News Scrapbook 1959-1962

Yp~~rofith N d USD Football Coach . : . . . . . .. . . ; . . .. • I Pecarovich h a • spring footba.11 pracU trom the orl&inal Ap "Mike wu the unlverelty'a choice for the job," athletic co- ordinator Bob S II x ton said. "However, we did Interview two to aorne time 111 May other, and considered three rec- expected to lllllihit Offllll,endatlon, by Coach during aprifig' drllla. Plats." Pecarovlch roomed with 'Bing Platz, USD. ba.ckfleld Crosby at U-rsity 1n 19117 and 19118 a.nd h e a d eoach Jut •\, will continue a.nel once aerved aa the ~ry- u head coach until hla present ma.te of USD baseball contra.ct expires July 31. Mike_ Morrow. Hts vartelf ca- Plat& haa accepted a. high reer mcludes jobs as M author, achoo! teaching assignment at e:c!~r. TV acrlpt wnter, and Escondido High School begin• cher. nlng In September a.nd he wm -"11ke has A B and LL.B. de- take over 8f athletic director grees from Gon:& a.nd a Doc- ot 'the .i,ew Poway High School tor of Jurisprudence e g r e e next Bprtng tram Loyola Unlveraaty. He • Ji . R U" H'll C li! Pecarovlcb last coached un- ~es, m . 0 mg . 1 9 , a ., der ~y Flaherty for the New with his wife and six daughters

rn I Won At USD A joint fellowship In radia- tion biology has been awarded to the Rev. Philip P. Mu r- ray, professor of biology at the University of San Diego. It was awarded 'f,y the Na- t i o n n l Sciene<> F01llldation and the Atomic Energy Com- mission. Father Murray will t a k e out the fellowship thlf .tum- mer at the School ol Medi- cine at Tulane U~ersity, New Orleans. He will conduct re on the use of nuclear enere: for detection and treatment of disease and the effects of nu- clear energy on living tissue, /,WJ0/1/ -t/4. 101ogy ur



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7. •• Mike Commutes to NewGrid Job ~SS i£"L£,R~JEROME HALL 1/.:i_ 7 /1_.o Mike Pecarovich, the St. Anthony Hig!{ School teacher who is a veteran among any group of veteran football coaches, takes over the reins at sa'n Diego University today, beginning a Jong-distance coaching career. · Pecarovich is going to com- fired after a highly success- mute from his Long Beach ful season with an imported home to the San Diego cam- team. pus. "I'll be sort of a public re- "It isn't going to be easy," lations man, too," he ex• the talkative veteran of a plains. "A lot of people don't dozen coaching jobs over a know anything about the span of 36 years admits free- school. Why, it's the only ly, referring both to the high- Catholic college on the West way travel and the gridiron Coast playing intercollegiate assignment. . football. Can't you see the Pecarovich agreed to a two- possibilities for talent?" year contract Tuesday and Pecarovich can, and those this morning begins his High- possibilities lured him from way 101 travels. He will sign a pleasant, serene position on is contract today, rush back the St. Anthony High faculty to his teaching position at as a law and business teacher. St. Anthony, then get ready He's been there eight years. to trek back to San Diego to His coaching career began get spring drills under way. in 1924 at Gonzaga High '-' * * * School in Spokane, Wash. HE WILL commute through Then he coached at Gonzaga spring practice, finishing the University, Loyola U. in Los semester at the local paro- Angeles and had a varied chial school. fling with the pros. He tu- Pecarovich, who is famed tored several minor league along the West Coast as an pro teams and was assistant after-dinner speaker, is step- to Ray Flaherty with the New ping into a situation that has York Yankees of the old All- "tremendous possibilities" but America Conference. is fraught with complications. * ~· * • Pecarovich has been hired HE HAS been a SC!Ollt for to smooth out the situation NFL teams for mant -years. that has seen an almost an- Pecarovich says he dpesn't nual change of coaches in see any difficulty »#nping the brief history of the Cathu· back into coachi a$i;er an lie independent. eight-year absence. "Football Last year's coach, PJ1ul is a g!lme blockiift," he Platz, resigned under amiable says. "I now much circumstances after a mod- about the tqiun, rn have this erately successful season, The year. The s,atem will depend year before, the coach was on the personnel." 't ' •

