News Scrapbook 1959-1962


C lieges Here To

ents Th is Wee


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- 11, 1915 Lanoltan Ave, :-,;ationa h ho will fie graduat lty,

c-onriuct d by Dr. Wlllinrr ust, uni\ erslty presidE>nt. at 3 p.m. today In the chapel



summa cum Jaude.

BaccalaurPate ~ervicPs will on <'ampus.

J i,. go Jar e~t aduat -

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s,•nio recPiw bache- lors rll'grl'e~ In tht> campus open air thPa- t,,r at 10 a.m. t1a \pr•~ de. wil) be rfda1•.


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awarded to 200. Eleven Re- serve Offircr Training Corps cadets will takP t hP o, th of offiee a Afr For< e .second JiPutenants. Top king g auuate 1 Bet- tv H a e, •l!11l5 Porter Rill Rd., La M ·a Ir . A •P, who ha a i-on. r l'llO, \\ ho will en. ter San Df Pgo late next year, maintained a 3.91 grade point averagP. ShP maJorP1f In soci- ology and wm wo1·k toward a teach!ng rreden llal Dr. J.falcolm A. !.o,·r, college pre idcnt, . air! nine sentors ",II bl" graduated wlth highPSt honor ; 30 with high honor, I The frl!duatlon ~p aker will be Dr: Abraham Kaplan, phllo ophy proff'.ssor at the U11ivers

• • • Juanita Win And So·Do s

OF MEMORIES TO RECALL sociated with the past 37 years,

Morrow then turned to coaching at an I) e o Hi , then the Junior College and, at present, an Die(;O University. With him are AI Olsen, left, and B1ff Gardner, right, long assoc i ate d with coach.

night in Lemon ansas City Blues,


daughter or 1r and irs. ,John a,langa,, 35tJ1 Paui Jones Ave nu , !'e,·cnlly wa~ chos~n queen of the Sons of llaly CoronA tlon Ball and Page8Jlt But there IM a slory behind the story or the victory of Urn senior from Acadcm of Ou, Lady o! Peace.

2 San Diego uates Sund

eo·rees Nnivers1


Friends Give Mike A Salute roaches nnd manager: belie, F. Buddy, founder and president of the university. Dee es awarded: Bachelor of Aris J hn Archard, f ohn _Bo - , m , Richard Corbm, W11l1a Cornelison, Anthony -di Le , Neal Dolan, Robert Gengler Frederick Gunther, A I i, x der Harper, ;Ronald ou , Curtis entz Peter 'Luque Jr, John Matkley, Michael Miller, Harold • itrovich John Mui• Jigan, Frank forph , 'lerle Reed, John Ru•sell Jr., R ch- ard Smith, William Tony, James Wat ·n and T mothy Wilbur. B chelor of Business Adminiliraiion Stephen Arm ruster. Jo eph Bryans, Tommy Chrones, James Con~ y, John Ev n on, Donald Gilmore, Kenneth Kaufman, Thomas Kelly, Rob- ert Machol, Norman geno :\fartm Montroy, John Muir Albert Perona. Ed.wa d Red man, Hugo S0lo Jr., a d Thomas T1crnan J . Bachelor of Laws Frederic CoNad Jr. ~ricson, n rt 1·H1rgrov III, Ha, den I 11:: Gilbert Snuth and Ro!) rt Wo 1. Summer Session Graduatu Bachelor of Arts 1chacl A caraz, l1cl1ael C1arles Hanlen, a d V ct T reote Jr. :Beeb or of Business Admlnistrallon J. T. Trily, Henry Henihan, and Evan Wetherald_ .__ Charles

in just lob-


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to th • plate ln hatting practice and

bing th



competed with th r e e c·andHlatPS by Sl'lllng The pl()< eed 8.r~ b ing 19 · lilt hips,

Laws were co ' rred Sunday afternoon upon 52 Umvers h of San Diego students, school's third daonua mencement exerdses

