News Scrapbook 1959-1962
t/9/to s eRoss taduates Face
ew Era,
edy Stresses at
(Contlnu.,,1 troo, religious belief or conviction among ma college graduat . \ e find a moral b
52 Awarded Degrees by Men's College College graduates face a. new e1·a wtlh problems, obliga- tion.a and even a. routine of da,ly life quite unknown to their counterparts in the twenties. To present ''the challenge nf the sixties', Superior Court Judge Wjlliam P. Mahcdy, KSG, contrasted the pa8t with the pre ent in his commencement address to the graduates in law and In the arts and sciences at exercises nf San Diego Univer- 111ty's colleges for men. The Most Reverenrl Bishop, chancellor II nd prPsirlent of the University nf San Diego. presided at the graduation in the Alcala theater on the campus and pr~sented diplomas to 112 student.~. Very Re\' Russell Wil on, president of the Coll<'gP for ::11en, opened the exercises with a bnef sketch of the young uni\'ersity .from it.~ beginnings In 1949 to the g1-aduation. of l!Ome 130 students of its co!leges in 1960. Inspiring Center of Learning 0 You have een our univ nnty grow in a f~w ~hort years/' Father Wilson said. "You have seen the transformation of a gr9.5s coverPd hill lo an imposing an,J irl~piting cPnter of learning and instruction in the space of less than a dozen years..You have . C<'fl the unt ·ere1t; far111ty an
th Its tragic
resulta In Inc ~rl d1\1orce. A popular American philo ophy o! lif P. may be l!llmmarl.z: d in the wttrd 'don't get caught• Social conformity is seen ln the trend to tollow the crowd even it it is hea,led for hell, Strangely, some Catholics do 11ol hl • <·ollegt" prf•.,i -r'I? / 6 «Ir/£' ,ego f' 1 ) )I.. Seek U.S. Title Forty debating teams v.ere ment. Other bills concerning eliminated yesterday in the a nl"w mrtn!' syslPm nd an second day of thl' ational i'lcrease in 1h<> immigration Speech Tournam<'nt and Na- quota were still hC'ing debate- tional Student Congre at h" ed. University of San D ego. l\lore than 300 stude>nts from The remaining 32 teams h gh schools and colleg<'s will dwindle toda} and the across the nation arr allend- championship dC'ha Ing team ing !hi' l'Vl'nt. With them arc will be d<'t<'rmin!'d at 7 P-'11 MOl'P than 200 parents and tomorrow in A:rala Theater friends. at the univ<'rsit\ . San Diego arP:1 schools rep- Aw a rd s cPrPn'ome. foi resented in the sp<'cc·h tourna- . _ . m ..111 an• Chula \'ista High winners m thP various clas- School, Hilltop l igh School, ses will be held 8 :30 p.m. . Grossmont High School, Ifo- The senate of the National !ix High Sehool. San Di<'go Student Congress yPsterday l!Iigh School and Lrncoln High elected Timothy Q u i n l a n. School. ' Camden, N.J , as its presi-1 ReprPSC'nting s n Dil'go fn dent. Robert R. RC'ick, Min- the senate of the National Stu- neapol! ectPd dent Congress is Linda Hess, spPalu•r 0$ Grossmont High School. In T.! e,_ hou f;enate the house it is Loa Gene d unanlmou a b i I I Baplil', C'hula Vista Hi g h "lg rapital p u n i s h- School. b/ . Young F~sherman Hooks $3,900 Fish· I Boosters' Stud nt Win Sch ~~2JWi.i won more cials rC'p rt d yesterday Tlw list includC's 22 high school gr.aduates and two high school ,un 01 Jame John on, 1 8, of Kear, nPy Htgh School, son of Mrs. EthPl L. Joh,nwn of 8721 Iver- son St., has hc>en awarded a full athl!'t1 cholarshi.p at the UnivPr ily of OrPgon, wort'1 $1,600. Whil!' .at 1·earny High School 11<• play<'d on football and baskC'thall teams. .raniee H rnl,,rson, 17, of Mission Bhy High School daught<'r- f Mr. and Mrs. Da- vid J. m;nd 'rson of 1720 0·1. \er Av<' and :\fargaret Bel kenn 16, of Clairemont High School, daught<•1 of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D Helk nn of 4224 F·eathei· A\'!',., boll1 jun- iors, will study this s mmer M the lln!i. ersity of Ca!ifor. nla Jan ice will study mathe- matics at Los Angeles and Margaret will attend the sum mPr sessio!I at Santa Barbara. Other scholarship winners are· ,t ttwn C'holarship awards t weok, school ofli. in I P Twenty-five University of San Diego students are named on the Dean's honor list for the spring semester at the uni- versity's College for Men. The list was published by the Very Rev. Russell Wilson, president and dean of the col- lege. t th@ theme for l'nlverslty at • h It l 1 nd Inn last and h , ommlttee, - CALL TO ORDEI~ ti /J)o /1.J / Thetas eo 1 'Race Dav 0~ an n· ' arted l .,, By BETH lUOHR I The University of San Di- ego Auxiliary's luncheon at Shelter Island Inn yesterday I s tie scene for the " Day at Caliente" the group \\ill spon- sor on July 9. I Red carnation horsl'shoes, ·---~-""""' racing programs and pari- rn u tu e I tickets decorating luncheon tables were remind- ers of the buffet luncheon and day of races to be held in th!' I "Top of the Turf' ' room at <;allente Race Track to bene- f1~ the university. l ~!rs. John Athaide, ct ,·r. man of the day, ·announced that reservations will be r _ ited to 600 auxrnary Members and their guests. Area ticket chairman ac- cepting calls for reservations and ticke are Mmes. Cosi- mo Cutri Jr. and Charles Rlzz; San Dleg Walter lls E'ds fl c "o: James Gl an of Dolan. San Diego; Richard :!l!ldland, Tex.; Layman, P. • - C.\RO! r Mr. a1id Mrs 5111 Fabian, A\'c., trothal announce 'a3a 6 San Diego Independent, Thursday, July 7, 1960 day is the b1>nef t liente' bcmg apon T s S Day at red b Univ~ lty of ~an the big a ternoon. Arrangements have Atha!de 1229 Plum. as chair- made for round trip bus Diego Aux,hary with Mrs. John
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