News Scrapbook 1959-1962

K POETS' LATEST EDITION 9/;5?0 X New Coach, Quarterback, Offet1se Go For. Whittier


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'..----..:..-------------------:;--i, A n~w roarhing staff Independents Grid Picks and a host o( , eteran grid- den, will oe put to the test :-;aturday nighl at Balboa ~tarlium, sfal'ting at 8

v r ov r the University of Snn taf! hopes the Whit- ght wlll !urn! h a few Important th coaching

By ,TOH ·• ·y ~lcDO. '\I.l) Whittier Collrge fir ca ,-on football foe ror thr Unl- ver ·ity o! an Ulego atur- day night, will be a tram with a new look ThP Poets, -,..ho ha,.,. won thf' ~ou•hcrn Ca'1fornia lntt'r• collPgialf' Athletic <:onfer- ,.ncP rroW"l t},rr,. straight vPar• will have a ne coach, a nP~ offer e and quarterback John Godfrey, a !me roach 11t Whittier for thr e s<'asons, take• over and has in tailed the Wing-T. ::vreanwhile, illy Vail, who ,;tood In the hadow of Little All-American Gary Campbell 111st season Is on his own at thr key pot. Vail 1.1.111 he flanked In the •tarting backfield by fullback .Jolm Sherm an, halfback Greg R1 ko and wingback Frank Pian.. h!'rman and Risko averagl•d 5 'l and 7.2 yards p,.r carry In 1959 while Pian! I co-captain H Vall ('(ects to take to the he II have a oned Ken Gregory at o o! the wings. Gregory, fifth l<'adlng small



p.m., when newly na!"ed Uniwr itv of San Diego headman' Mike Peral'Ovich leads his Pioneer eleven against a jiowt>rful Whit- tier Aggregate. Prcl\ rnvirh w111 hring 27 YP.R ra of cn,ich!ng e,cperi rnct, mol\tly In th,. prnf•ll•lnn11l rl\nk , !nln th• l\""Mn npnn•r tor b n t h tPAm•. FlltHn IPtlPnnf'll, h•I\""" t,y 1\11-rlt;v quartf'rhl!IC'k ,J n Chapman, wlll do thl'I l'lnn,...r llnP-np thl, f'R on, Al~o rl'l-- lurnln,:- a r ., h._lfhllrkll ,Tllf' ,,.,,.,~hnlg and ,J,,., Gray lllnd tnllhark Jim n., i'lantl•. II four wlJI bf, ~tartf"r~ In th" Po•t f'nrountf'r. On th" Im•, 217,pound .Tlrt' o•r.,..Ary will get the r11ll at r,m. tor. fl11nk•d hy W111ly Joos 11nd .Mlk" Gurrol11 11t th" l:'llard spola, Wevn" Bourqu" and Gr•:v Eliot (both JPillrrla l11&t """~on) 11.t. t11rkl• and Mtk" McDP.vitl "nd Jim (}ebrlf'l 11t Pntl~. The !tarting Une will weight In 11t 198 pountl•. A•al11tlng PPcarovlch this M'&· 10n wUI be George Radovich, Bob Sexton (line coach) and Geoq,e HobbA (enda "nd de• feM • Thf> Plnnef!r m.. ntor will U8e a multlpl" offenaf', b11nklng on Chapm11n'9 p11s•lng Ability; A.nd will go to th• air 6!1 perunt or the tim•. Th.. Jocal1 will pl11y under NCAA nil•• with unlimited that he will utll!z• the two- subatltutlon. Pecarovlch ,11ald pla.toon 11y1tem u much u poa- alble. Cal Western

Gamff thl~ ' Wttk Whlttlf'r at l:SD

I Bob King

\ 'In Bowl""

Don • ·,.1 on

,Jim l'p haw Whlttlrr by lZ

Whlttl,-r by 13

Whltllf'r by 10

j Whittler by 7

ROSH IN RESERVE ll/1/IOAI :....:..:..:::...=..:...;___...,.__ ter ns To F ce Poets By ,JOHN. •y .,1cno. 'ALD C:o3rh Ul{e P1'e1rovich has named 11 veterans to start !or the University of San Dic::;o tomorrow night a! 8 o'cl_ork whc>n the P:oneers open their 1960 football campaign against Wh1tti<'r College at Balboa Stadium. Only one of th<' starters- left e.1d Mike McDcvitt-did not '1/16/t 0 ~ I

