News Scrapbook 1959-1962



Y/.171,J' 1oneers ~e

To Tackle Crusaders



Jun ."tllul!,~m Den- 11.1 • Gasttnea.u. who led the team In hi ttlng l Junior tint bMema.n To h ad the Infield Une-11p. was aecond In team hitting eea- • on. Laat week USO had three g-ames. On Tursda.y USD beat Phlbpac, 7-4. Friday the Pio- neers beat Southern California CollPge, and Saturoay they lost to AriZOlt8 $tale (Tempe) Col- lege, 16-ll. 'I'l,e Ploneers now are 9.9 for t he Beal!on. USD c h lists tentn.ttve starters tor Fri• enz,

Area Clubs Bat 4-for-5 In Baseball

{Ike Morrow Fiorenza. i;hortatop; Terry Lor• third base; John Baum- daY's game a.s Wayne Ferris, garten, left field; Jim Thomp- catcher; Tlm Leyden, first base; 1 aon, center field; and Dave Mel- Dick Wilbur, second ba.,e; .Jim ton, right field.

~ S~D H ,;, ... , 4 ' X ·u onors Cagers Tomorrow The L..lvc>rs1ty of an Di- !'go will hold it 1900-61 bas- ketball awards pro ram at 7 p.m. tomorrow nigh a the Four Winds Re tauranl, Fifth and Maple treet • nounccd .~ e.,terda}. TweJvC' a\\ ard \\ ill h,. p e ented inrluding tho e for

'l) Shi,-ld hurled a one- for the P1on,.ers Jim

P~rl1'fank )( SC College, 5-0

s· Yi~; "a II )(_

r nza homrrrd for




. cores: Son Fernondo San DfHO SI..

l USO 'NINE t~;~ IN ENCORE University of San Di- ego's baseball team, a 13- 0 victor over Southern California College last week, goes for a repeat at Mike Morrow Field, starting at half their 18 games. They t play agam here Monday I against Passadena College, starting at 2 p.m. , victory today I I • , 3p.m. The Pioneers have won

100 310 • M,-yers and Wi1Uam5. Rand.oh>h nnd Kennedy L.A. Valley 100 211 aG6-C U 0 Son Ditto cc 132 000 llx-7 I 7 a~"iJ~5g~. 0 ~~J~~ 11 o~~~et-iu~~k 1 on· Komfon1k. 3rd. 1 en. S. Cal Coif I tot oot t----1 1 2 U. Son Olt,o 100 2lD x-S 7 1 Mortin and Lewis; Shields ond Faris, Boumgode-n (7), Occidental 200 tlt OOt-4 7 o Cal W.stern 100 toO 001-1 7 3 Roaer1. and Aiefl1r; Shubert and Welch San 0/"o Stat, Fresh 2t5 IOI 1-l.S U 2 PJ,lbPac 111 OH 0- l • 2 (6~or~illlf~ ~i,:tyd rsr.x•t°ho~~~ (7) and Mun"hv~ Wniting (JJ. 100 112 006-2 7 1 tOx---1 1'Z

Banquet Slated Unverslty o! San Diego's annual a etb ll banquet will be h d tomorrow night at 7 at the Four lnd Res- taurant John the La the most


"I am II pne8t 11.ll- l all I am." he aay . "All my joy la in my work aa .a pt•iest and except for my pnesthood I am almo~t nothing." ha.L's



er Baran, Tony Caputo, Cravens, Dave Hinds, Dick Madsen, Bob Tritz, Art Wi- cal, Fleming and Robbins.

outing. s. cal car"' Son DiHO

1 2



U l Marr n ano Lew s., Sh tlas afld Faris, Ro mgorten (7), too ?JO x-s 7

ur.; 1 0N 5/~/ bl

Pionee r: as~ Award 1 Wion. / By Ro'b~ins . Sop~j"~n Ri6f£~J named the outstanding, pla~r o! the 1960-61 season at the University ot San Diego·a fifth annual basketball awards ban- / quet Sunday night. Robblrut won the Larry Sul- livan award, given annually to I USD's outstanding v It y basketball player. Nine ot Robbins' teammates also received apecial recog. nlt!on. Robbins, a muscular 5 • 9 guard, scored 148 points in 25 games and finished second in (ebounc!B with 157. Sophomore Russ Cravens, 6-3, led in Indi- t he University of San Diego from Trinidad State (Colo.) Junior College, Where he lettered In varsity basketball and football. Senior Jim Fleming and sophomore Charles Wical won the 1960-61 co-captain awards. I Fleming Get scoring records for the most points In one sea- son ( 506) and the best scoring average in one seru,on (18.7) . Fleming surpassed his own 436 point scoring r e c o rd tor 28 vidual rebounds with 191. Robbins transferred tc;> games, which he set l son,c and his 18.7 ave pA.!lsed the 16.9 average t by USD coach Ken Leslie for 25 games in 195 7-58. Players honored with ,. rsity letters, were Ed Baraq; Tony Caputo, Cravens, Fleming, Dave Hlndjl, Dlck Madsen John Rob- bin~ Bob Tritz and Att Wical.

