News Scrapbook 1959-1962
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11 M~n is owned and operated by the Roman Catholic Diocese o{,r_SM. J?.iego unde; the leadership of Bishop Charles F. Buddy, S.T.L)., Ph.D. ~[t:D:, 'Blsm_p] of San Diego and founder of the Univer- sity. Trough a Catholic uift~tJoh. the College welcomes students of all religions. .. The ColJe~e dormitories ,250 students. Semester r $2 50 £~· board. ate apartment units capable of housing resident students are $175 for room,
GENERAL INFORMATION THE COLLEGE FOR MEN of the University of San Diego is a privately endowed non-profit corporation chartered by the State of California to conduct a four-year liberal arts college and empowered to grant upon the completion of its program the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of &ience and Bachelor of Business Administration. • The College for Men is fully accredited by the Western College Associa- tion and it is approved for veterans. CHANCELLOR AND PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITI THE MosT REv. CHARLES F. BUDDY, S.T.D., PH.D., LL.D. OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE Very Rev. Russell Wilson, Ph.D., President EVENING DIVISION tbe following Evening Division program as a service to the co~?!, of San · ~iego..The Eve~g Division is not designed as an ord~e<{,p,~ 10St{Uct1on that will enable a student to matriculate as a £res~ ~a eveoeiaa.lly receive a degree, although 18 of the 22 course offerings may be taken for college credit. Rather, the courses are designed as an opportunity to further the scholastic aims of. those whose college education has been interrupted. Likewise, the'- Eve- ning Division w.iil a'ccommodate working San Diegans who want "to further their'~tup;;Jrn~Iedge. Calendar. RegistraHorifck1lic Ev~ ing Division will be held Thursday, September 8, betw~'o/ ~-~~~ ifS:30 p.m. Classes begin Monday, Sep- tember 12. Late reg1,trauons·w1ll be accepted up to Thursday, September 15. The semester ends January 23 . The usual public and religious holi- days will be observed during the semester.
CAMPUS The College for Men is one of fitF units of the Universi the others being the College for Women, School of ia~w, Heart Seminary, St. Francis' Seminary. The University campus is a 221-acre tableland at the wru~;n ehd of Kearny Mesa, high on a hill commanding inspiring views of the Pacific Ocean, Mission Bay and the Port of San Diego. The area is named
Alcala Park after the Spanish city of Alcala, scene of the labors of St. Didacus (San Diego) . Dominating the campus is the blue-domed Im- maculata Chapel, one of the largest Catholic churches in the West. The College,Jor
Rev. John B. Bremner, M.S., Assistant ro the President Rev. William D. Spain, B.S. , Administrative Vice-President Irving W. Parker, M.A., Director of Educational Services Rev. Charles J. Dollen, M .S. in L.S., Director of Libraries Rev. J. Walshe Murray, S.T.L., Dean of Students
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The College for MfU11offe~ Schedule. Classes are held Monday through Thursday. Each class meets once a week on the e,~.~ mentioned in the course description. All classes are from 7 p.m. tb' 9:45 p.m. , unless otherwise stated. There is a · 10-minute break during each class. Fees. Tuition, payable at registration, is $50 per 3-unit course. Late registration fee is $3. No student may register for more than three courses.
EVENING ,c ' Bishop Charles F. Buddy, Ph.D. (R~e) ~·::~/~; +i"};~~.:!.~.. -f'-···'Philosophy J h B B MS (C I b . ) ' e.. I.. > ,... ,_, ·,, ,,,... .En 1· h o n . remner, . . o um ta ···········•············ ·-•:•-'-..-·... ··-r;-T,·-.l-········-···· g ts '"v'· .. , .. ,.. ·• . ---· ......Speech James Ludwig, S.T.D . (Rome) ........'..'.. .£.....~.,•.,:•:...,•. L..... '.... -·····~-····Theology Francis J. McKeown, M.Ed. (Loyo la ) ....... ..................... _ .....Education J. \Valshe Murray, Ph.L. (Mt. St. Michael's) ............ ·-····· -······r·· Philosophy George K. Nies, M.A. (Colorado State) ........-.. · ..·-·········· ·· -·· ......Mathematics William A. Nolan, Ph .D . (Fordham) ································-·················· ....Sociology Harper C. Olmstead, B.A. (Southern California ) .. .................... ..Business Irving W. Parker, M.A. (San Diego State) .......................... i ................... English Richard P. Phillips, M.S. (Stanfor d) ............. ·······················-······-········•·•· ........Science William L. Shipley, Ph.D. (Rome) ......................................·-·•·····-··· Philosophy Robert C. Walsh, Ph .D . (Fordham) ................ ·-····················· ······· ....... English Joseph Williams, M.A. (Catholic University) ............................._ .... History ti ... .....................-.....................................English .......Mathematics .-· ·····-••·~•·············-···
W alter P. Buetzler, Ph.D. (St. Louis) ........... ........'.'...~.:•.:.....:......ij.-;:······Philosophy Harold Dermody, M.B.A. (Northwestern) .....................:.............................Business I. Bt cnt Eagen, M.A. (Loyola) Jam~1 A. Ganahl, M.S. (San Piego State~ ...........-'··-······-········· Leo F. Lanphier, M.A. (Gonzaga)
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MATHEMATICS 121. ADVANCED CALCULUS- FIRST COURSE. mental concepts of number theory, set theory, derivatives, integra other topics. Thursday ·················-························
.................,..........._ .......-..... O ..····-··················.................-..········-·-····-··3 units 0 ENGLISH 134. AMERICAN LITERATURE OF THE TwENTIETH CENTURY. Study of contemporary American writers and the modern literary scene. Thursday .........•··•··•·-·············· ··············· ··..························-····-·-·······-················-···········3 units D ENGLISH 141. MODERN AMERICAN DRAMA. American drama from ..····-········ ········3 units D ·······-· ............-..3 units D .... ···-·..··········-···············-·•·••··-·
MA'!'HEMATICS B. PLANE GEOMETRY.. High school .review oJi,plan& Euclidean geometry. Wednesday. No credit. ···························
· ·········-···· 0 ..···•····-········ ..·-········...............3 units D O'Neill to the present. Tuesday ................................................. ......... 3 units 0 ENGLISH 193. CREATIVE WRITING. Wednesday ...................... 3 units 0 • HISTORY 188. HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA. Significance of California in American history ; the present political and economic condition of the state. Thursday .. . .... ......................... ·~;.;.\ ·: _. ............... 3 units 0
ENGLISH 127A. THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE. Literary study of the Old Testament, its history, structure, form and development. Monday
EDUCATION 108. PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. Critical study of edu- cational thought and an evaluation of the most important theories. Wednesday ... ...........·-···••·····•·•·-·······-···· ..···· ..········ EDUCATION 110. PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION. Psychological processes and modes. Tuesday ························-······························-·······
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 141A. BusINEss LAW. Fundamentals of business law related to agencies, sales, contracts and personal property; case studies. Monday ..... ...........-......................... ....................._
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 105X. PERSONAL INCOME TAX. Study of federal and California income tax laws; determination of gross income and deductions and preparation of returns. Thursday. Not for college credit. .....................................................•·············-····•·-·•~·••-············· BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 112X. stock markets, investments and securities, security classifications. Tue"sday. Not for college credit. ............... ········-······-······-..··········· .... ·········-·
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