letter last )l'ar. However, beyond the open- ing unit Pecarovkh will have to rrly on green freshmen to fill the gaps. Tw!'nly nine freshm<'n arl! on the 46,man squad. . Jan Chapman, a .emor quarterback, will guide the local f o r c e s. The 5-10, 180-pounder has passed for mon• than 1 400 yards and 14 touchdowns in two sl'asons. UNLDIITED SUBS Chapman will have juniors Jue Gray 090) and Joe Loeschnig 090) nt the halvps and junior Jim DeSantis 085) at fullback to help operate the nl!w mult1p!e,T formation offense. In USD' · favor, however, will be the fact that lhl! game Jim Gabriel, a 215-pounder, will opl'n at right l'nd with McDevltt (185J at thl! other Team captain Wayne Gray Elliott <217) will start at the tackle po s ts \\hile Mike Gurrola 085) and Wally Joss 085) will be at the guards and Jim O'Leary <228J at im- prove upon last season's dis- mal 1-5 football season but the a n s w e r w!ll depend strongly on how s o_o n the younger player are able to handle the situation. GREEN Qt.:ARTERBACK Whittier figures to have the edge in the line but will go with an unseasoned quarter, back in Billy Vail. \'ail played behind Garv Campbell, who was Little All-American last season. Campbi!II was gradu- ated last June after bec·om- ing the g r I! a t e s t ground gainer in the history of small college football. Whittier's forward wall will be headed by tackles Ed Bain <230) and :Mike Oldham C200J and center Jim McAllister (235). Fullback J o h n Sherman 090), who averaged 5.3 yard per carry last season, and halfback Greg Ri~ko (1871, who picked up 7.2 yard~. wtll join captain Frank Piani (185) in the Poet backfield. ~idc. Bourqul! (198! and center. Prcarovich and his new coaching staff hope to

.,t • Co-Captau\

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last year,

rece1v r


for 751 fen~ive halfback and Dennis The Pioneers attack 1s cen- t posi- tered a r o u n d quarterback Jan Chapman who has con:i-

snagged 42 pas s

yards and seven touchdowns. McMa. ter at ta~kle.' . The end and bacldield spots

should be the strong tions on the \'lhlttlrr squad.

GodfreY' was cnc-ouraged plcted ov r 50 per cent of his by the work of hi~ team in a pa, cs the last two seasons, ~crimmage a g a In t Long U 'D' problems are s1m1lar Beach State Ia t Saturday. to that of Whittier but the "We learned a lot about our Pioneers have not had the op. sophomores," he said "It portun!ty of srrimm_aging an- look• as though Dick Skinner other ioe and this should may play a lot of ball at de- prove to be a stiff test.


Will Open At Right End

will be played with unlimited ~--------------~- substitution.


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• 1ence Big

,, USD Hosts x Poets Tonight (C'ontinui> po 1ti01 a P I'. D blgg st appa rc'1t \\ eni



• I ht os· Be9111s >< Season With Poets l@i9bf By ,JOHN. -y ~lrDO•.ALD The struggle back up the ootball ladder beg.ns tonight at Balboa Stadium for t h e Univer. ity of San Diego when 1t battles a "new model" Whittier College. Kickoff is scheduled for 8 o'clock. The Pioneers, hitting rock bottom last year with a 1-5 record, come into the contest with a 46-man squad sprin- kled liberally with freshmen. It's a -vear of rebu.ilding. Veteran quarterback J an Chapman, a confident chap who has pa sed for more than 1,400 yaras the: la t two sea- /ions, will engineer the Pio- neer attack. Chapman will be assisted in the backfield by junior halfba Joe Gray and Joe Loeschnig a1 d J u n , o r fullback J' us. New l' k Pe- carovHh please witlt :~ ·t.ilrrl '1~ Efll11to1ti~1,,t11: E-, ... +1>1gr~a~~

,JOUN Y 'Jd>O-"'Al,D


• Ken Gregory, w·hlt11 tttle All-Ameri'.·an end candirlatr, gol off lo an <'.·cellrnt sta1t Saturday mght as the Poets dt•mped tht' niverslty o! San Diego, 20-6, before 3,000 fans at Balboa Stadium. Gr<'gor), a 6-l, 100-p und \\lngman, didn't s co re a touchdown b ,t h<' certain!) _gave thl! in 'adcr the ncces- .ary yards to g!'t Billv \'all. the enor

Frosh List High for Poet ilt

tlw ben<'h last year while Cary C amp be I I soarrd to Je there. Twelve of the 15 compll'tions by Vail were into the hands of Cr<'gory. USD, somewhat frustrated, tried putting two players on the agile end but it didn't work. • Vail, l>y no m<'ans was standing still himself. HI' :." "Our defensfve unit had eight players ,, ho had never played ball at USD b fore," said USO Jinl! coach Bob Sex- ton, "that's why we were burned."

