News Scrapbook 1959-1962
By. tARY O. < II ~IBlcRfl Mli;s Sandra 1..oµb t ha b<'<'n elected 1,rc-b1d1mt oC the Ml. s o(let, who compr>tPd University of San DI go Col- with 33 other stud,,nts in Call- lcge for Wl!m- fornla colleg s, did re·earch C'n st u d en t at the Medical Center in San body. , . Fra cisco. Othei:- offl. I 0110 1 givl'n for out- fn r<>search abll!t ln t e c-ard1ovasC'ulnr flf'ld.
cers ar" the Misses Mary Bahan, v 1 c e p res Id ent: Martlla Spiers, record- ing secretary, and Elizabeth
ORMER TROJAN HEliPS lJ D Grid Alums d1~r.:~•:.~ 1 .::·.::. io!-1~1i~~ Alumni griddrr proved they lc> s lhnn l\\o minutes re. l\\'c not grown too' r u t y mnlnlni; n tne ga m<' when
Fiorino, SloflPt e responding s c ere ta ry · T~ college social chairman is Mies Judith Bremmer. Mies Loubat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Lou- bat ot cw Orl n'ls, prevlou!'• ly s e r v e d 'l'Orl' spond• ing se ,.tar);, Th officer will be 1n talled at a lunchPon I tomorrow In the dlnin~ h JI. The senior cla will be hon- ored at a din er Tul.' day ve- nlng given by the lreshman class. Miss Mary Flpp Is g n- eral chairman. On thP commltt e for th e event are the Misses Patrice Murphy, Eleonor O'Donnell, Joyce O'Hara 11nd Stephanie O'Connor: C \l I'· II
the y;Chapmun
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::;,n11• ol 11 1e ,·rctl1t Cut· Uw triumph \\ill ha\'C' 10 go to California and tht• San Dlc~o ~larinf' , hov.,·cvc1~, SlllC
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l(cyPs 111tP.n·eJllcd a long pass if,.om Mutplly on the Alumni
W-yard strip,,
CJIAl'\I,\ • Jll'I'S
. . l'ic111P1•rs prevailed fi ~.t s I• almo~t ,:,very department ex. in ;\Ink tallll!d 1hc points f?r the grads 111 the ,·Ppt tlw final score, running <'arly m111utc•s of thC' conte l up 18 downs to the Alum. wh,.n hf' took a lateral from ni's seven and rushing for a end C. G. Walkt>r and ra,~C'd 170 to 81 advantagC'. thC' final 1., yat·d tor the ID., Murphy, who will be only Th~ p1ay started with Walker a Mphomorc:> thi, fall, d<'m• takmg n short toss from last onstrated good nhllity on sl'a.so1 's va Ii ty quartcrhaC'k, short pas•Ps again l s u c h Jan Chapman. strong n,•rial dc:>f<'n 'nh rsity of n Di('go ft llbat•!, Don Shotlif! lumni after latter had taken pass from quart rback Jan Chap- rid herd on Rudy Rudzinski of the ummer plays for its tirst ~cor • later In the same period w1th full- bac-k Howie William ·on mg tli final yard. A 21-) ard ass from quartf"rback N el o n Iurphy to Dan Bodle s<'t up r taUy vith Bodle ml}king a tll\e g ah hile 1;1.trroundee! by d fcnslvr mrn Keye$ and yern Valdez. ThP var8ity got !ls final ____.. lJSD Alums Beat 'Youngster~/ 14-8 You couldn't hlamp l' 'Ii- ~!rftit~hP parfatu1av ,·ersity of San DiPgo football 11-8. The occasion was the ,;,. coaC'h J\1ikP Pecarovich if he lnual alumni vs. varsity 1,pring wanted to turn back th<' cJock football skirtnis!i,_ at Marine today. Corps Recruit llpot's H a 11 His USO gridders ot the Field. presPnt were beatl.'n by th eJ Ex-Pioneers Jan Chapman. The University of San DI- ego Woman's Auxiliary will welcome new members at a tea May 9 In the home of Mrs. Justin Evenson, 434 W. Thorn St. from 2 to 4 p.m. The five-year-old auxil• iliary now has about 400 members throughout San Diego County and has spon- sored· successful fund rais- ing events to support