News Scrapbook 1959-1962
ATTEND OPENING-Dignitaries ancj. builders allending the grand opening of the new UnivenUy Knolls apart- ments, nor1h of !he University of San Diego are, left to :right. Sc:o1t Kin!J, Mayor Charles Dall, Lyman Belz, Tom • I
Harris, and Bishop Charles Francis Duddy. Refreshments were served, and soveral apartments were .open for l':'\- spec:lion by guests at !he opening, · s
'J'icrnon, se,uor lier. 11t 1 1 Tea J'alermo's Jiome at 1929
fr<:, Anthony J. PiaZ7.a-
'ickeri-on Studio
c n play a ca f'>r ch,ldrcr I
onstr(1ction is a t:ombma 11 tion of cl'mcnt block, 1raml' the and slilrco, and tlJe arch1tec
Some()[ thP. npar1mcnl now ope1 tor renting are furn! h· cd, but the majority arC' plan- r.<'cl unfurn1 lwd, wilh ca1pets and appliancr's in~tallr'rl.
JI ayor Chnrks Dn.11 part "I• · pated m a rib on ( u tn mony at H,,. g, n l'niversily Knolls apartmen Friday. Bi•hop Chari Fr <'IS BUddy, rcprr nting ti e tnivcrsi1y of San Diego, 111 o attt>nded. Th!' l.'nivPrslty Knolls apart- ments are lot'a'e
illiller-Piazza Vows Recited in USD Chapel The Immnc lata Chapel at the University of San Diego was the scene of the Saturday, ugm1t 27fh w ding of Miss Gail Ann , 1iller anrl Anthony J. Piazza. The ct\'tcmony ·a~ performed at 11 :RO a.m. by Hi~ Excellenc ', the Mo~t Reverend Bish.op Charles F. Ruddy. Daugh er (If tr. and 1rs. Peter I. ;\liller, 5053 Westover Plare, and son of tr. and .Mrs. Domenic Fiazim, 1022 Beaumont Ave., the couple recited vows as th bride wa give fa marriage br her fathn. The hride wore a gown of white embroiderrd organza over· tm and a fing-fertip length veil. Her bouque , <".Omposed of a white orchid and ~tephanofo, was canied atop a prayer book. a honor, a ousin of the bride, . 1iss nit Pa cale of Rhode l11land, was attired in laven- er rmhroidered organza over taffeta and rarried 11 v, 1ite gllldiola ere t bouquet. Bridesmaids, Iiss ,Joan F e nnd is Giovanna Piazza, 111110 wore lavender, +he flower jOr], haron Lynn Diebert, wore organza over lavender. Domenic Piazza, brother of the bridegroom, ved as hes man ·ith ushers, Robert Dyer, Paul "OZ'" and ringbearer, Ste ·en Anthony .. Liller, Fi,l' hundred gu st.6 attended the dinner and re- hon held in the American Legion Hall followinl!' c r mony. \fter returning from Las Vegas, the couple will le at 6831 Tait. Mr. Piazza will continue hill stu- • t niversity of San Diego Law School. )lrs. Pi•zza is a graduate of San Di go State h I of 1 ·ur~ing.
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1\~IPU CA1 OPY USD Students .r.fr1~?..t!?.Jc!P m T e UnivNsily of San Di i;o max l> danrr on Fnday will op<'n it~ social cal!'nd!'r mg t ltom !,I until 1 sponsored 11i a dancr• In More Jlall at·J,y thl' S lr,1 Clas . 11ary 7;( p.m. today. The purpo~, Janr' TH•n1a11, srnior C'lass of the mixc•r is lo introduce pn•sident, is g,mcrnl chair-, big brothers from the College man. and Linda nary is dee- for M• n to th Ir !rC'shmen lil• orations and music chairman. tie sisters and the uppcrrlass The mi.·er will b<' highlight!'d g i r 1 to t h e i r freshmen by a football rally for t h c brothers. 1game with Whittirr College Gloria MullPn and Mirhael on Saturday. F~rson are in C"harge o! theJ m xt>r. eek"'" h• ,11
'Th<> student council D! the CollegP. for Women will spon. sor a bcarh party Tuesday at La Jolla Shores following reg. istration. Tuesday !'Vening at 7:30 a fashion show will be pre (!nted in the th,•al<'r. ).ofar- cia West, social chairman of the college, is chairman of the event. Emily Pugh will nar- rat<'. The fashion show will intro• duce the memb<'rs of the stu- dent rouncils and the officNs of many student organiza- tion·, Special intcr<'st will bl' paid to clotlws appropriate for campus" activities. Model- ing lhP college blazers will be Sandra Cassl'll, Barbara Jor- dan, Susan Monahan, Sandra L o u b a t, Jan C h a p m a n, Charles Williams and William Hermson. Appropriate class wear will be shown hy Joyce Lawson, Eugenia St a n kc r, El<'an• ore O'Donnell, l,lizab-eth Koi·. ander, Mary Dahan, M a r y Jane 'Tiernan and Marth a