News Scrapbook 1959-1962

4.:rid llh-'nlr, · lnuugu1·al I

tate ~~llege

reros Tackle

-City ootball Clash

,Vhile the Montc-zumans were

lhls fs ord this aea on.

lhe recu1d

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like" aAid l'or• enioylng one of

''It I know

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r,a,;ons, the Torero~ have lieen


arovkh told .his U1, ,e1111ty of yell , "he'll hav n Diego grldd r Mond y at fired up for us.


ly scouts have wallo\\ing through their tough-

Ui start nf prepn1atlona f r tpld me that his line will be est schedule with losses to Uni- Ul 'rureroa' intra-city match th• loughe t wt havt played verity of Pacific (40-n, Whit• with th~ po\\n!ul Aztrc·a of an galnst this year J look tot ti•r (27-0), San Diego :Marine. e o t t Colle th,a Satur- this to be a real tough battle" (37-0J, L011g Beach State 4. d y. Pecarovlch sa,d that th To• l2J , San F'ranci ,·o Slate (2 ·61 'l'he 11 m, cla h at ztei, reros have b en looking forward and Cai Poly of Pomona la t n I will b,· th t , t l,'Tfd to lhia era atown mat h aince atutday, H-2. Ung between the t\\·o 'an Augu t 11nd ad/led ''It ihouldn't \\'!11. nu·• com, from Prf>• Dt o 1·r>llri;e1 inc tl1e mcep• be too hard to get th• boys perdine ( 13-61 and New Mrxico lion nf football al 1·. D In 19:i6, up.' We tem 2 -181. Th r·e ord :r arovlch was Th• Aztets h11v. come 11p The Tore10 continued to f t·rlng to I th 2-6 a on with on of their best teams in i how a leaky pai;~ defense in m I k th h re ent y ars unde1· Col'yell who their loss to Cal Poly, gh1ng p1I d th1 lllt;•"'~l'r'''!'" ook ove llie rein this season. up thrc·e touchdowns via the the b tter 1m II Their ti\ e ~'In th1• eeason aerial route 11.nd permitting two n all!orn eq.1aled their win output !or the ~ore to be ••l up thro11gh Tiu, otter p1 evlous tllre aea.!lons combined pas •2·1 an the I! ts the· ored The Pomonans JUm!"'d off to to the conte , alao a Bt al W t rn last t• a 20-2 first hair lead behind the i;ed Southland urday surpl!.S ed la on' pasmng of quarterback Allen total Hammerachm1dt and added 21 Head Co ch Don Coryell com• 'l'he Azle • co ·•d 20 point~ more counters in the thir·d m nted th!~ v. e k that he al o m the f1rat penod to defeat the quarter to wrap up the scoring, w for etling the Toren,s' rec• We tcrncra 11 • -3 • Pecarovlch has been sending hrs •quad through Intensive passing dr,Us th M vee:C both off•n~t and def•n e PH 'f•u-r•• r: G:.irro' a G .Joo, o Pre oplo "1 eil~c, T Yoast I Gabritl , JcDf··ttt QR Htmlnrn ttR Grar If ll \ 1 ,· .11.mson FB 'Of.S,_nt..a Plot New Sur • es Game atur

~'\.TRA YARDAGE-Torl"ro rnd • like . lcDevltt charges for •xtta ,ardage art-,,- taking a, '('I• on ;11urphy pa , durlnr action Saturday at lJ "D Stadium whn the Torno~ lost n 25•6 con• e tc t to the San Fr.1nci,co State Gators. U, D wlll attempt to get baek on the win trail Satur• day against Cal Poly of Pomona lo an 8 p.m, match at Lo Angeles late Stadium, - ------~· . . . . . . In LA. Stadium Toreros to Tackle Tough Cal Poly The Umv of San Diego Toreros have been making a ' habit of m ting 10 e of the nation's top-ranked football players ' this ~ea.son and aturdlly's game will be no different. I

. .


• • •

USD Do111Pf'ft111iJ1g Susan Monahan Is Elected Queen Miss Susan Monahan, senior al the College for Women, was tlecled Queen of the Homecoming by the College for Men ~tu- dent body at I'\ joint a,Bembly Tueijday mornlng In the College tor Women Theater. Miss Margaret Gillson and Mis~ Margaret Bangasser were lected Rrnlor cla8s prlncesse8. Queen Susan Is from San sophomore claaa prince8s, and Diego and In an English major, Miss Mary Beth Mattison of Mita Gillson Is from Phoenix, San Mateo Is the princess of and Miss Bangasset· hails from lhe !re~hman class. Seattle, Wa~h. The Queen and her court will The junior l'la~s princess is be formally presented to the Miss Patricia Sh11nnon ud nt body ,11t 12:30 p.m. to· North Hollywood; Mi d (Thursday) 111 the Lark at De la Fuente of Calexico Is the the Hom e co ming Songfest.