schol- arships, the library and to purchase scic'11tific equip- ment for the l)niversity in Alcala Park. Mrs. Harry Collins ls gen. cral chairmarf of the tea, assisted by Mrs. Raymond P. Coady, Mrs. William Buckley and Mrs. J a m e s Sandell. Mrs. James M. Daly, decorations ch air• man, has selected arrange. ments of delphinium, roses and white lilacs for the tea tables, to compliment t h e hostess' collection of Meis• sen and Spade which will be on display. Greeting guests will be Mrs. Richard Barber, president, her officers a n d board members. Pr!'siding at the tea table will be Mmes. Robert Maw, Thom- as Keelin, Henry Fenton, Thomas Tiernan, Joseph Mul- len and Evenson. Dr. Margery McIntosh I~ the newly elected president of the La Mesa Branch, · AAUW. Other new officers are Mmes. Merle Brady, William Brocato, William Thomas aml Lawr!'nce Hau ser, vice presidents; Mrs. Oscar Carlson and Mrs. M. J. Silverman, secretaries; Mrs. Marlow Geiger, treas- urC'r. The organization wlll hold a general meeting May 10 at 7:45 p.m. in thC' Lemon C. G. Walker !W1
at tbe Vt 'versify of San Diego w e greeted yesterday honoring r,ew m,embc tr Irs. j,,.,,...,.,.,...,.. "Gay Sinelies' ro min tfie home ol ,v. 43-1 left, and 1 r.. were among 50 new members who attended the a/fair. tJso Grids . Ui sre..Jules· T "!'!,Jr,,/ q/;~Dl:;"AIT lir o 1:urope Thorn ~t. Mrs. Jolin Schall, Avenue School to hear a talk by Dr. Lt'on Lessinger. He is chief of guidance services for the Grossmont U n i on High School district. His top. le will be "New Directions in Education." Twenty-third annual con- clave of Dectos Hectos Coun- cil and Ogdoos Council of Sigma Alpha Sorority will be held in Palm S pr i n g s Friday, Saturd11y and Sun- day. Four San Diego chap- ters attending are Episilon Upsilon, Epsilon Epsilon, Gamma Upsilon and Zeta Theta. Thirty-tour 1o ca 1 memb!'rs will attend, includ- ing Mrs. Jo cpb' ,Qambrose .Tr., council presfiMnt; and Mmes. F. A. Janos Jr., W. J . Mullhall, R. W. Davis, L. B. Miiligan, E. C. DeBolt and E. C. Reppenhagen. Meet Alumni ~t Depot 5 ""!~~, Y--/(1{} niverslty oI San Diego's football team, well stock with retun Ing ttermPn, will get a chan~E· to strut its stuff Saturday 011 Marine Crop_. Re- cruit DcpQt Hall Fie.Id. The occasion is the annual alumni gam~ sponsored by the USO Booste s Club. Twenty- Ix i·cturninc. varsity· IPttermen, tncluding "'n i n e, starters trQ111 last year, are in- cluded on lhf present Pioneer squari USD co Ch ke Pecaronch ha name ~at H inger for! Quartrrbacll dutle , with Joe Gray and Ward W.illiamson at hal!ba Po and Don Shc•llll ll I ullback. The alum. The University of San Diego, under auspices o! the Henry Miels Travel Service of Los Angeles, Will conduct a sum- • mer tour or Europe starting June 30 from Montreal, the Rev. I. Brent Eagen, spiritual director of the tour announced today. It is designed to Introduce j high school and college students to the cultural and Catholic heritage of E U'I' p[ Father Eagen said, and vi I include stops m England, ol 1d, Bel- gium, West Germany, Switzer- lan,d ltaly, Sp a in, Portugal and Italy. It will last seven weeks. r. Father Eagen is an instructor in English at the university. Ill squad· Ga~~ono~~~ IS L~tz, K v~~- vl~~:· ~ardntr cnd OITomaso, Jay El on man and O v Chr»nos. T I R1.1dy Rucfz1ni more.
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