News Scrapbook 1959-1962

Hours' Arrives to Bring Throngs,



j. G€n. Victor Krulak, commanding general of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot; RAdm. Dale Harris, commandant of the llth Naval District;

James Cagney, who portrayed Adm. William F. Halsey in the film; and Dennis WC'aVC'r of "Gun- smoke" fame, who portrayed Halsey's aide.

Film Opening Premiere Rated. Smash Hit







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rece es and full, short skirt. Mrs. Willlatn silk was self embroidered.

Nets$11,000I OW For University n O owing


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irow's beige


"The Gallant Hours" had Weaver,


a gay mobd

'"The Gallant Hours" San Diego Navy officers who had served with the late ls Cagney, Montgomery, Weaver and Wagner flew to

, l'OTl,IGHT 0. GL Five glamorous hours wer pre ented to social San Diego last night iy the San Diego Univer ·ity Auxiliary. The festive evening began at 6 with a poolside cocktail party outside El Cortez Hotel's Caribbean room. fOUR -

Gross receipts from

the its West Coast premiere here when he arrived, hugged John Cagney's 59th film.

Mrs. Frank Hope wore her w ·te fox cape with her white silk sheath. Pink pleated chiffon on the bodice formed flowing back panels. A beige lace bodice toppea the full chiffon shirt of Mrs. Justin Evenson's gown, and she wore a dia- dem mink stole. A satin bow accented the high waistline of Mrs. George A. Scott's light blue lace sheath. Her wrap was a white mink cape. . Flowers in various t-0nes of blue formed a. print on Mrs. Harry Ragen's sheath made with !'!Coop neckline. White polished cotton was a background for red roses on th sheath worn by Mrs. Bonsall Noon. ""''';,,;111t,e. Purple velvet formed a sash. ading from pink to lavender, trimmed 4he=lood!R-t:! of Mrs. S. Falck Nielsen's white iij{ P.Il~~a-her husband is president of the San icim.,Diamber of Commerce. s. Charles Dail, wife of Mayor Dail, was in 'lt, full length chiffon. Mrs. Richard Irwin elected a bright red flower print with red !!!lip- e was a popular choice last night-Mrs. H. tf' en King was in cafe au lait; Mrs. Joshua Cooper, wife of RAdm. Cooper, iQ forest green, and M . S. R. Shaw, wife of Marine Brig. Gen Shaw, m rose beige. iUrs. John Alessio's sill{ thea r vivid blue and green print. Bet u ter, .l\lrs. Joseph Cutri, was in white orgam:a. made with tiered skirt edged in blue which makhed her slippers. Mrs. Charles Wincote, daughter of Adm. William H. Standley, wore a silver and white brocaded coat over her royal blue gown. Mrs. Frank Fo- ward selected a black and white print. Mrs. William Kellogg, who leaves June 1 with Mr. Kellogg for Europe, chose a beige and blue print. Mrs . .J. M. Daly, chairman of

West Coast premiere of "The last night in true Navy tra. Connell, 15, of 3725 Arnold

Gallant Hours" last night dition.


It was l!- smash. The _biggeS t

amounted to

1,000 and will


. A throng of more than 300 admiral were present.

I go to the University of San Diego.

premiere m persons burst through the cor-

years, 1t drew more than 2,-


800 persons to the Fox Theater don to greet \\ eaver, w h . 0 • Tew Ydrk today for the film's

Soon after 8 the 625 pre-p a r t y gue ts paraded down the hill to the Fox Theater for the West Coast premiere of "The Gallant Hours," sponsored by the auxiliary for the benefit of the University of San Di- ego. Many guests had an opportunity to <'hat with the star and producer of

More than 2,800 persons at- for the film story of FAdm. plays Chester on the telev1. opi>ning there. tended the San Diego benefit William F. Halsey Jr., the sion show "Gunsmoke."

The crowd applauded Cag- H d ney, Montgomery,_ and Wag- ner, when thC'y arrived. Cagney stopped while being D'

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showing of the life of FAdm. gallant ad~_iral of "The Ga 1- William F. Halsey Jr. It was !ant Hours.

or e O

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sponsored by the University of San Diego Auxiliary.

