News Scrapbook 1959-1962

We }1tllite 1(cu -

• H & M SPORTFISHERS, INC. ACademy 2- 1144 (SD Areal MAd ison 6-8005 (LA Areal

• FISHERMAN'S LANDING ACademy 2-0391 ·(SD Areal LUdlow 1-1477 (LA Areal

Herc, in Paufic Ocean waters, just off the: Port of an Diego, will be found some of the world's finest deep sea fi hing. Year 'round, at such spots as Coro- nado Islands, the "Rock Pile," Descanso Point, Point Loma and Tia Juana Kelp Beds, and other fish-pro- ducing areas will be found boats of the an Diego sportfishing fleet, carrying out 11,·c bait fishing opera- tion, It is near these natural feeding grounds that ycllowtail, tuna, barracuda, bonito, white sea bass, bass and other game fish arc found in great numbers. Regardless of age, sex or experience, the angler will find fun, sport and excitemrnt awaiting in this real Fl HERMAN' PARADISE. vailable in this area that sponsors of the San Diego Sportfishing-Boosters Ca h Prize Bonanza included six popular species of fish in their new con- test ow, the rappy bass has been placed in a com- petitive pos1t1on with the: fighting yellowtail, the speed) bon ta, ,tnd other game fish -all capable of t sting th tackle and skill of any fi herrrun. Whether It wa to stimulate interest in the great ,·ariety of fi h


SPORTFISHING ASSN. ACademy 3-1627 (SD Areal MAdison 8-2375 (LA Areal


f 'll'ff FOR FUN 1-1






CONTEST The San Diego Sportfishing-Boosters Cash Bonanza is sponsored by Fisher- 111an's Landing, H&M Spo ishers, Inc., Point a portfishing Association, and the University of San Dieg Booster's Club. It is a contest of fishing skill in which only bona fide passengers on boats of the sportfishing acti 'ties named are eligible to participate. Commemal sportfishing mdustry personnel, employees of sponsoring sport- fi h1ng act1\·it1es i!nd members of their ;mmediate families are ineligible for parti- npati n rn the contest. Affiliation or employment within one year places a person 1th111 this category. The administrative committee may, for qmse, refuse partiupatton to any person whose conduct is considered detrimental to the spirit or welfare of the contest. 4 Participation in the San Diego Sportfishing-Boosters Cash Bonanza is volun- tary, contestants signifymg their mtention of taking part at time of purchasing trip ticket or of completing charter arrangements. Adj115tments will be made in regular ticket price or charter boat charge to include privilege of participating in the Cash Bonanza contest, trip ticket, charter sheet or ticket being stamped accordingly. Cash Bonanza funds will be dispensed as follows: 50% as cash prizes for catching largest qualifying fish in the various eligible species, 10% to an accumulating cash award to be divided equally between contestants catching largest qualifying fish m each eligible species during the entire contest period, 40% to University of San Diego Booster's Club for financing non-profit projects of that organization and for expenses of operating the contest. 5 Contestants will be issued duplicate senally numbered entry blanks for which he or she assumes responsibility of completing with name, address, telephone nwnber and name of boat upon which embarked. Original of the entry blank must be deposited in locked boxes provided ·at each of the sponsoring landings prior to embarkation. Copy shall be retained for identification of contestant. 6. The following species of fish are eligible for entry in this contest: (a) Bass ( including kelp bass, calico bass and sand bass). (b) Barracuda. (c) Bonito. (d) White sea bass. (e) Yellowtail. (f) Albacore, bluefin tuna and yellowfin tuna. 7. Qualifying weights of the various species of fish eligible for entry in the contest will be established by the administrative committee, and are subject to change as required by fishing conditions. Qualifying weights will be conspicuo115ly posted at the various landings where entry blanks are available.

If more than one qualifying fish of the same species are caught on the same day, the heaviest fish of that species will be declared winner of the cash prize. more than one qualifying fish are caught in two or more species on the sam day, the heaviest fish in each species will be declared winners, to share equally 1 th cash prize. l O In case of tie, there will be an equal division of cash prizes between tymg contestants. 11. In case no qualifying fish of any species is caught, the cash prize fund will be added to that competed for on the fishing day following ' Each fishing day will be a contest period, starting and ending at midnight. Boats carrying contestants must schedule departures and arrivals during this time. Winners will be declared and cash prizes awarded within twenty-four hours, or following decision of administrative committee, when circumstances require in accordance with secti n 19 of these rules. 13 To be eligible, fish must be hooked and landed by the contestant on rod and reel. Casting for the contestant by another person is not permitted, but other persons including crew members, may assist by baiting the hook, untangling lines and ~fting the fish.


Fish landed on br ken rod, hand-lined in landing, or munJated in landing are ineligible.

18. Fish m115t be weighed and certified by an authorized weighmaster, and be in the round at time of weighing. Following weigh-in, fish will be opened and checked for ir.regularities. Fish and contestant may be disqqalified for attempted fraud. 19. Protests referring to rules violations, or occurrences violating the integrity of the contest and its sponsors are encouraged. Communications of this nature shall be directed to the administrative committee within 12 hours after the infraction has become apparent. 20. In all matters relating to the San Diego Sportfishing Boosters Cash Bonanza, the decisions of the administrative committee will be final.


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