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Rev Georg~ errnczy, rh- l't'rlor of sarr~rl m•tsir at the min,uy, WR• deacon. and 'emeth, trSD

A new fishing contest, Bim• liar to 'the one now progress- ing off Ocea.nslde, starts Fri• da.y off San Diego. Ca • h priZe!I are offered to the flshe~ eatching th _e la.rger flllh abo:v. these .nuru· mums: yellowtall 27 pounds; barracuda, 12 _pounjls; bonito, 12 p oun da1 kelp bass, 10 p O un d 1; white sea. bass, 40 pounds; tuna., 30 pounds. The contest - called ~he Boosters' Spoil't!tallldi ~ona.n-, za.-ls sponsored by the Uni• verstty of San Diego Boosters, In coopera.Uon with the three aportflshinf landing a r o u n d Munlclpa.l Sportflshlng Pier H&M, Point Loma and Fisher- man's Landlrtg. The contest wil be a sort of gla.nt jackpot with the entry tee $1. Pa.rUclpaUon is volun- ta.ry, Halt of the entry returns to the fishermen a.s cash prizes; the remainder goes to the Boost- ers to bu 11 d USD's athletic fUture. !l_hould no fish of qualifying wefght be taken, the entry fee I swells the pot for the next day's fisherman. In event a qualifying yellowta.11 and a. qualifying kelp bass are caught the same day, the prize Is split. The sponsors have contrib- uted $1,1100 to get the contest started Friday. The contest will run throughout the fishing sea.son. Members of the governing board for the bonanza Dr. Richard W. Luther, Robert J,, Robert W, Sexton, J . B. Miller, s, Howard Minor, Jr., William V. O'Neal, and Al

York Yankee prote1s!ona.l foot- ball team In 19110 In the old A I l•A m er I can professional le&ll'11e. Since 1950 he has, In addition to hla Long as- signment, served aa a scout for tlu! Detroit Lions and Wash- .ton Redskins and i• well own throughout California t his banquet speeches. ., Pecarovich coached twice at Loyola Unlver11it7 ln Los An- gelu, 1927-28 .and 1939-40. He coa.ched at hill alma. mate· Gonzaga University ln Seatt' from 1931 through 1938. He was 11. l • o an a8Sista--

the pries t- at the Greg- hood were m orian University in Rome where he wa.a a.warded doc-





u ti }like Pe<'arovirh, author, actor, TV script writer, .rancher, teacher, after- dinner speaker, doctor of jurispruden and football coach, is a man of many . 1 :skills as his numerous titles will attest It follows that he'll install a multiple of. fense on the football fi~Jd for ·the lJni-" versity of San Diego next fall. The personable, new 60-year-old USD coach held a press conference met the USD Boos_ters' Club last night. """e'll use a multiple offense, elupha- "izing speed and down.field blocking." the ex-coach of the old San Diego pro- fessional Bombers sald. Pecarovich, who succeed, Pa Platz, who resigned, said he didn't expect to be handicapped by an absence of more than 10 years from active coaching. ''Football's fundamentally the same as it was when I last coached. You've still got to block and tackle to win," he com- . mented. ,•he new co1l<'h hasn't seen any of his USD gridders in actio , except in mo- vies. "Erom what I :,aw, I think we'll have fo strengthen our fundamentals." hP said. "The blocking and t~rklu;g 'looked had in the movies not aggres- !-ih·p pnough "We'JJ stress No·,re Dame blot·kmg. I won't go for four yards. I'll want 70 a ,d speed ar,d downfield l>locking can get it tor you," he_added. Pecarovlch won't be st U:r t l n g from scratch in his new aisignment. He'll have Bob Keyes, 195-pound halfback who returns to USD after a one-year stint