Coach Mlke Pecarovlch will lead his Torero charges lo the Los Angeles State Stadium for an 8 p.m, contest with the Broncos of Cal Poly (Pomona). Right off the bat this eason puser In Mike Arn:,ne o! Cal the Toreros ran up against Poly. · Whittler College, which was led The Broncos are alt;o far out by quarterback Se! M,yano and in front among the l<·ade In . end Tom Sanders. Both are cur- forward passing offen e with a - rently Tanked among the top 10 total o! 1,537 yards ln -even 1 in total offense and pass re• gamPs fpr an average of 219.6 1 ceiving, re pectively, with San- yards per contest. I 1 lders tops among small coll e Gomg Into last Saturday's ' . players in pass receiving yard- game with Arizona Flagstaff, age. Arnone had contributed 1,102 Two games later, the Toreros yards to the Bronco cause and met the San Diego Marines who had completed nme passes for featured the No. 1 service pass- touchdOWllll. er in the nation in former The fast-improving Toreros Southern California star Tom will have to be at their best to Maudlin. Two weeks later, fullback counteract the Poly aerial dis- Juan Vasquez of New Me 14 co play which averages 13 comple- Western brough his entourage lions jn 25 pass attempt.! per to town. Vasquez was llstei!I game. second in the nation among· Hampered In eady season small college rushers at the time. contesui by a weak pass de- l week , San D1egans had fense, Coach Mike Pacarovich's the op rtunity to see t e fifth Toreros have responded very rated all college passer in th,a well in r ecent games. country ·ck Valois ot San S t da d . th I r 6 Francisco S College, 1 a ur Y, urmg e r .,. And Sta ila , the Torero.s; loss to the powerful San Fran- will come up against the na . 1 eisco Stale eleven, the Toreros lion's third-ranked small collegn I held the highly vaunted Gator --· aerial game to seven comple• ~;;:s. in 19 a t tempts for 96 .......

Grand Marshal Albert Nottoll ASB officers Dan Wackowlak, Frank Ponce, Bryan Ford,


Hank Acquarelli, • class president, Ned Wilson will morrow (Friday) evening. be e6corts for the princesses, The Queen and court while Torero Capt. Jim DeSan• judge the College for Men dorm tis will crown the Queen. decorations at 11 a.m. Saturday, There will be a porn-porn par- The game wlll be at 2 p.m., ty In the palm patio of the and the alumni will be enter· women's college at 3 p.m. today tained at a social hour at 6 :30 (Thursday). The USD Letter- p.m. Saturday at the Rancho men will sponsor a gigantic ral- Presidio Inn. The Coronation ly complete with torches, fan- Ball will be at 9 p.m. in More fare, and tire-bell orations to• Hall. -------- A Good Year For Olsen, Too The new man has made football a respectable part of the Aztec athletic program. Football is on the way back at Montezuma and Coryell deserves recognition for an extraordinary performance. I've got an idea he's going to wear very i:IL Given f e, he's liable to become one of th ~ ~ ~lalil~~•~ !.iuccessful coaches in the long, erratic history of Aztec football. San Diego State's resurg It I ell must be particularly gratifying to Aztec athletic director Al Olsen. The job of choosing a head coach was one of the first responsibilities thrust upon Olsen, and he had the nerve to gamble on a man who was virtually unknown in this area. Olsen's judgment already has been vindicated, and he rates another cheer for taking the initiative in scheduling games with Cal Western and the Universi- ty of San Diego. These intra-city rivalries, plus the Aztec comeback, have worked like a blood transfusion on a sick patient-local college football. The first mee1 ing between San Diego State and USD comes up Saturday night at Aztec Bowl, and it's been a long while since the community has expressed such enthusiasm and interest in collegiate hi-jinks. I hope this enthusiasm will be translated into the form of a capacity crowd of 12,000. That would give Olsen the encouragement and ammunition he needs in scheduling the other local schools in the future. Should the game fail to draw, Olsen would be under pressure to schedule schools outside the area. To my notion, that would be unfortunate, indeed. One of the most rewarding features of last Satur- day's 54-34 thriller between the Aztecs and Cal West- ern was that it underlined the growing stature of Cal Western in the local football community. Even in de- feat, the Westerners gained a lot of prestige. Cal Western has a solid, wholesome small college football program and a large, wholesome coach in Al Lewis. A witty, resourceful man of almost limit- less patience, Lewis is building from bedrock with an inexperienced squad and a firm structure is slowly taking shape. and senior * •


---:-:--------- _ .


