News Scrapbook 1959-1962
1itN, A,To/f 1 Marc n Stud ts
d ew USO t Of Naval Justice
, ,.-~ri-o Fiorenza Top USO Slugger , Hca,_ -Jutting shor{stop ,Tim l· lo, Cllla ]pd llniVf'r itv of 'an Di<'go tPammat"s iri fiv<' irdhidual rlrparlm,•nts in fi. nal Pione<'r hn ehnll statistic's relea eel yf'Stf'l r!a) 'Fio1 !'rt, kr! i'l hits ,,·1th ,13 horn,• rur \\ ,th :.!, IK will; O, n..ns b ttcd Ill I\ 1th 4.3 and tied Jr, hilt ng ,, 1 h a whop (;,r-J a l\l-l> SP coach an of 3, 1 kr :\farrow. a ,·,•tC'r·- or1s at 8, n Di<'"'O ligh, junior eollegr and l'SO '27 o,er 111 ,•co1 d at USD a 4 on reeord givin~ 4:'4 TJ1,, P,tJrt •tr fii i~hccl with
r ity
AE J: ,;~,t~~~J Unlver ·ity of San Diego stu- dents yesterday m a r c h e d between the Civic Center and! the downtown Plaza indorsing a s tr o n g anti-Communist stand. The students said thl'ir dem- onstration wa · in part a reac- tion to last wl'ek's rioting on the teps of San Francisco's City 11 as university stu- dents protested H,o u s e un- Amer an acti\'ities hParings there "\ e believe the only way to pre nt war is to prepare1 for I r," the group's leader, 23-year-old Alex Harper, told a reporter. · W want o u r government to know we arc prepared to fight for peace ." "More m Is s i I cs - more guts," "Ask the Poles a n
Seeks To Fire Dean of Law A move to fire the l.Jruvers1tv of San Diego Law School dean loda v is unrfer negotiR t10n. nollfkahon al his contract would be lrr- mfnated two yeara brfore its end. An allomey for Dattan has been negotiating with th• uni• versity's attorn v or a settle- m~nt of the rllep;ite. The 1·ea on :for Dalt n's fir- ing h ve not lw n reveal•d. Bishop R11r!dv waa nnt avail• able !or , 'lmm nt How~ rrl Datt an, dean, re• rotledly rePe1vrr!
Banquet Honors Trio Quartcrback
.Tnt Chap ap, Jim Ffemlng and
shortstop Jim named 111ayen1 of ~e their r peel i::e_ the annual
Diego award cent::v on the pu.
Father Yahn Appointed USD Law Registrar h;J19, Th!' Rev. George YnJm ha cese, 15t-J 3/ I,.:, been appointed regi trar ofl Father Ya a lllW profcs- the Univ ly o! San Diego sor at USO, Is o ngage year. rerry Lore ,: o~ ~'lr~vl Jon Chapmon - ~1¾ Masquers Pres~nt Actini Awards George Peppard, 11tar His Company") .and Hol was the h red est t Mai!quers' to h anr.ual Fourth Annual Ht111quet Valle's, Peppj!.rd entertained tho gucst 11 Wit)). lntere g aneo• dotea of lheat~r life and then pr n e J.h~ fo) much coveted pla u a. l3<'S Actor, John J. l3own:an, for the second coMecubve Y ar; ~'l t Ver aUle Aclo , Ronald R. HouM Best Actr ~. Angel :SOccino; Best ometfian, :Mkhacl Mar- ques, and t Su_pportlng I'la er, (i ne Ded ter of Drama Officers _elected f ll ~t 11111,son e: Ruge~ M h I brech, ' president; Michael M11-rques, 'Vice pr,i de~t; Ned Wilson Bec- relary; Jerry Williams, treasurer, ana Tom Gentilella scrgcant-at-anns • !}ues mclude,d: .Col. and Mr Thomas G. Lanphier Sr., Dr ~d Mra. Bernard P, Cunmngham, C9uncllman and Mrs. Justin Evenson, Councilman and Mrf!. Ross Tharp; Mr. and .irs. Howard S. Datt1U1, Mro. Justine Fenton. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene DeFalco Sr Mr and Mt-s. .Joacph Wil'iams, Mr. ana Mrs James Wilson. ' Mr. and MN; Harold Green, Mr. ~d Mrs. Carlos Tavaro,. Mr. a Mrs. K. F. Vanier, :Mr hd fy. Robert Mlw, r. and Mrs. Thomas Keelan, Mrs. Soph e Dryd n, rs. Bea De- Dominico, Mrs. Nell Sweeney, and '.Mrs. Sally Lynch, ~bff oJ"f~Te et Saturday spnng mPC'ling of lhc group yesl<'rday at th<' t'nhersily of San Di<'go ColJPgc for WomPn, Alcala. Parle 0th <'r n'firr1·s l'IC'ctrd w Pr r :\1rs. Thomas Finn, , IC-<' prl'sidpnt. :\lmP~. Paul J Oti \'ill<'<'I l Bacino, Ful- ton l\lonsrl's, and L. H. Adams, secretaries; :\11 ·. Michal'! Herrill and Miss Made!Yn Lo Piccolo, treas- ure·.. · !ll<'mh<'r~. at - large ('j('('t,•rl to S('l'\'<' Oil the board of clir<'clors are l\lm,s. A. JI Lorch, Paul Suda, Frn.ncis W. B,•nson, and Patrkk D. McMahon. Follow mg t111• <' lrC'tion. tea was spn·Nl for memhcrs of th<' graduating class or the Coll<'ge Jor Women. ::\-Trs. Jtalo La,·o.rini was in char"'" o! arrangements. =.J - -5 ,n Diego Union Photo bY Bob Redding U.S. stand against communism at a rally in Plaza downtown. Group then marched to Civic Center. ---......,..,.,.,..._.:J ----• Pioneers Led By Fiore~mt Final University of San enza. led his teammates In five !nruvld al hitting departments. Shortstop Fiorenza led the Pioneers, in hits with 43, home- runs with 12, walks with 20, I runs-batted-In "1th 45, 11.nd In- I dividual rotting with a .439 average. The Pioneers defeated B!Ola College, 6-0, to close the sea.son with a 19-8 record. The pio- neers were 12·4· e.gainst col• legiate competition. Last year the Pioneers finished with al 17-7 record. Coach Mike Morrow, a vet- eran of 35 seasons at San Diego High, San Diego Junior College, and USD, now has a 43-27 rec- ord for his three seasons at USO. Fiorenza, along with baaket- ball player Jim Fleming a.n'd quarterback and newly elected Associated Student Bo Students rally around Alex Harper, University of San Diego senior, who speaks in favor of a strong , s-/4 ')- 6 " HERITAGE RECAL ED Mills Favors UCSD Name I BU IJ( (Jraduatc.i; Jt1dgeto i\.clclr '60Cla1', I ~.,:__}-~-: ~Ji.i/1; Women's College To Gi e 67 Degrees Conn-1encement exerc ses at the University of San Diego s College for' WP"len w,11 be helrl at 3 p.m. titis Sunday, May 2!1 m the thca er of the women's colleg<' n th Akala Pa"'- campus Tbe Most Reve•enrt Bishop will pre~ and awar d r:r •· a'l Dr go hould be use,i[ in the oHiclal name o 1 the Uni\ er• ty o! California cam- us pla ned !or Torrev Pmes \te. a, it was , ated t~day by l Jam R. Mi 11 ~. candidate tor the Democratic nomina- tion In the 79th Assembly DHrict Mil's ga, e hi opinion in a talk bt'fore a group o[ women who a e rf'sidents nf the San Diego State College area The me<'tlng \\a held in the home or • !rs. ;\!cm in ~1bulkm 547 FahN ·.,·a~. "When the , oter~ or San Diego ga,e up their heritage o[ land Ior a unil ersity, they endowed a .·tale unlvcrsit v. Peoplr o u g ht to reC'ogm;e that the university is located n _·an Diego. It should not he named aftPl' 11 i e. rl·t•i\·e r,•sid nhal n e i g I\ I; u r hood," Mtl1s said. n&med d,rector of th9 . G mer re enUy w n Diego S<.'hool of Law hbrary-and th t o! work for th soft, pokcn priest $(1.ff/J~i/-~~ 1:. Supr·riol•v '1;&~1 g,•A\~1- liam l'. la wch· \\'J 1 cll'li\·cr !ht> c mmcn<"einc•n t aC:dres · Sunda.' at l)l third annual I joint graclualion f'Xl'rcLr of the t'nlver•ity of St1n Diego•~ College !or ~!en ar.d School of L:1w. The cxcrc1H•s will ~tart al 1 p.m. in the ,\IP~l:i. ThC'atrc