I give 'em the

Not me

J t1mg th hitters te

c1m klncl of pitching they'll s e in the g mes." l\Iorrow i lwurd in m1y line of work. oll'e thut ,, ulct be u · d to guirlP ship saf ly into port on n murky night. nut he doesn't need 1o ay . thing about hi skill us , IJ,t!S bull coach, or his ct , otmn to youth. Th d tell th t01y of his coaching, c1nd r :,like's boys ,.., ill tc tify to his qualities 1 an e ptlon· l human bemg. They'll tell )Ou of hi kmclrw ·, Iii und r tnncling, hb foye for boys ... f thP it p1ration provided for 37 years by this gmff m n with g ntl nature. 'lh'r I 110 finer testam •nt 10 n life's work. Mike' h rt mu t have hPPn e peci lly full and content h1st m hi many of hi. old play r ·, pal and a sedate th red to riay him honor t a dinner ,in Lemon Gm\ It' aid, and al I truly 1 that the re demon tra- ti n f the genU nbbing of a fri nd. lik kn w he wa.<: surroun ed by real friends because thi wa a joyous occasion, not a wake. The gu t of honor ,ms the butt of most of the jokes nd, b in ilk Iorrow, he loved it. One or th few seriou · note· was sounded in a tele- gram from 'I heodore S·unu I \\ illiams, a ballplayer of ome reputatmn. ''I know how much you have meant to the ,outh of San D1rgo," wired Williams Jrom Bo ton, "and I know how much you have meant to m p •rsonally. • oho was l'l 17 when his admirers presented him a w utomohile after hi · Legion team was beaten in the final by Cincinnati. The Story Of A Nickna~e lhP kind of fellow who would make him- s Ir Ile h s a fog-horn

Pre aredness Superior Court Judge Wil- liam P .. Mahedy urged peace through preparedne · · In a corrmencement addre s to 52 gradua•in dents at the Univer 1ty of ·an Diego yes- terday He told g aduates to take an nterest in political life. and to beware of complacen- cy. 'Nations have been lost be- cau e of complacenc ·," he said He said that if ie United d CO· Sovwt State lnxe ts e:>..i tenc will be on terms Student. of the university's College far Men a d School of Law reee ved degrees in j fo• exercisl's at Akala 'l'he- ater on the campus. The ost R v. Charle!!' F. Buddy. bishop f the Roman Catho- lic Diocese of San Diego, pre•.I sided. J

I estimon· I Z 't t1 ~//:/LI


Grad Get

Accepts Post At Needles Bob Mccutcheon, who guid- ed Ramona High to a South- ern California Interscholastic Federation small SC'hools foot- ball championship last fall, will take the head football posl at Needles High tl1is fall, he an- nounced today. McCutcheon, a cE-nter of controversy at University of San Diego two years ag stat- ed financial reasons for leav. jng_ "I tried getting into thl' (~an Diego) city schools' sys. tem for two years," s~i(! Ic- Cutcheon. "I e,'f\Jl thoug I had a head football jo a of the high schools.'' Mccutcheon took t E' jrJb at Rnmona last fall and his team p r o m p t 1 y won 12 straight ball gamPs, cl1max- 1ng with a 20-6 win O\er Ei- senhower High in the SCIF finals.


sp ,, medm, of ,~<' San Dli-go Alumnae of the Sacrrd Heart was held recently at the t'ni\·ersih· of San Diego College lor \\'om rn, Alcala Park. • ·ew officers ell'c'ccl fot' the Iv. c vear term are as follows· p1 cs,clen', !\It~. Frank Ra- gen; \'ice presidrnt, Mrs. Tho- mas Finn; recording secretary, .\[l's. Paul J. Otis; assistant 11'· cording secretary. Mrs. V'n• ce,L Bacino; corresponding secretary, :\Ir Fulton '.\Ion- Pe ; assistant corresponding secretary, Mrs. L. R. Adams; treasurer. frs. Michael Her- rill; a. sistant treasurer, :11is, Madelyn Lo Piccolo. .\lernbers-at-largp on board d rlfrPctors, sen·ing a four- tern arc :'>!rs. A H 114'.ls W. BPn- 1! ·.

/larged ,raiiau1,;otliBS I a s t been .·FL !all. uded rlphia, ork Oakland y formed League competing for his '"9-..,.,..11

!Ferrier Elected X ,. Head of Chapter I The La Jolla chapter of the Military Ordpr of the World Wars yesterday elected Lt. Col. William \V. Ferril'r, ·USA, ret., as its commander a~ a luncheon h~ld at the Admiral Kidd Comm ioned Officers' MP.• L F. Allred . Gregory , USN, ret., was elected first /\ice commander. Ferrier SUCCl'Cds Lt. Col. Joseph N M. Berger, USMC, rel. / I '6


ards wm be pn•• ntcd at 8:30 tonight In the !'enter and will conclude the tournamer t.


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