with :\Im ines. KeJ es, who avera-ged 10 yards per carry for MCRD last year, is- an ex-Pioneer star. Jan Chapman, two-year letterman, will be banked on, too. to make _l'ecaro- vich's return to coaching successful. Pecarovich's multiple offense is ex- pected to be a cross between a single- wing and winged-T to utilize both the running of KPyes and the passing of Chapman. ·•I u n d r, 1· I' :1~ F lahert) !or , PW York Yankee pro- fessional team in 1950 in the old All- American ConfPrence. Since then he has taught at St. Anthony High in L o n g Beach. He formerly coached at Loyola University in Los Angeles, 1927-28 and 1939-40, and at Gonzaga University in Spokane from 1931 to 1938. He also was an assistant coach with the pro San Francisco Clippers. His overall collegi- ate record is 45 wins, 53 losses and seven ties. • The veteran· sees Whittier College Humboldt State, San Diego Marines, Cal Po I v , Pomona I and Arizona State (Flagstaff) a~ "hettC'r than u~·· 1r the USD sehf'd de. Kc" lexico W<'sl pt•n. .~zusa CollegP. Southern. Culifon1ia Col- lege, San Francisco State. and Pepper- dine fill o,1t tlw tough nine-game sched- ule. A former roommate of Bing Crosby during their Gonzaga days, Pecarovich brings a sense of humor to his new job. He should steal the show at the Monday Quarterback Club meetings •• •'P.C•. the San Diego

Pioneers Win lJAltd. l;~h U~i~:r~i~g~ft~. ego chalked up its 11th straight baseball victory as they upended Biola 8-4 at Mike Morrow Field For starter Terry Lorenz, now 8-1, it was his seventh consecutive victory, including two in relipf in the team's last five outings. Hugh Soto. and Dick Wil- bur were the Pioneer's b i g guns. Soto rapped a leadoff homer in the opening frame and Wilbur blasted one in the seventh with one teammate aboard. USD will meet Phibtrapac at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday at Navy Field. The Pioneers h 0 lq th1·ee decisions 'this S<'ason over the NavymPn, Friday they travel to Red- lands and Saturday they are at Azusa College before re- turning next Sunday to host Loyola of Los Angeles t ~•ba .. · .. , 01O 000 300-4 t 4 F II b' · . . . . 300 003 2t,,.,._ )I 0 ans ff and Smotherman; ren,:, 0 , {6) and Cox, O'Connor, (6

BACK L.~ HAR ·EsS-Mike Pecaro- vich, right, veteran coach, is back in action as head football coach of the Univer ity of San Diego Pioneers.

Helping him gag it up for photogra- pher last night at press conference is Bob Sexton, USD athletic co-ordina- tor. Sexton will assist Pecarovich.

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9, '6~ fe I 8 ll Ne_ Un_1versity Names Law School e :';le. Booth, chancellor of thf' dio- Manus, a former attorney and cese, previously had b e c n naval veteran of World War serving as regent of the law II, has been named regent of school.. Msgr. Bootli '<(>ill <'on. the University of San Diego's tinue as chancellor. · School of Law. Father McManus, son of! The appointment of Father Mr. and Mrs, Martin J. Mc- McManus was made by the Manus of 1357A Goshen St., Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, has been a professor of law bishop of the San Diego Cath- at the university since last oli<- DiocPse. September. j The Rt. Rev. Msgr. James His brother, Robert Paul The Rev. Martin J.


r t Father :.vicManus made his He was bom in To I e d o, ing World War II. McManus, ~091 ~lbi?n St., is[decision for the priesthood in Ohio, His an electronics sc1ent1St at the 1954 after 10 years as a trial years as a deputy Naval Electronics Labora- lawyer in Los Angeles and tory. four year s in the Navy.

father serv~d 22


:evenue collector. The fam• 1ly moved to Los Angeles dur•

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