on tbe .:ampu • Fitly-two stu- dents 1nll b,• awarded de• grees. The Very rte, I •sell Wil• son, College for Men president, will celebralt> a baccala11reate mass at 11 a.m. in the Uni- \·erslty's Immaculata chapel. The l\lost Rev. Charles F. ~uddy, Bishop of San Diego. will preside al the graduation exercises. He. also will award all degrel' ·. • The 52 1 CCl'JVing dPgrces comprise the lar eho<>I o! l,aw ho to ~ttam full Amerl- crod1lat.l n bv September And one of h of the the the One hoot f ds to ob air B Fath re -,gnll n Sixty-three graduates w 111 receive Bachelor pf Arts and achelor of Science degrees, d four v,ill receive masters degrees. Sislr.r lary Albert, SSND; Sistei: M Brigid, SSND, and Mary Esther Kupferberg will receive Master of Science degrees In Edu<:ation, and Betty Baxter Anderson will receive a. Master of A r t s degree. Fifteen Religious will be awarded bachelor degrees. Others receivinir bachelor de- grees a c: I Maureen McGrath Aggeler, Marguarita Kiernan Antoni• 1 ale, Barbara Bassarab, Irma• lee Lucille Beck, Janet Lee Beck, Catherine Louise Ben• son, Carol Della Marie Blair, Ange I a Delores Rncc!imo. Mary Bonner, Domom Clare Collins, Genevieve V I r ginia Condon Gloria :El~na. Cota, Mar- lene Patricia Curran, Gladys Luci! e Evans, Joanne Fan- ning, .8. • Charlene Farrar Eliz eth Ev a F'n tleroy, Cecile Yvone Gagne Ma r y Cathenne Ga lah11e Fe.t.rlcia Gannon, in'tone Marie Gen nelte, Gretchcrt Mane Ger- hart, Irene Gutierrez. Helen Blanche H i g gins, R.N., Joanne Marie Krejsa, Mary Ann Lambert, Marie D. Latham, R.N., • •ancy Theresa Leal, Karene Terese L~mke, Consuelo Mari a rJeanne) Llaiios, Colleen Pat r i c i a L eh, Marie Suzanne Ma· han Mary Margaret Mahedy, Rosemary Malanga. S hdra. Marie Mc\"ey, Janet • 'a!dl, Ma . a,-et JRne O'Dris- coll, Mary Joan Padberg Sand a Ann Pl kert, Bar- har Mary Rivat-d, S u s a ;n Robtn Ror1weber a n d r a I~ appro:idm&tel a d, Sand, Barbara Jo Anne Ta u- lonis, Annette Vanier, Claire Mane Whalen: Alexander M. W1erer Ir e C. Mayo, M
Special AW bookll 'W Father G m r ow !l's a. rn tter of g tltng taln spec fir. titles r qu red ':>y th American Bar Asso- c! t1on f o r I 1. w c h o o l llbrarle h ve pl nt) of s," professors at the College _for nd now his big proJect js a q J rmg those 1,6.i0 apeclal lav. booka. He'll breathe easier when he se s those books lining the helves of th<> 'ih:..:.r;::a:.,r..:•c_..-- ij..N jON lo/ tJ bO Judge To Speak At G - Charles J. Han1en, Alexandcl' A. Harper, Ronald R. House Curtis A. Lontz, Peter H'. Luque, John H. Markley, M!cha~l J.,_:Miller, Harold S. M1trov1ch, John P. Mulligan, John D. E\cm~n. Donald D Frank D. :Murphy, Merle_ E. Gilmorl!, r .. nnctlt J. Kaur'- Reed, John R. Russell, R1d1- man Thoma v Kell)' H ard W. .Smith, WHliam G. S. Lenihan, R~hcrt 'u. c~f?. a.n d Wilbur. Special aplalns' award 8 went to Chapman and Walker all) and Tim Wilbur • J. M Norman p ~orrr.nlc, chol ictor Tony, Jam S.. W rgin and 'rimo- Martin ,L lllonti·o·,. :-.ruir, All.J<'rt v P~ronn E · \:·ard :lit. RNlm~nd, Hl;~ 0 "t thy J. Wilbur. Business Admin istf'9tion c. T .. E-'.,:\~ 1 "·f• Thom,1 s Amhrustcr, Soto, Stephen II. , Tin,.;~., Tl1oma, A. J~hn T. Tnl; JO$~pl1 \ !none., ntl · Con!P,. "·ethN' Id. Jam.- .J.
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