Golden. Formal wear will be mod- eled hy Surannc Gaughen, Karen Warren, Martha Spiers, M a r g a r !' t Gilson, Deirdre O'Brien and Diane Si e g • fried. Date drPsses and sports clothes also will be modeled. The girls will be assisted by student£ from the College for Mm. Opening convocation o[ the Colleg" for Womc>n will bP held in the theater at 9 :00 a.m. Wednesday. FrPshmen will be presented to the facul- l), and student body and in- \·csted in their academic cap and gown. The Dig Sistpr.Little Sisler Luncheon will be held by the Sophomore class on Wednes- day in the dinlng hall. Sopho- more class officers, S a 11 c y l'ooley, I(ath]ePn Day, Norma Peck and Patricia Quirk, and class social chairmen, Donna Zuege and Nancy Butler will havt> charge of the eve_n_t.__
• 1er
Chappell And Tessary May ur)ii~o.~?,JI.~!\ Halfback w 111 Chappell ~'!Ike Gurrola at center. cl'iVC'd from • Torbert Shew, a Jan Chapman, a senior, is transfer from otre Dame; standouts the Ko. l quarterback choirc, Ja1:1es Vuchas and Sal Mo- . 'while jumoria Joe Grav and cen. ~rocen played at St. ay rejoin fre University of Joe Loeschnig arc at the half- Augustine last season. an Diego fo !ball squad next back posts and sophomore Fullback Carlton Bledsoe, coaching Al Zuniga hit head on in a a,al Air Stat.on footballer staff. Thc-y arc guards Jim contact drill Wf'dnesday and a lot o! speed. Davis and Bill Kugler and sat out yestc-rday's ac-ti• ity. Tc sary has bcr>n in the tackle Guy Selleck. The entire squad will leave le two ye rs He can fill Davis, 5•11, 180 pounds, is for the Los Angeles "Coliseum nd and a a placekick- from Pius X while Kugler, a to see tonight's pro football l;lo r-ver, p o ch said 5-10, 18.'5-pounder, is from Bro.lgame between tht> Los Ange- to ro f r c two phy Prep in Phoenix. Selleck, Jes Rams and San Francisco nt evl'ry tun . one of the biggest on the 49ers. Ex-Pioneer and Ma- anwhl e, th v e • an squad. (6-4: 230) is from Sanlrine D~pot halfb~cK Bobby n or has ~·orking 1egu1fo High. Keyes 1s alternating at sec- th aii al •I rmeu first The squad is down to 48 ond and third string with the t as his tr ters. members after Chris Frahm\49ers an lT'ay stick w,ith the He has M Mcin,,vi,tt and and Mike Dolphin quit. So club. J G briel, pa ho- mores at ends: Gr . El ott and J cai- · tackles, semor ' ll 'Bot:r- que and sopho Wally and end Larry Tessary, two former Pioneer . . eek, a spokesman from the Jim Desantis is at fullback. another ex-Saint, is s ti 11 thigh school said ye 1erda)'. Playing behind Chapman is bothered by a pulled Chappell, injur d mo t of Nelson Murphy, a 6·2, 190. muscle pound freshman from Down- for an an. ey·s Pius x High, injur':d in practice football I t ld b the Bre1tbard n season, CDU and Bill game, and end Tony Gilham er to the depth roblem Bourque, another senior. is down with pneumo"lia. DeSantis and veteran guard in th ba1d for coach Three newcomers have im. Mike Pecarovich The ex- pressed the USD
Ii English
CCX• I He•
lted O the don, In 1926 ym"' law nee and retired
.__ !{9.~~l~2b, oath o! citi 7 en~hip at·a U .sif · , th B m District Court naturalizatlon er ceremony last night in Roose- wh \'Cit Junior High School. The annual School ceremony and '53. climax d a Constitution ob. Th U I er , p l tz p ·
II i.1~ket fb@rt s Ronls ha. .men Pie trl, arlu. Fo-
k;:, 'W,~i~=~f~ 8115 El Paseo Hrll Drive, Escondido; N/al Undheim, 630 Ascot Drive, and Kand ce Jeon Grzsc- camp Pendle- skowskl, 2, 493 Pllve Ave"(, both of Vista; Ramona• Guzman Ponce De 31; "sever Bl~d, and Mrs ere,. Jirik Parez, 331 9th st., Del Mor; Pot• 375 W, rick Joseph Provencio, 2, of 760 G St.; St., lmPerlol Beach; Melvin Frank Pek- Thom- ~rY, 2511 Highway 80, Alpine. 19th Prairie; Antonio Florin, Nava cencfa Qulnn, l30 E. Seward Ave., both National City, Mrs. Chlyo Shackleford, Tsalnwa James Chow, Klou, George Fischer cA,~ala Martlr.e-z, 4709 L1mer1Ck ton; J~ Guzman lngson: Naval· ALlrttSto- ~:15ve,M~~~~ngJ~~ 0 ~?on'f~~.;, 1 ~ 8 ~ui~~~ I ; ,121 ,Ml. Put- I A I "l~~o All 111 Jo~ ·oo e St. 4448 34 th Grande, La Jolla,
rsity of San Diego. Fa• Rood.