Hundreds Watch Outside

ISney an







un re s m O re ga ere escorted backstage to P o s c outside _the theat~r to watch with two Point Loma Hi g h the commg and gomg of stars. School girls

HOLLYWOOD (UPI}- Hun, dreds of ammals seen m Walt "True-Life Adven. ture" movies will e('n this . . Disney's

600 Attend Dinner

A d"

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mner m



ean Bands played klieg Ii g ht s

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MRs.o•TooLE the picture at the pre-party. Ja Ca~ey, who took the role of RAdm. William Halsey Jr. in the movie, and Mrs. Cagney dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tavares. Robert Montgomery, producer, Mrs. Montgomery, Dennis Weavfr, (LCdr. ~dy Lowe in the pi ture), "\Irs. Weaver, Dr. Robert Wagner, who wro the the music for the movie, and Mrs. Wagne re seated at a table with Rabbi and Mrs. Morton J. Cohn and Mr. and Mrs. William E. Goetz Mrs. Cohn and Mrs. Goetze played an important part in arrangements for the premiere evening. HI ranking Navy and Marine officer. and their wive were honored guests at the gala evening. Iridescent sequins glittered on a print sheath e;; le ted by Mrs. U. S. G. Sharp, wife of V.Adm Sharp, commander, First Fleet. Pink. flowers accented the _gray silk chosen by . Mrs. Victor Harold Krulak, wife of Maj. Gen. Kru- lak, who commands the Marine Corps Recruit Depot. Red, white and blue was the color theme for the dinner decor. ~e stage was banked with tropical plants, with a simulated water fall, to represent a scene on Guadalcanal. frs. Tavare ·, stunning premiere chairman, wore a full-length red peau de solo with drapf'd ·kirt. Those who worked with her on the gala affair surprised her with a col"8age- a. tribute to her efficient leadership of t h e committee which gave San Diego one ef the most glamorous social events of this season. Her white orchid, with an accent of blue del• phinium, gave her costume a wtriotic color theme. Her daughter, Claire, was in v.hite peau de soie with bell-shaped skirt. She wound pearls in h~ dark hair. A senior at the Convent of the Sacr Heart in El Cajon, Claire will enter the Puchesne Residence School in New York City next fall. Mrs. Thomas J. Fleming and Mrs. Henry G. Fenton were cochairmen of the dinner. Mrs. Fleming's gown was made from a blue and gold sari, short with full skirt. With it she wore a white mink C'ape. Mrs. Fenton's tunic gonn i called by he fashion designers a "no color print"-r<'nlly it was in muted shades. With it he w r'-" brown satin Uppers and bag and hn wrap ,as a. white mink stole. Mt . Thomas W. Keelin, president of the Univer- sity of San Di go Auxiliary, was in black organ- za, made over white organza. The slim skirt wa d igned wfth a p lum. Mr . Jam • S. pley wore a silver and white bro<'aded coat with m · collar over her white chiffon gown. Hunter Muir wore a theater ront which mnt he'd her white peau de soie with print of soft pink, vi let, and green. Royal blui, h on, short and full skirtf'd, na admlre

Rodomd othf El Cort_ez Holttel pre- swept the 'sky, and Navy

It's 59th Film

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e premiere.

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attended by more than 600 signa

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, an . en summer at Disneyln11i1





Benson, 17, were surprised, More the premiere they said, when Cagney broke bl"ars beavers than 200

mated wild r are '

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Present for



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photo- c:ats, birds, fi Ji, al\Cl di



agney, w

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1s escorts to

portrays Halsey; Robe r_t graphed. Montgomery, producer and d1- He also posed with th re e mam m a lengthy tram ~de the film; Dennis University of San Diego roeds, to be known as "Natuee's ee Id pres, en Weaver, Halsey's aide in the Mary Shadell, Gerry Kava- Wonderland." Visitors w I I movie, and Roger Wagner, nagh, and Karen Warren, all get their first look at the new r\ rector of · . being _added {o Df ne;r's do. . ·t M

!!d'~o~1 sc~~titfc


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Actors Present

who composed the score.

addition June 12.