T ].=,o arry 2-6

In the prior seven games this season, the Gators had averaged 167 yards per game with a bet- ter than 50 per cent completion e ra~e~tor atar Dick Valois was allowed but six successes in 16 attempts, with two of his pass· es go g into Torero hands. One o! the thefts accounted - for the only Torero score. With d seconds remaming ln the first h period, halfback Don Dorkowski picked off a Valois aerial on his own 32 and scampered 68 yards :I A disastrous second qua rter which saw the Gators crOSij the p ved the downfall for USD. The Gators countered again in t he third period to wrap up 1 . the scoring. Fullback J im Desantis, who had taken a. 4'.5 rushing average the annual Homecoming 1 game, was limited to 28 ya.rds • · Torero goal line three times into t heh. d t t d . n; o score 1n ou s a n 1ng I· blocking on the part of Al Borza n and Wayne Blake. Saturday, I home to initiate the r intra-city the r ro turn '!~,,l,1r..l''V Bo l ovcmb r 23 1 and Cal We~tern I, 1 at Balboa Stadru a, The Toreros are 2-5 for the . s el rivalry wltl;I te N b 8 ovem er 1 on 11 carries. Following the Bronco tilt

ecord Against z cs



_University of San D I e


long-aw .g d he winner for 219 yards and





t rec touchdowns

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l , o 11uart rba k u "d m the nC'W off n Ive up o Mlkr ha apt ly termed it thr " double-ba rrelled shot- gun ' " One of my gu) ,' aid , Mike y e terday " Pat ) Hem-, ingcr a n run p,-,,uy well so (<"unllnut>d 1111 a .;;~, ('nf. 1) wall be c

c O re

e _Toreros' only

a~ Aztec Bowl Saturday night With a 2-6 record after t h e came rn

the seC'ond quarter

Toreros dropped a 41 _ 2 d . ,~hen Warren Hazard of Pol / e was taekled in his own enJ'




zone for a safety.




.Mike Gurrola, a 190-poundcr in this third ::;eason with the Univer~ity of Diego, get.~ the starting call at <'enter aturday en the Toreros meet San Diego State at Azte<.: Bowl.




