Corpornt.ion, anothn 2nhAld1ar o! C-l..T. Flnanrial C<' poratJor. ,·on gra.nt WA.~ thAt an P/Jllltl amount be ra ed frnm loc•l sources t.n match It His E1eiation in Febru- ar~•. 1959. The Rev•rf'nd Bishop ooJd that the granl would "Rid our effort to pl'Ovide a r ll•ge education for the

"I am veey haPl>Y. with the group, and I find lt an .e¥treme pleasure to ea h them," he said. Smith and ,!\Is wife, Bernice, live at 8001 Prospect Way, La Mesa. They ha II me son, Dr. Carroll H. Smith, J,:,, patho- logist practidlng- ln Pre1'4Ue Isle, Mdtne. They also have three grandchildren. )5.. C S.CRos_s .su.~'rX onvent,onffe ro At Alcala Park


yo11lh of lhis area, irrespec- tive of rreea, ,·olor, and even fi ,rncial ability" • • • <.

William F. Halsry Ill, son of the admiral was an cn-1

in the South Pacific at Y,

;z.. Knights Arrange Third Annual Event

successful f1~• tw1J festl\•als. And the Colle e for )fen's library will. be the l:leneficiary as 1t is one of the main pro- ject~ ot the Kmghts. First ~,re wm 'be .a Mass in Ttie Imma 1'.~ on ihe cam- pus at 11 a.

howr After that rfght, Al tertainme t and Eri< 8:30 p f)1. i..91.,-,a find eJ\te for the chtl

lum~ • And thrll<- m,omh

!ilmillni: their RJ • )lrO\ al 1tre Rf'v. Wllllam S1ialn. P~lf'c•ulht> ,·1<-e jlrf'~ldPnt or jhf' Coll~J:"' ror ~ten. ]pf!, :rnd Yn, R.,, R11 ~II Wlbon, pre~ident ol the Colleie for ~1eu, aecond from right.

GRA"-T PRF.SJ-:. 'TED-The Jost RHerenrl B1,l1op I• ,hmm acr.eptlng a $11,000 grant for th11 l'nhe,-fty of SRn ntei:o from the CIT "Foundation. !\faking th" rre•ent,.tton I• Hou-•r,t r. l'relah, dlatrlct ma11a1el' of Lah ersal CIT Credit Corporation.

for children.

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