News Scrapbook 1959-1962



~l[~4os, -~ F//o23 [Ked Mass t' anne For Lawyers Sunday A Red Mas• for the lawyers of San Diego County will be offered in The lmmaculata on the University ot San Diego's Alcala Park campus at noon this Sunrlay, M&y 1, Rev lcManus, regent of the 11nl\lers1ty's School of Law," will be ebrant. R•v, Gt-~rge Y hn w,l' preach the sermon. The Red { 11,s11 will con- atitut~ tht diocesan and uni- versity partic1pat1on In the eluded l•r mg Hutcheson, "SAlerttng "n d Convincin11; the Jury;"

,T oh n L. Cole, "Motions During Tr la l;" Richard T. Drukker, "Mo- tions After Jury Verdict " and Judge Richard B. Ault, "Trial Without Jury " Father McManus will spPak on St. Thomas MorP and the Red :Mass on the "Let There Be Light" television program at 8 a.m. this Sunday, May 1, over KFMB -TV's Chan- nel 8.

nation-wide Law Day pro- claimed by Pre~ipent Eisen- hower. The recently organ ized Catholic Lawyers Guild will sponsor a brunch in the '.Lark cafeteria on the campus after the Ma••· At the dirt>cl1on of th e Mo.~t R•verend Bishop, the Catholic Lawyers Guild was organized 11.t a recent meet- ing on the A I c 11. 1 a Park campus. Roy Fitzgerald, San Diego a.tlorney was named presi- dent. Father McManus was named by Hi~ Excellency to be tht' chaplain of the Guild. The campus also was the scene of the State Bar's Con- tinuing Legal Education Pro- gram sponsored by the San Diego County Bar Associ- ation, The 1960 S p r n g lPcture series was presented I as t weekend on "Trial Procedure in Civil Case~." Approximately 300 heard lectures in More Hall. Speak- er• and their &ubjects in-

REHEARSAL-Ronald House as Rochtster. and Ros,mur J one, '!IS J ane Eyre rehearse a seen• from the forthcoming production of "Jane Eyre" al University of San Diego. The dram a is scheduled for iwo 5howing• ai 8 p.m, en May 6 and 7. S€ Iv,/ /VE,) s-ft /4 ti' us . 5~N1&1(i'L . S-/, / Studcnt8 01ate 1 'l 6 17 Ja11e Eyre' D1 a111a •

-San Diego U~ici Staff Photo Sexton, center, athletic coordinator, and Fr. Russell Wilson, president of the university, look on. Pecarovich has been in coaching since 1927.

Mike Pecarovich, left, former coach at Loyola and Gonzaga, signs a two- year contract as head football coach of the University of San Diego. Bob

SIGNS2-YEAR USD GRID PACT We'll Gamble-Pecarovich By JOHNNY McDONALD and I think we can come up/ Platz, who resigned the head "We'll gamble one play in with a good club," . the assignment to accept a posi- 10 to go 70 yards-we don't 60-year-old mentor added. tion in the Escondido school want to accept just four yards "I'll gamble when I can," system. Pecarovich indicated at a crack all the time " new P e c a r o vi c h who has that Platz may still a sist at Unive,,sity of San 'Diego I coached college a;1d profes- USD by scouting high school coach Mike Pecarovlch said sional football teams off-and- material. last night at :More Hall after on since 1927, admitted that Platz \\ m still assume the he signed a two-yea~ contract he hadn't coached since 1950/ coaching a mies during spring, to take over the Pioneers' nor scouted many players for practice and Pecarovich, who! head football coaching as- four or five years but telt ,is curr~1tly teaching English [ signment. that "football hasn't changed and law at St. Authony's l "Give me some players that much since then.'' ,High 'chool, would come who want to block and tackle Pecarovich relieves Paul/down over the wee'kends. • 'o --. date fOl' spring practice has been announced.

