News Scrapbook 1959-1962
D fiVe Runs Victor kein To 4 I I It-/.,, . . Un eri6ty t 1111 Diego s ba k •tb II r m, which O11,•f" thi o 1 , n \ f'l' a month with01 t \ gii'.me, sud- 1, nl hort,, itrm !out· roil<'G<
HartogDr ma s Performance Excitingffi
HOSTESS-Mu, Earl Lindburg (!&fl) ncenll1 hostessed memb rs el , nclud ng Mn. John T. Schall (center) and Mr • Clifford L Sutton, to for Jh• Uninn1ty of San Diego Auxiliary election luncheon o be bald
d 1cu1 pla
Jan. 17, at the La Jolla Country Club.
USDAuxiliary. To Hold Annual Election Eve
;<.~ SD Ql int
- an o·evo un on stall Photo. R< fieor m1 n rm•sicnl review of t11c> t 'niversily of San /)ipgo Auxilmry's oclivilif' [or Ilic pa I year are Irs. l3errwrd P. CunninnTwm, left, nnJ Mrs. 1 homos \V. Keelin. Tlie rn·1 ·.-al pre enlnlion ll ill lie included in tfi" prowam {or tfw lunc.Tieon meeti•1u to l1e Ticld Tuesduv. USD AU 'IIJARY. #/u ../4~ cpo t TU s To • l IC
DEAR SANTA Christmas Eve Wishes Listed 1%R~!~j5~~~s At lhe risk of being labeled a conformist, I'm going to stick to the script this Chnstma f;ve. l rc•allz,, that anything other t an •·Merry Christmas, Happy NPW YPar!" will ha,·e an alien sound and the ~ubject of sports will be about as popular around the
G F PT l 2 5 10 A" 5 12 8 5 1< 0 Z 4 2 5 4' 2 1,
tonight as disbe-
lievers in Santa Claus. Confoi-mity r u n s in my f a m i l y anyway. The six- year-old boy lost his t w o front teeth. The nine-year. old girl wants a doll, which will be her 33rd, i! I haven't Jost <'Ount. And the wite said don't buy her anything, whi!'h translated means the sky's the limit. And I'm like that I i t t I e verRe: humble, cowed and thoroughly meek - as 11 monUJti' savings arc blown in one week. By way ol greetings, I have these wishes for these people: Barron Hilton, a H a p p y
llicers installed By USD Auxi iary
f CC
GEXE GREGSTON' New Year in San Diego.
ins, 64-5 ~Y.~14,~B 1~
Ducks Unlimited-ducks unlimited. John Wayne an empty box (for the guy everything/.
Gr·d P c Loom San Diego State and Cal Redlands fart, Qorps Re- Western University probably cru!t De,pot and Pepperd1ne. will sign a one-year contract ThPre also are reports that today for a footb:i.11 game next Cal Western and l: D will season. clash In football nr.xt eason, It would be the first grid m a k i n g lt a round-robinl meeting of the two San Diego 1 among the three San Diego schools although their track colleges. t eams have competed against Though ~ov. 11 has been each other. mentioned as the likely date ! Al Olsen. State's new ath- for the. Aztec-Weste~n game letic director, confirmed last an earlier date hasn t b e e n 1 night that he has been con- ruled out.
who has
Jlmmir Ri-e!>e-a season as i,uccessful as the last two wr<'ko; of the 1960 Parlflc Coast League race. Gene Autry-some "horses" like Champion for the Angels' ro, ter. Another Waterfield Wanted for Ram Coach .Tom Lanphier Jr.-a smashing success in the San D1<>go OpC'n as a personal memorial to your efforts here on behalf of golf. The \'er~· Rev. .John R. Aherne .. -.the fullest commu- nity appreciation for St. Augustine's Appreciation Night dmne,. · F1ank Alessio a .sociable New Year. Uoh Waterfield-another Boh Waterfield at quar- terbal'k for tlrn Uams. Al Olsl'n-a foo{ball coach with the winning touch Boh Skinner .361 in '61. · San Diego sports fans-Balboa Stadium seats on the 50 for Charge1· games. M_ike P~caro,·ich-as much progress every University of San D11•go football season as you made in the first one. Straight Shots, Hooked Fish for Casper Ralph l,i_ne1-an office just as elegant as that at West- gatC' Park 1f you move from it. Billy Casp<'r-str~ight drives and hooked fish. , Bob and Ed Hre1tbard-the deserved acclaim for the I· oundation's Hall of Fame in Balboa Park. A! Le\yi~-;-steady, solid growth to continue In your Calttorma l\l'~tern athletic program. Walter O'Malley-a five-pound tiox of money for those lean days. Bill Els~r. Dick Grihalva and Arro,.Jstead Carter good shootrng ! Eddie Leishman-qenewal ot fan 1 '" 1. th p dr!'s. -•~ n e a- ..\tirkey Wright more o! the san,e, orf the women's g-olf tour. . Jim OwPns a look at the 1961 wo1;Jd thr()ug n tmted glasses. 0 e- J uSf _ a Ch~nce Is Desire for Singleton , Aa1 on_ Reesr a turnaway demand for tickets to thf' c ~hforma Athlete of the Year Award dinner at San Dwg-o Athll'hc Club. G<'orge Schulle happiness in teachin" 1:zPI! ::-ingkton a t•han<'e. .,. (,me Littler al <'ar lik<' A1·nolcl Palmrr's. Atl'hie )loore-hli; r O IP , Iii" Ii g ht. and· big )1101)(•y. ., Arna1!'Ul' tC'lllll an alarm clock. !-'.owel_l l\o th a nd A~h Bown smooth sailing. r hf' life < f the! oft1re Christm~s part - d luck i'n ) our .1ob-hunlmf'. Y goo .A,nct, for everyon!' of you- the peace and joy of this W<'( kcnd throughout the coming year.
son, pr· for ll'n offlc r. -----~--
7AcLU Aid Offered 1 J\nji-~oo StJJict.J ; 1'1:iT ..i/4 F, l' lU. : I n m v lctt r to The 'l'\lon of o.:, 2 T cha!IPnged . ','
suiting with Al Le,\is, Cal Western athletic director and head football coach, regard- ing the game. Olsen said a one-year con- tract probably will be signed this afternoon and that the game would be played Satur- day night, Nov. 11 of next year. The game would complet<' State's 10-game -chedule and iVould be held in' Aztec Bowl sevl'n days before the re ent- ly scheduled Aztec contest with Univcr. ity of San Diego. Other probable teal}ls on the Aztec s slate next f 11 are , Fresno State, Los Angeles State, Barbara, Ca l Poly of San LUIS Obispo, Long Beach State, lJniversity of
OUR READERS SAY: /j Al ;j 11) o t d t ' '
vsoirn- Road
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11 22 12 51
Tora ls
l-lalfUme seer MCRD 26, USO :Z4.
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