News Scrapbook 1959-1962


'F~ast 1 C~II~ Is Prote ted

I er


Called Fascist


oach 15

Local Prep Coache Recruits (run tt l hly will flll ti the frcshm n Addition

ont>-.Y ear ha "I think it's , an Diego co Wal he l\lur1a \\ith Olsen in ¾antrd thfq •o .

happened in

tl>e fost roe d game 81-51 the se.., f no! round to the n r,res by o 78-58 margin Also p ed c,re Tony Caputo I 13 l ol'd RuH Crl'vens ( 11 I of USD MJ Bill Johnston (31) of Whittier.



communit_y wants. Father Murray disclo ed tile Pioneers al. o have add- ed Whittier and Long Il!'ach talt• to their 19 1 rd- ule. Peppcrdine, NEw Mexlc Wl'strrn and San n- cisco Statr arc others on the 1aw Pioneers Eye Coast Guard Contest "We are d. kering with Univer ity of Mexico, l ni~ slty o( Ha\\aii and the Coast ,uard Academy," aid Fathr~ \Turray. "And wr would like VC"rv mucl tc, play Cal Western. · "l ha, en't talked to Marine Corp· Recruit D po . 1 ' he added, "but I ex;,rcl to p.ay thc•m. We will play lhc MarinPs as long as It do, sn't interfer!' with our olle- giate schedulr>. • Th!' Piont'Crs handc>d the> Re,·rnit · tlwir loi,e defeat during th,• <'{;Ular ,ea~on, a 21-20 ~hoc er. "\\'p wouldn t w nt to beat them and run," com- meHtecl Fatl1Pt _ Ii rra~. n. 0. -"-~~--

To Caputo (13). LSD al right are J-, Fleming O'Connor ( 211. wi, ·u,er diet from the Pionee s.




• e,

~any Do~n': {ode Our Institutions EDffOR, THE

l1 • IO N:

6-8 to



Hank A

,cent r, paced \ hitt!Pr al West- ts whUe ted 21 for ttlcr l"d Art Johnson coU the loser•. this Ol'l' \\ a l the Wi): ut d d have a 15 otnt ad antage trimmed to fh·e at c!le point. \Yestmont College wo:i the consolation crown. 71-67, after a ~ee-saw struggle with San Fernando State. The> kad changrd hands (Contint1""l on a.JG, Col. l) its tnum >b rm wit,11 'O ·E:r .18 po


>b:. wro had hccn off •or ng i; ne m the first two cortest~ of t 1c tourne\ pOt!rt'tl inn pomt· to guk'e the ~athemcck attack. He was aidrd by Miller- who collected 18. John T;nder- wood and Gilbert scored, H h,

wJO "America, mat be r I g I) t, bu wrong, Ame lea,•• o to that effort. l fo, t;, along with that philo ·o

Entirely too many- of our so-called educators are en-

• Da\ e H nl'I , r comlll'lit!on


~""a:~~,r tom the l'm


ion B • High ,tar. th Russ Cra en· tli 2) ;.11) Md John Rob- LL~ Jc.,,

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