Cast in o,·dr1 o' .ippca, bi, \1 1C' e Vanic,·, x \Iii~ a :-;a 1chez. PHI y J I ('S Jane

Platz said he felt USD had the nueleus of a good team and that several uew addi- tions-including tackle Felton Kennedy, fullback Chuck Kii- kuskie and another player named Gillespie-, ould help · considerably. Peearo,·ich, who coached . at Loyola and Go1 ~aga, said • he would like to install the m ltivle offense. • This will keep the defense guessing," he :said. However, later, he said be was partial to an of- fense Ios.ely resembling the single wing The new coach aid that Bob Se:,don, the athletic coor- uni\•rrsit) , would be one of his a.·sist- ants this fall but he had not made a d e c i s i o n on any others. "I hope to improve some of the fundamentals-such as downfield blocking and tack- ling -which I think the team lacks," he said. Although he , 1 has not attended any of USD's past games he said he ha looked at some of last year's game films. In discussing the 10-game / s c h e d u I e with Platz, he agreed that many of the teams wil. be rough - includ- ing Vl'hittier, Humboldt State, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Francisco S t a t e, Cal Pol~, of Pomona and Arizona State of Flagstaff. Sexton said the univer~ity would be ahle to offer tuition ($600) and jobs off campus. 1He said that every boy who is on an athletic scholarship' 'now at USD has a job. Pecarovich said he was go- ing to rely on high school ; kids, primarily. "It may be 1 difficult to obtain some of the. better boys from junior col- leges," he added. I Some of Mike's coaching products incJude Tony Cane- do, former Green Bay Pack- e r hack; Max Krause, ex- New York Giant and Wash- ington Redskin tu 11 b a e k; George Karomatlc of the Red- skins, Kenny Washington, who played for him with the old San Ftancisco Clipp~rs: lke Peterson, ex-Detroit 1'I back; Bol> Bellinger, former New York Giants guard, and 1 Lowe!J Wagner, another ex- clipper. dinator at the

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.PREMIERE MAY 17 111)io1J 6J',#o Ex- pan fficer., In 'Ga llant Hours' By JA..'1ES !llEADE San Diego Union's Theater Writer The Japanese officer miral's stat! in October and who planned and ordered November, 1942, during the the mysterious, successful Japanese attempts to re- ~·- ..,. e v a e u a- t i O n of gain the Solomon Islands. troops from Goto, who came to C a 11- K i s k a Is- fornia several years ago to land in the study for a -tndsters' de- A 1 e u t I an gree at California Institute chain under of Technology, directed t h e noses more than 100 flying mis- of Am er i • sions against Henderson can forces Field on GUa\lalcanal. He · :, Jlleade performer in Hours." In J u . l Y, later was transterred to Ja- 1943, is a pan for other'.'l!ss!gnments. feature "The Gallant In July, 19~ it was de- cided to evacuate

.\lfred GPimer, Jaw librarian, •w<•pptPd 1hA hooks fr?~ Rob_Pr1 Donais, st>eond from JPft, ,,ic,.. pre~ident or th<> Union Title flnn, and David Sclmrch, general counsel for the finn.

·...\\\ BOOKS PRF.SE, 'TED-.~ j\'lft or la\\ book• WM pre- PntPd to thP T ninrsll,,· nf San DIPgo'• Srhoot of Law last lfonclar on lwhalr of thP Union Tltlp lnsu:ran~ Company. Rev. ~lartin' l\lcltanus, left, regent ot the School of Law, and Bev,