Forsr down, Rushing vorcta,. ~~:!:• ra, d ..,,

e rnone took over for J: Ha1;1merschmidt in the thir I PPrJod to complete five of 1 1/' pass attempts for 49 d I e .~ame. tota l pushed Ca I 1s- 2 : 1-lr 2 Th yar s. 1 ,s

~~~1:• Fumbles

7 _~



•• 1-JJ 1


Yard, Hnollztd





. .


~1s 1on to Cal P oly of P omona Poly spa ·smg yardage to 2 200 ' m Los Angeles Saturday. for the SPason. ' , 1 Cal Poly did little to hurtl Fullback Jim Desantis a nd ts role as the pass offense quarterback pat Heminger 1 e a d e r among the nation's both sa:,,, heavy duty for USD ~mall college m gaining 288 DPSantis carried 12 ti mes fo;i J,ards through the air against 47 _Ya rd s while Heminger LSD. Allen Hammerschmidt/gamed 42 "ards in 11 attempts

~al PoJJy ended its seaso~ with th~ triumph, its sixth in

comoleted 10 of 11 aerials for

nine outings. Following Toreros will . . campa1 giving D 1961 .

this Saturday's conclude' th _e in a Thanks- gam e with Call t h e1r

game With the Aztecs


Western at Balboa Stadiu

m. f: f J l= 4 f


ccgp1~!l~,f P,monaJ



Hammer from Allen kift;:-Lowrence R~~e1, H,.°;~rd(H~~'a~d • kJ~:,-. -Hammerschmidt, 1, rur, (Hazard t't~Fi~~~~r1 6 ,1°ckled In end zone. sclimidt (Hazard k~) 5 from Hommer- CP -Mike Curran ij merschmldt Ckiclc fiilledJ 1>0ss from Hom- CP-Curran 90 -· I ar~ick). ' • Poss lnterc"Pfion (Haz- Queen kftchfw 1 POss

sterner "")Vant to Stay On Aztecsr " rid Schedule Cal Western wants another crack at l San D ie-go State College, rnrdly feel they had seen a well-played game. That's the word from Wester ner coach . The Aztecs ' pass defense was lneffec- AI Lewis toda y, after his football team ti ve, a lthough they cut down the West- lost its first lntracJI)' match to the Az- erners• inside running well, guards tees, 54-34. Walt Cubley and . Sparky Bishop a little too mu ch for t he, Ca l Western forwards .

us For

• m1 g Fee


Susan M~naha , senior at li:rn and the College for Women. Uni- alumni versity of San Diego, Alcala . Park, has been chosen as senior class after the game queen of homecoming festivi- at a social hour at 6:30 p.m. tics scheduled for this week. Saturday at Rancho Presidio The fifth annual homecom- Hotel. e 1 . GSD

, '' I }hink _ '-\e desene another shot at em, _Lewis ald after the wild, ragged offensive battle Saturday night in Az- has some schedule problems with their confer ence expanding, but we would like to be on t hat s chedule. We think we're a more deserving opponent than s a y, Th~ Aztecs struck with authority In the fll's t quarter of the crosstown duel r o. ing up a 20-0 lead. Coach Don Cory'. ell s a thletes then t O O k a defensive snooze while the rambunctious Western- crs ~ecked away steadily, thanks to the pa ssing a rm of quarterback Jim Hombs. Al though Ca l Western scored on even terms with the Aztecs in the last three q ua_rters, Lewis. was impressed by th~ Cal!fornia Collegiate Athletic Association team. " State was the toughest team we have play!'d, They had better balance a lJ . l~e way .around than Redlands or Whllt1er. Whittier had some boys who could play for Don rcoryem , but the II triumph hoo,t d SDS to a ~;a s_on r Pco;.d as H heads into game " 0 • 2 of the mtrac1ty series" this Satur- cl,ay a gainst UnivPrsity of San Diego. c_a l Western suffered its seventh loss in Plght_games, but got its ho1)es up fo1· .,-.'.:. [ ' :: tee Bowl. '' I realize San Diego State P epperdine." ' Azte ('S a re bet ter. " ThP

Homb~ connected on 14 of 26 passes for 186 yards, his favorite targets beina ends Terry Greeson and Uvaldo Mai'.'.'. tmez and halfback Jesse Murdock , State struck at will through the air- too. Quarterback Wayne Sevier unleashed "home-r~n" passes of 68 yards to end Neal .Petties and 15 yards to Jialfback Eldndge Cooks, while quarter- back Larry Korsmeier passed 62 yards to Cooks for another. lanes, In all, nearly 800 yards Wel'e gained in th e free-for-all, with the Aztecs' offense accounting tor 418 yards Cal Western, 330. ' Cooks, scol'ing on 1>asses, and Sevier, t h r o u g h quarterback sneaks e a c h scored two touchdowns. Other A z t e c total et 1es and Mario Mendez. Men- d~z TD ('ame on a 46-yard dash in the Westerner scores were made by Pan. cho Navarro, Murdock, Jim Hombs Ger ry Rombs and Greeso11. ' · The Az_· tees, who are going lo have to . The Aztec quarterbacks completed eight out of JO throws for 270 yards. markers we11t ta I.,.e c . . p t ' ,. rn arson, .Kol'S- me1,e1, third period.

I 1 s

ing began yesterday and will end with a Coronation Ball, in More Hall on the campus. starting at 9 p.m . Saturday. Miss :Monahan, 21, was elected ~'esterday by the Col- lege for Men. Her princesse. are Patricia Shannon, North Hollywood, junior; Olga de la Fuente, Calexico, sophomore, and Mary E · th a t freshma An old- scheduled day, witt the coach and cap. tain of the San FrancisC'o State College as guests of hon- j or. The team w II play the USD Tor o Saturday at 2 S tadium. Alb ottoli, :\fen's Col, lege enlor, is grand mar ha! of t Homecoming. He is be• ing assisted by A sociated Student Body office1·s Dan Wackowiak, F r a n k Ponce, I Brayan Ford, Hak Aoquarel-



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-Son Diego Union Stoff Photo ,\fotlier l:tfl('l rel'(J

Oi,•(lo, Coll,•rw [or \\/ omen, and . peaher ct tfie

an Diego Alum-

f ilw

c1 reel I Ieurt lrmcfu,on tne



o[ collcw a tiv,u,t~'""'"' J lrs. Frank Ragen, left. alumnae president, nnd Surulm f.011lmt, senior student. The meeting was in college dininn room.

get a little more serious about USD probably will face a week of Pass-cte'. fense dnllmg. Cal Western may do a little of bame as it prepares for UCR r POS~Jombs, Grtoson; PAT·,~?' H~r\'i'i,~OC~;u.i; P•~fl~,. 0 ~~, 0 ~tar~ 0 go~no, TO's-sovle, 2, Cooks 2 , -----~ (placements), Mendez me)~~'>, "1ig~g~~ f ~1)~Sevier 2 fg' w 0 • 1 s1aO ,n 510 .. 10 •.. • • 0 20 1, 12 6 • 1 , ,, ~-• 14-5-4 0 Co 1 Western scoring• ··TO's 'Nov 8

St:SAN :\IONAJIAN LPads fPstivitie,




t_wo games against University

ie, i~a

of Cahfol'nia at Riverside and USD.

Althou~h ihe night was filled with of-

1 <'nsive

thr> 7,500 fans could

f1 reworks,

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