Jney, Dennis ontgomery,



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'Gallant Hours' Finds Truth, Drama Behind B ttle' Roar ' . The problem of presenting brings out the Halsey per- Burton, Walter Sande, Vaughn a picture about war which is sonality, Taylor, and Raymond Bailey different and yet true is met Skills Demonstrated are others Who contribute head on by Robert :M~nt?;om- It is not at all an easy task notably':to t~i st. ery and James Cagney m The f f t t t Told in ffushback as Ad- G II t H " or a amous ac or o por ray a an ours. . miral Halsey recalls on the This movie dramatization a famous man, particularly . . of a significant period in the one so near in publie memory. da~ o! hi_s retirement one of wartime career of FAdm. Wil- But Cagney achieves that sub- the highlights of hiij career, liam F. (Bull) Halsey is most lime level of making the audi• "The Gallant Hours" deals unusual. The only guns heard . specifically with that period in are in the distance. The bat- ence forget temporarily that . tie action takes place off he is a performer reading 1942 when the American hold screen. lines. It is a demonstration of on Guadaleanal was in immi- s thorough acting skill. nent' danger of beln!!' lost. t.ory of Command Montgomery also has the • "I For this is essentially a benefit of a praiseworthy sup- Takes Over mand story of command, and Mont- porting cast in the difficult Admiral Halsey is ordered gomery, as the producer-di- job of ma_intainin~ ~amatic to take over co t11and of all re~tor, has avoided_ any temp. mt~rest with a mm1mum of fore-es in :!,; !Faced with tatlon to hypo excitement by action. . . turning aside from that. p 1 d unprom mg odds and sur- Weaver ra se d d • · ·t · Although opportunities are . roun e 11ess1m1sm, 1 is plentiful, he has not used one For one, _he ~en~is Halsey's 'ob turn potential stock shot of battle ships un- We~ver playmg ~alsey said, defeat into lct~f.~s success der fire or Japanese planes ~ddmg just the nght ~ouch of meant a tumin; point in the coming in under the anti-air- lightness to an otherwise d'ead- war. craft flack. ly serious subject. "There are no great men," James Goto, who plays the the admlra:l tells one of his Portrayal Powerful American commander's- chie N ; · th f'l "Th avy ers m e I m. ere Primary ass-et of "The Gal- foe, Admiral Yamamoto, is are great challenges that/ !ant Hours" by 1ar is a fasci- another asset, His ls a dign!. or ary men through cir- nating, incisive portrait of Ad- tied characterization. And, as cumstances a;e forced to mlral Halsey by Cagney. It further credit to Montgomery meet." is powerful. It is deep. an~ his_ team, there is no over- ''The Gallant Hours" tells And yet_ this is a Cagney we1ghtmg of the balai:ice ?TI of such a challenge and the who plays ma much more sull,, our side_ Yamamoto 1s p1c- man who met it. And in film- dued key than he has in many tured as a leader as cunning Jng it with such dignity and of his film roles. It is through and_ as war-wise as HaL~ey. honesty, the team of Mont. his quiet determined manner, He 1s simply outmanuevered. gomery and Cagney have met the flash of his eyes, the firm Ward Costello, Richark Jae- and matched a challenge of set of his jaw that Cagney eke!, Les Tremayne, Robert their own.-D,1\1.

6 Rear 1tdrr , ar;

r'-.-f rs. \V10lter Frederick Rodce, recently [rom Colorado Springs, Colo., chat "before "Gallant Hours" premiere dinner with. Mrs. Henry Fenton. Adm. Rodee ts new district air commander. J~an Rempe, \~~,i\nf1H~2:,. ~~?.:~~. . ·"' became the brict"e ol Ens. Ed· Mrs. Custer, ' ~er 5t SCG St. are arents c,t tttl! bride- win M. Custer r., U , groom. March 26 In Wintcrhaven, The :former Miss Rempe Calif. was graduated from Mercy

• -

Mrs. Morley Golden's black organza had a golden thread through it. It wa:; fashioned with long torso

She Is the daughter of Mr. College of Nursin~ and at- and Mrs. R a y m on d D. t<'nded the University of San Rempe, 3608 Grim St. Lt. Ed- Diego CollPge for Women.

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