News Scrapbook 1959-1962
and to the stage for th!' h<'• ginning of the program with the national anthem and a medle f service songs. . * • * Celebritie wlll be Intro- duced on stage by Norman B. Foster master of cere- monies. Fo t<'r is a past president of the San Diego Council of the :'lavy League of the l!nited States and at present is a membrr of the national Board of Dlrl'clors. WagnC'r, who com- posed the film's score, sung in the picture by the Roger Wagner Chorale, has prom- ised to be pre8ent. Dennis Weaver, who plays an aide to Fleet Adm. William F. (Bull) Halsey, portrayed by Cagney, also will be pres- ent. A checl<, S) mbolic of the funds raised through the benrfit premiere, will be presented to thi> Rev. Rus- S<' 11 Wilson, pre 1dcnt of the ::'Mn's Co I<" e of the Uni- versih of S. Diego. Pre'· ~enting the c 1< will be Mrs. Qit!o Ta, r . pre- m ·ere r.IlUl . a[ld Mrs. Thoma . K Im presi- dent of e un vi' sity·s aux- iliar}. •vhlch I sponsoring the premiere as a benefit tor the ttniver~lt Tickets at $1.50, $2.50 and $5 are on sale at Thearle's box office and will be on sale at the Fox Tuesday evening. Patron tickets also are available at $10.
, I'
.)( Name
o Fed •ration or ll'ttcr com-
n D
'I'. omens
mending the r o u n c 11 tand was ordero:-d s nt to thl' uni- v rsit~ TC'gents. Other letter. upportmg the UC, I> name also w.ill tie s('nt to 1he IP· gent~ M v rD th!' ,·o nc I and that
u ~&ifs "'cag1:eTttr.4~'! ert Montgomery, star and producer-director, respec- tively, o! "The G a 11 a n t Hours," are scheduled to arrive at Lindbergh Field "1a United Air Lines Tues- day at l :05 p.m for Tues- day night's benefit premiere or the film at 8 13 p.m. in the Fox Thcat<'r. During the afternoon, ln- tl'n iews \\ ill be conducted a~ time p<'rmits before the two are due at a cocktail party and dmn!'r at Cor- tez Hotel preced ng the pre-
football training sessions yesterday at Marine Corps Recruit Depot. Looking on are, left to right, Chuck Kilkuskie and Jan apman.
a/i/10/J x
'Ga lant Hours' P-e
Corps Rec t P ~t band is scheduler! to parade into the theater, down the aisles
Volume XXXIV
the first 'major U.S. naval offensive of World War IL One scene, which po r- trays Halsey's retirement, was shot on location in San Diego Harbor. Other seg- ments d e p i c t i n g scenes around Guadalcanal's Hen- derson Field were filmed at Camp Pendleton. San Diego. based Navy sh ps doubled for \\ orld War II craft in other scenes. Cagney and Montgomery are scheduled to arri, e to- morrow afternoon at Lind- bergh Field. They will at- tend a dmner sponsored by the University of San Di- ego before the premiere.
"The allant Hours," a movie tribute to Fleet Adm. William F. Halsey's defense of Guadalcanal, wlll be pre- miered m a benefit periorm- ancP at 8 15 p.m. tomorrow at the Fox Theater. Pro eds win be used for benl'fit o! the Univer lty of San D go. J mes Ca 0 ney who por trays Hal. y m the mo\ 1e, and Ro ert Montgomery, who produced and direct d it, VI 11 IJc among pecial guc ts at the premier . Reserved seat tickets are available at Thearle's box office. Prices ar .50, $2.50 and $5 and $10 for special
patron's tickets. Tickets also may be obtained at the door. The movie, part of which was filmM in San Diego, depicts the struggle of Hal- sey's ships against h e a v y odds in turning back t he J apane e fleet from Guadal- canal in 1942. With Cagney in the cast are Dennis Weaver of tele- lsion's "Gunsmoke" show; Richard Carlyle, Ward Cos- tello, Ca,rl Benton Re i d Raymond Bailey, W a It er Sande, Vaughn Taylor and Richard Jaeckel Halsey commanded th e Third Fleet in the Febru- ary, 1942, strike at the Marshall and Gilbert islands,
, I
Lon- {11,w,
the Inner Temple i
A retired Briti,h army brigadier, who soldirrrd with L_awrencc pt Anlbia in the Middle East and later became governor of J <'l'US-
to stud
in 1926
which h" pursued through corrcspo]ldPncP and tutors. He r<'tired from the colonial srrvice in 19:12 to prepare thr b r and, after passing, in High Court, j L_ond?n, and on the western for fin11l examinations to prn<'ticC'd
yes- prr- his
alcm, IPrday se_nted
third lecture as an instruc- tor at the University of Law School. He is Brig. Miller. Roy- Signals. William J. San Diego
FILM PREMIERE TONIGHT t/A/10 ,J r·c ets AvailabJ For Gallant Hours' La,. t-mlnut~ ticket orders for tonight's West Coast ne-
He was recalled
armv in 1939 and sent to Africa, where he became chief of staff for civil af-
City Still Desir· 1 ·