U!:>D Wallops Pasadena, 22-2

'i uso Guard X

:tJso Nine X Faces Two TR.~.l~lf-,,, and Loyola University will give the Unl1' rsity of San Diego baseball t~ tough tests this Weekend at Morrow- I•'ield. Red- lands and USD play Saturday at l p.m., Md Loyola and USD play Sunday at 2 p.m. USO and Redlands have not met In basebal! thirr season. Lrutt season the echools met once, and USD won, 5.4_ Redlands ls t Ii e defending champion of t.h e Soutl!ern Califm•nia Intercolle~:Jato Ath-1 letlc Conference. The Bulldogs had a record of 17 wins and !1 IOSSP.8 1!', y~ar. Leadin~ hilt r for the Bull-1 dogs Is Jeff l~lger PauJ Mc- Gibbone JJ la t !l<'a~on led the SCIAC in hlltl witlt a .469 average. Al Gi'Ove, lead- Ing pitcher In 1960, h ad an ~amed-run-average ol Ui4. In 1960 he was t1amrd to the ali- SCIAC t~am. Last Friday th e Ploneer,s beat Southern Calif nia Col- leg , 15-o. Freehmaµ pitcher l>cnnis Shield~ pitched a one• hit game again g outhern i California. Pon r Co...c)I i Morrow IUJt:i tPntau ·e :tarters for this )l·eekend'11 action as Wayne l'erris, cal.clwr; TiP,I I,eyden, 1 lrst; Dick Wflbur, sec- bnd ba e: Jim Florenza, Rhort- lrtop; Terry Lorenz, thln:t bru.e I John Baumgarten, left field Jim Thompson, center fl~ld and DB.VP Melton, right field.


U DGri ders • B tile Alumni s ,r.~f3tgr~,?~ San I')iC'go griddex will lake ?n the present varsity squad l'l the annual alqmni game at 1 :30 p.m., Saturday at MCRD's Hall Field. . Twenty.. ix returning var- sity lettermen Including nme starters from last season are included on the present Pio- ncPr eleven. , Coach Mike Peearovich has riarned Pat Heminger at quar- terback. Joe Grav and How• ard Williamson a":t the halve and Don Shotli!f at fullback as the starting ,·arsity back- field. Ineludect on the alumni squad are Greg Pearson, C. G. Walker, Jack Garofano, Vern Vaid z, Bob Keyes, Curt Lentz, KPn Cook, Pat O'Connor, Harvey Vi ck s, Larry Te ·sary, Wayne Bour- que, Rick Xovack, P e t e .Tunr:ers Dick Gardner, Ray Yoast, Bill Patton, Joe Di- 1 omaso, Bob Hughes, B i I I ~anaga, Jav El on D a v e Openh imrr.· Jan Chapman Dave Cox, Vic Gausepohl. Tom Chronrs, Tom K<'lly, Chuck Williams Rudy Rudzinski, • farty Young and Don G i 1-

.·a'J Diego's

l"rh,.rsitv ol

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runs in Pach of th in st I wo innings at Mike Morrow Field yesterday and coa,ted on to a 22-2 t i,umph O\iPT Pasadena Colleg". Jim Fior,.nza To~ Goddard and Dave felton il1t 'home runs for \,he PionNr ;Fior- enza 11ni \\ th four o! L"SD' lu a 1rl D1 ·k Wil- bur wllli 'I Th<' P hrrc Fnd cta, d Le, l unda ~~~dena J 1 )0 20 ? ~2 : ; c>ements LOnd ro cr,d Jo n , 8 0Ck• well (I) M. HemlngH and Sourn;orten, Ferri:. (6).

m gium er] n Ila


Th art JIJlle 30 at :'.\!ontreal and wil] last se,·- en weeks. L P. J. l eI to r


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