News Scrapbook 1959-1962
• Vie
tt s oe ue
-San DI.ego Union Ph(lo
Dan Tlchoncl"luk
are, lc,ft, Mmes. John Atl1aide, John Alessio and Mrmicir\al Judge Madge Bradley. from
Di5cussing ruce selections at University o[ San Diego Auxiliary's Caliente party Saturday
f'in style" Th
form ot ataglng ls a v~ry In- teresting v11.r111.tlon from the conventlona-1 1111) a!AgP atyle or p ct ere ls 11. or contact betwef'n and audl- ~nc,.
)-i "~. c~pss C II rMen s
7p1(6~ o ege ~ets 1
Evening Division An evening divunon or t11e Un!\'c1 Ly of San Diego'A College for Men will open in the ;Fall, Very Rev. Russell ,. Wilson, college prPsi e announced today Classes will be he ii on week nights 111 the coll~ge's four divisions, Fathe \ ilson said. Coun;es will be offered In business a inilttratjon nd economics. humanities, social ~v tually -,.eceive a degree," sciences, m:tthematf ! 8 n d ,11',$,lher Wilson said. natural sciences. At p1csent,
R-0mance revealed at outtloor party SOCIALLY SPEAKING
<' l1mate D 30,000 \I ould at e "We are look! this opportunit . '
• Engagement Announced • Travelers Make_News • Bride-Elect Is Feted
son said,
'~ t 11~.v4( (L#/ tJN I ore t"-rev1ews To Benefit Faiths Events Slated Monday, Tuesday At College Grove Opening Celebration Protestan~s. ,Tews and Ro- and for the Jewish tickets, S1 man Catholics fl'?m throug~- to the individual synagogues_ out t~e county will help their A promenade concert will orgamz:itions through t h e be played at 7:30 p.m. Wednes- All Faiths B~nefit Pr~views day at the center by the San Monday and ruesday 1!1 the Diego Symphony, with Mary new Walker cott store m the MacKenzie, of Del Mar, mez. College Grove Center. zo-soprano, 11,s soloist. Concert tickets are avail- week-long grand opening rele- ab_le from the Women's Com- bration. lmittee of the San Diego Sym. . . ,. phony, local branches of the 1 Preview t,ckP.ts are avail- Navy Wives Clubs of Ameri- l able from churches and syna- ca the La Joli D gogues at 50 eents ea~h, the ca'.tholic Wom:n e;~eryl ?f 1 ?ro_c~eds remaining. with the Walker Scott's ' d ear es md1v1dual congregations. . store and Stevenson•~~! 0 f~ PrQte tant and Jewish t•l'k- Jolla. (t holder~ will prpview t h e The proC'eeds will go to the store from 2 to 9 p.m. Mon- Symphony Association. Tlck- l ~ay. {~mbers of Catholic par- et holders may tour the store 1shes will tour thi> store from before and after the concert 2 t~ 9 p.m. Tuesday. and during intermission. } oi: e~ch Proteslant ticket Thursday will be g r a r. d turned m at the new store, opening day at the new -;rore t~e Walker Scott Co. _will Ribbon cutting ceremonie~ give a 'SPARI{LING' EVENT-Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Karene Terese Lemke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Lemke of La Jolla, to John Sinclair Evenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Justin C. Evenson, San Diego. Miss Lemke and her finance both were gradu- ated from University of San Diego in June. She is a graduate of The Academy of Our Lady of Peace and he of St. Augustine High School. He also attended USC for a year and a half and there affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon. His major was business administration. She is a member of Spinsters. No date has been set for the wedding. About 60 members of the college set attending a party given Sunday evening by l\Ir. and Mrs. Lemke at their home thought they were there to say farewell to John who is reporting next week for service in the Army. The :.nrpri e engagement announcement was made by Ir. Lemlrn when the betrothed pair walked out f house int-0 the garden carry- ing Ii bted kl rs, with Karene wearing a sparkling lllamopd on her left hand. pa e ~. who included the future bride- enjoyed wimming, an al fresco On Campaign USD Will Offer ~,i,~,~.~,R~~~"" L'niwrsity of S.1:1 Diego w"I i,. ;r instilme an eveping divb10 · 1•r VI 11 fJ next fall, the 1, o,k'ug \ Very Rev. Rus- opponunit . for' C'~'\tl,olic cdu- sell Wilson, col- cation that they haye lacked lege president, since 1957. said yesterday. The new evening dh ision, Classes w 111 said Father Wil~on, will offer i o_n "a limited program of basic week mghts m freshman ancl s t• p h o m o r el t h e coll~ge's courses, together with such four dlv1s~ons, general culture electives andl Father Wilson lipper-division courses as the' 5 al d • ur~s registration warrants." 1 will b fered ,. . . . . - • The ewnmg dw1~1on 1s not e90nomics, humanities, social designed _as an _ordered pr?- bciencc, mathematics and nat• gram ot mi;trt1ct1on th~t will ural sciences. enable a student to matnCl!late At e. h as a f.n hm· n 'l 1 en-ntualiy pr ,,ent, 1 e only night rcceiv<' a ,! g -le " Fathrr 'Wil- c)as,es for men vn the uiuver- ~on said. "Ra r 1 ·, cjp. . 1ty campu~ al'e law sch o o I ~io-nc
"The even d1 no.t designed as an program of inslruc will enable a studen a- triculate as a freshman and ..,'J. -t./NJPIY "")( l asquers Uti"er ,vanson have invited 10 young on and his fiancee for a dinner h 'r home to celebrate the betrothal 'All My Sons' - The Alcala ~!asqucrs of the Univer ·ity ot San Die o s , Co!It:ge for '.\ tonight v- ill present the first of tit!'(' I l'• formances of Art 1ur ft <' 's • first Broad\\ a) hit, ll 2\ly Sons." The thrN'-ad d i be present d in nrP ion in the univ<'r rtv newly improvi <"cl Llttlr- mg Thea- ter in the rdl'le.,c !I.rt and science huildmi:1 Curtain is t ~o r, rll pcrformanj,f toni Sunday. / .;i.9 =.::""'!;.r.,.;;; •'
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