hiffier Air Game Defeats,. Billy Vail ran for t w o touchdowns and passed f o r another last night to I e a d Whittier College to a 20-6 vic- tory over the University of San Diego before some 3,000 fans In t~ season football opener at B'a!boa Stadium. Vail, playin° in the. shado vs of little A 11- A mer i ea n Gary Campbell 18$t seaso , scored on a quarterback l,( * * STATISTICS USD Whittler First downs 9 17 Rushfn• rarda,e 80 132 Pass1n9 YOrdase • 7t 21, Passes .. t-1' 1S-l7 Passes lntercepled by o 1 ~~~t,u ·,ost ,·.. • . : '"'°•t .1.. s1 Yards penalized •• ts 1~ * * * sneak from the one and on an 11-yard keeper play and hurled to end Stan Sanders for 77 yards for the other score. The 5-10, 160-pound senior from Huntington Beach com- pleted 15 of 26 passes. End Ken Grl!gory was Vail's fav- orite target. ' The 6-1, 190-pound win g. man, who was the fifth lead, ing small college uceiver last year, caugl;lt 12 for 154 yards. Whittier cau,:-h h Pio- neers flat-footed '\'iHh a 77- yard touchdo\\~n p~ after six minute of la.) and lhcii was frustrated three oth mes within USD's 10-yard JI dur- ing the first half. The first two period were plagued by penalties, on nul- lifying an 85-yard touchdown run by USO halfback Joe Gray. In all, 13 penalties wrr assesscd for a total of l 5 yards as both clubs seemed a bit jumpy for the opener The Pioneers moved .37 yard in the o_pen,,ng druve only to sec a Chapman p to Jim Gabri 1 go long ln end zone. On their third play, the Poets startled tlig Pion~ ' defense \111~n Vall faded bat" and fir,,d a beautiful iong sp1- (Contl111u•cl n:i ai!5, Col. 1)

HIGH FLYER-Joe Loeschnig, veteran University of San Diego halfback, gets off ground as symbol of what Pioneer hope to do tonight with win over Whittier in season opener at Balboa Stadium. M B P 7h.,/,o . . ac oses neer Problem \' .,JcDO, 'ALD Fu! b ck J u a n Va u z. process OI rebuilding. N e w two-tlm all-Fl'ontl r Cont r- l1>xlco ha 1 fre hmen and cnce s l ctwn, wlll be b a c k USD 25 on the 'arsity squads. gain and the Univer ity of 'ew lexico fin!~hed third San Diego wlll ha\ e to con- In the Frontier Conference tain him. la~t year and had a 4-3-l rec- Th l'ioncers will facr the ord in 1959. ·ew :-.texico Wl'st- 00-poundrr Friday night at em, generally n strong south- Halboa Starllum when he !llllll olleg football le cl, the ew Mexico We t- entry, b mpU~d a 51-38 111 cluh to combat. record sine 1~19. An outstanding runner, Coach Al Johnson ls expect- Va qucz gained more th a n cd to select nine lettermen to J.50 yards here two years ago start for the Iustnngs. n a i:amr where USD had to Probable line starters ,,.,m battle back to gain a 13-10 hC' Gary Rowse (185) and Ed drclslon. Hein iu~ (185> at ends, Tom- Tl picked up 79 yarrls in m}· Jo !'Ing I190) and Leo ctcht carries as the, cw Mex- Ward l.210) at tackles, J. D. team dropped its 19GO William~ (1801 and Roh t> rt op ner t , Sul Ho s (Tex l Castaned:i l200) at guards tat T chcrs, 20-7. L a t and Bob Hntler (185) at ccn- wcPk, tb Mustangs l o t ter. 1g iln, 27-12, to ,\dams St tc Oscar Diaz fl85) probably Colo.) College.. w!ll g1 t the call at quartcr- 11H.' Pioneers were uprnd, haek with Nat IIolsome <155! c I In their opener here J.n t und Cnris Voris 065) at \\C k by Whltti r. 20-6. halves and \'a quez at !uli- Botn clubs arc In the back.

Whittier Air x_· Game Defeats Pioneers, 20-6 (Continued) rat to end "-tan <;and<'1-s. He hauled it In at thP USO 40' and eas.iy ran for the touch- dO\m. Greg R1~ko kicked the extra poi'll. Ore r "YlOr<' ill thP first pe- rlnd a ( tW(l h'llPS In the SC'C· nnd h1ttll' ma ChPd d<'l'P but was stoppE-d by the Pio-

jfhe 62 ('.tards in 14 play. for a touch- down in th~ third penod to make .t 14 Ii. \'ail, who con- nected on three l!melv .aerials to GrPgory in the s el' i e s, capped the drive with a quar- terback sn,.ak and Risko add- ed the ppint with a placement. The Ploneers penetrated once to the Poets' 5 in the th d s•anza and to the t>ne- my's 13 In the' fourth pe'riod before they finally punched across for their only touch- do n. Halfba ·k Joe Gray teco~- ered a Vail fumble on the Whittier 1~ and six plays later Jan Chapman hurled to Jim Gabriel on the right side and the big end crashed 10 yards into the end zone. Chapman's pass attempt for two points failed and the score W!J.S 14-6. The Poets got their final touchdown late in the fourth quarter when they drove 79 :yards in eight plays with Vail going o,c" from the J 1. The rxtra poir kick was short. n'rwier . . g : :::2~ Wh1ttier-Sonders, 77, pass from Vail (RJ_,~l~t!::~~Va,t, 1, auarterback sneaK (Risko kick). USO---Oc rte p ss fr,m C ap- m · stc,-d a eeper P k ck PoC'ts marched

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