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became citizens, was a NOiario
· 19~2 Ave; Mrs Marla du Carma Brenha, lion, North ;> 3230 Addison st., Phllllp Schecter, 1235 destroyer Buck; Tafaooa Moe. destrover 1 Leon Market st.; __ Aldo Falossl, 740 42nd St.; t 5 e,nd 1 ~ Alex,ander woodrow, 6368 .!9th St.· Mrs. a ion. Island; Honsoeter e ner, 528 6th St of son Ysidro.
r1ze wmner m
Mana Katherin• MO<)roy,
e new Cl 1zens. man Ave. 1• Mrs. Ann M.IVOkt Riebau. 760 21\2 E Ave.; Mrs. Haru Leh servance ~ponsored by veter~ Mrs. Francls Altenon, 4'73' Soria or.: Loma Vo ley Rood; Mrs. Fuml CheMr, 2'1h st.; Os.cfl~ Akerlundh, M\ss Alexondermo Cumming, Lvon, WI as no Ian. Cummlnlj: Mrs. I 83~e~ndog~; ~~;: ~~k~:d s~is~ 1 ~eti!t'r~ RP~;~~- p~1i ~:n~f ~f;d I 0 i.e• .! 199• Abbott Ocean View Blvd.; Mr,. Elsie Julia oe,. Soto, :ns W. uin St.; Juan Varoas, 1234 50th St.; Ell,eo Comacho o.. HcrdiflV "r' ~r;-s~s A~eRa C H~rr~rO . • st.; Mrs. Blanche Ducasse Shoy, 2089 lln, <1255 1 Son Diego Ave.; Mrs. Marie Luisa Good, min111uer, 3nO T St.; Mrs. Helen Wen- J 41S2 Eta St.; Jacques Fernond Pousset,JHa W~r:, 1 3391 Yucca Ave.; Mortin Sand~ E. Noole1 St.: Mario Theresa De Cos- 3UH Luna Ave.; Mr,. Sumhco Berg, trod 10; George Echogue De Castro, 12 1 Chula ~tsta: Mrs. Yoko Rosario, 281 artie 938 Tarento Drive; Wll!lam Joseph Ne¥--lers. J~~~r~~SSt.Fronces Hazel Newmon, T~• Rev. John Burton Bremner, Uni• (Sisler Francis Anthony), versny ot San Diego; Miss Cristino Jose- Rood. fino Chavez (Sister Marv Patrice), 2808 Mrs, Ellzabeth Gooder, Oceanside: Mrs. Asuncion Espinosa AI-- CadlI St.; Michael Bruce Swing, 6, of,blend St.; Mrs. Allee Buder, 6-40.f Estelle vorez, 504 Son Ol~o St.; Mrs. Marika CDust"(o/.ogou~f"'1,.1:s"d?la~:"'Ah4!~ gr H~~~~ioHti}~.~~~ B~~w~a~l~d: '·M~~- 11005 Friars Florence Marla Wallace, <78 Colorado St 15~4 Horn- The response was by the 3504 Armstronf. S1.i Mrs. Paullne Estherlst.; Aron Wo55erman, 5460 Bremmer, ~:' 1 1:il~r,Mi, F:,iss{JJ1 Dtlrve~,h~~ch~le professor of journalism and as Juonito Ventura Alberto. 10; Nolda Ven- Schuh, ~51 Maryland St.i Joaquin Fune T.Jirs. Nellle Rebolledo Cruz, 3956'h • • turo Alberto, 6, and Cesar Ventura Al• Jr., 10, of 3653 Kurtz :>!_.; Mrs. Cruz Pork Dr., Carlsbad; Mrs. Dolores de la 55th St~ GQrrfitt, 1060 Inchon Drive.; Mrs. Lucia io~~ ~~~efcr'J~~e~ 2 efa°vnri~e::rfr'a Sf.; Rev. John Burt Kfi~u~odr:f/d 4 t~s~am~:oti~ an, patr DtiC and fraternal Or• St.; Mrs. HIidegard Sllwenko, 82l San Mrs, Marla Francisca ~um• ganizatiQns. Coun (;Je.., R. B. James Leonie Wilhelma Koster, >n . spoke US D' . . o.rt he Q,n.9.titution. ,..." rt J ~-t'f"':ftt. u'""t>~ 1st. vvU 1 art Pr presided and U.S. Ts3~ Dist Court Judge Jacob Wein• · berger spoke briefly. i Max~ Ewald t~~~:,~ 0 se;~; sora'iz 0 J~ Jacob Looft, -4346 Bayard 25' 22nd St.
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