Don't miss the

2,600 army troops apd 3,400 na- val personne1 from Kiska. The United taj:es had taken Attu and it was impractical to supply Kis1m. An at- tempt was made in mid- July, but it did not succeed because Japanese ships in the constantfy foul weath- er and limite(l visiblity mis- took ~ocks i or American submarines. ~ed on them and withdrew * '* * OS JCLY 29, two rrui~- ers, four destroyers and 10 submarines arrived at fog. bound K!ska after dark. ln an hour, the island w a s cleared of personnel. To save time, the Japanese used cargo boats to take the men from shore to ship, then sank the small crait. When American t r o o p s invaded Kiska Aug. 15 aft- er heavily bombarding the . island, it was discover~ to be completely aban- doned. After the war, Goto, a g_raduate of the Japanese nava) academy, decided to speciaUze in aero dynamics and came to the U n it e d Stll,tei, to study. lie studied E lish and American his- tory at Pasaclwa Junior College for iwo years and then spent two years at Cal 'I'e<;h getting a mastejp' 't1e- gre11. Ffe now ls 1 'willl\~......irt<,,id ye an instr l Tee Goto received can citizenship papers in March. His son Is a soldier in the United States Army.

He is James T. Goto and he is portraying Adm. Isokuru Yamamoto, chief of the Japanese Imperial Navy, in the United Artists release which will have a West Coast premiere May 17 at the Fox Theater to benefit the University of San Diego. Sponsor is the university's Women's Aux- iliary. · Tickets are avallabre at Thearle's, Union Title Co. and Stanley Andrew's in San Diego and Stephen- son's, La Valencia Hot'el and La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club in the n o rt h shore area. THE PICTURE STARS Jame~ Cagney as F 1 e et Adm. William F. (Bu l ll Halsey and was produced and directed by R o b e r t Montgomery Productions. Goto not only resembles the late Yamamoto, but was an officer on the ad-

1960 ANNUAL CONFERENCE held by the San Diego Area Council of the National Management Association on the beautiful campus of San Diego University- Linda Vista R oad, San Diego, California. Arts and Science Building.


Red -t'Rl /3~

m honor of San Rev. Charles F. -Buddy, bish- profession will op of the San Diego diocese.

Regent to Preside

t noon tomor-

be celebrated

rmv in the Imma-culata at the The celebrant will be The University of San Diego, Al- Rev, Martin McManus, A.B., cala Park. L.I.B, L.I.M., attorney, a n d Thomas P • Golden, presi- regent of the University of dent of the San Diego County San Diego School of Law. Bar Association, . said the I The sermon will be preached Mass will be celebrat<'d In ob- by the Rev. Dr. George Jo- servance of Law Week, which seph w. Yahn, Ph.D, s.T.D., started Monday, and will cli- M.D., J .C.D., who holds doc. max tomorrow in observance toral degrees in philosophy, of L_a w Day, proclaimed by medicine, canon law, and nat- Pres1drnt Eisenhower. Second in City ural law. Brunch to Follow the brated in San Diego, The first ceremony, the Catholic Law. was in December, 1957, when yers Guild of San Diego, will the university's law school meet at the Lark Cafeteria, was fou nd ed. . on the USD campus for a The Mass takes its name ' from the traditi nal red robes brunch. worn by its participants since Presiding at the following it was initiated in the 11th Ccn• meeting will be Roy G, Fitz- tury as the special mass to gerald, guild president, who lnvoke lesslngs on the mem- received the O r d e r of St. bcr~ o tit!' bench and bar. Gregory irnd was knighted by Presiding will bt> tliP Most Pope Pius XII in Rome, _ 'l'h Red· Mass will be the seco ,d of ·ts kind ever cele- Immediately following

#.Jg~~ t f/UIO,J Pioneer Niri·e 1 Hosts Biola The UnlV€'\'S ty of San Diego, pushing to,vat'd the fln~st rec. ord in school history, meets / Biola College at Mike Morrow Field today at 2 o'clock. This Will be the fil'St base. bati meeting between Biola and USD. The twO' schools have a bas'ketball rivah'Y' dat- ing back to 1957. Pioneer shortstop Jim Fi~. renza, a graduate o1 HUl1tin ton Beach High, continues to boost his astronomical ba ting average, F icirenza ha two homers ano two sing)e, against MCRD recently to lif his average to 419. Fiorenza fui.s l! hits, .1. home runs d 37 uns batt~ in for 20 .t

University of San Diego

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