Halsey Film Opens Tomorrow With Cagney on Hand San Diego will have a gala premiere complete with Hol- lywood film stars at the opening of "The Gallant Hours" at B · 15 P·lll· tomor- row at the Fox Theater. The film is a tribute to the late FAdm. William F. Hal- sey's role in the fight f o r Guadalcanal. It is a benefit performance sponsored b tho Yniversity of San Diego Wo1t1en's Auxili- ary. Fund (J,e Told rc.ceed · \\'Ill 'ti used to provide books for the univer- sity's law librarv, funds for student loans · and scientific equipment. Jami's Cagnry, who plays the part of Halsey in t h e movie, and Robert Montgom- ery, producer and director, will be among the guests at the premiere. Dinner Schecluled Cagney and Montgomery are scheduled to arrive to- morrow afternoon at Lind- bergh Field. They will atlend a dinner sponsored by the University of San Diego at El Cortez Hotel before the pre- miere. Mrs. Harold Green, co- l chairman of ticket sales for the auxiliary, estimated that about 2,000 tickets have been sold for the benefit perform- ances. Mrs. Green said tickets for ! reserved seats will be on sale at the door. Tickeb ai;e priced at $1.50, 2.50 and $5, Special patron's tickets $10. Reservations !\lade Mrs. Edwin C. Ferguson, dinner chairman, said 622 res- ervations have be n made for the dinner. One scene of the film, which shov. Halsey's retirement in 1945, was .hot on location in San Diego Bay. Other parts were filmed at Camp Pendle- ton. Another story, A-20
Field Marshal
al l\liller ret., who livt's at !H62 Car- michael Dr., La Mesa, where he happily pursurs yet an- other career as an avocado Miller and Lawrence of Arabia were lieut<•nants in Britain's Arab BurPau head- quartered in Cairo m World War I and were good friends. MONTGOMl~RY LAUDED "He was an Inspiring per- son," Miller said of Law- rence during an interview. "He was grim, art c and farmer.
"He's a soldier's general confidence and certainty of from the moment lte took over," Mlll<'r ~aid of Montgomery. and Inspired the utmost victory through British Eighth the whole LECTURED IN U.S. Montgomery s('nt Miller for four months in 1943 to lec- ture at i;chools of military to the l'nitl'd Statrs
I1 t premiere of "The Gallant Hours," ba ed on the exploits or the la P Fleet Adm. Wil- liam F. (Bull) Halsey, will be filled today at Thearle's box office Ticket: al~o will be a vaila- ble at the Fox Th ater. Prices are Sl.50, 2.50, 5 and $10 for pecial patron tickets. The picture begins at 8:15 tonight. Janfc Cagney and Robert \iontgomery, star and direc- tor re pecti\ ely or the United Arti film, are scheduled to arri\ e at I ndhergh Field at I:05 p.m. today. C'.agney wr- tray the \\ orld War II hero. BE, iE} IT FOR 1"0:D • "a y ar.d • tarlne o r p s commands in San Di e go Co ty assisted n fllmlng the pict re hlch I being pre- mie ed a a be efit for thr Univer ily of San Diego. An auxiliary 41r strip at C' Pendle~ Vias changed ~o reseITfhl det on Field m e 'J' w. es the San Diego-b c;I carrier: fru1cPton doubled as lhP famed carrier Entnpri e ap.d the .submarine t nder per y bN·ame th e World War JI Argonne. OTllJ-.RS I• 1-'IL."\I Al in the ca t of the pic- tur are Denni Weaver of tele on' "Gunsmoke " and Richard Carlyle, \\ ard Cos. tel10, C 1 I Beiitou Reid. Rob- ert Burton, Les Trrmayne R ymo"nd Bailey, W a 1 t e :ande, V ughn Taylor and Richard Jae el. • l\lr • Carlo Tavare , 1n1ere halrman tor the auxiliary, sad the law and general librarie s c i e n c e depart nt and cholarsh1p funds will b nefit from the special showing.•
at Harvard, fue University of
Yale -. Virgt
moody. I sav; hi many times, but afraid.
ROBERT MO:STGOJIERl." Uirel't!.'d Film On Sea War
,JA~IES CAGNEY Portrays Fleet Adm. Halsey
f1gh natl city t1on of thr transfer or 450 acre~ of city-awned land to the regents for ihe campus s;te.
BANDS SLATi AT PREMIERE ~ti~;'£~l perform at the premiere o! "The Gallant Hou,s" Tues- day night at the Fox The- atjr. They are the Naval Air St a ti on military and concert b a n d s o! N or t h Is I a n d, and the Marine Corps Recruit Depot Band. Tickets for th. premiere are now on sale at the Thearle Box om e Prices are $1.50, $2.50, SS, and $10 for special patrons' tickets. James Cagney, De n,n 1 s Weaver, and Robert Mont- gomery \1,111 appear In per- son at the premiere cere- monies. The opening ll be- ing sponsore9 by the l i- versity of San Diego ux- iliary as a brnPflt for ram- pus projects.
·usif.(fc:td~Nlo~ Dinner Tonig,ht Forty two play s,JIOI Uiree sports wilt rebetve~ to- night at the annu~I U versity of San Diego athlet\'c fetter. men's panquet at ~k Cafe- teria on campus. Pre-dinner. activities start at 6 o' c I o c k. Dinner is at 7. Mike Pccarov1ch, new USD • grid coach, will be featured speakrr. Several outstanding player awards will be given, includ- mg the Gil Kuhn IT'rophy for the outstandin~ !ootbal! play- er, Larry llivii. o to
the top bukettllN!er Kerrigan Trophy to ing baseball playl!i'
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