News Scrapbook 1959-1962
3.J) • •l••" a1, Four-Night Run '° 0 Of 'Harvey' Planned A four-night r un ol "Har - v<>y" will be opened ton ight at 8:30 by the Al ala Mas- quers at the Li ttle g Thea- ter 1n thl' Arts ana cience buildlnst, Unl\• of S a n Diego, Col!Pge tot' Men cam- pus. The Rev. ~ o T. Lanphier is director. P r!ormanccs also will be given tomorrow, Sat- urday and Sunday at 8:30 p.m.
STARS IN OO:HEDY - tarring In the Alcala Ma querw' 11rodu~tlon opens a four-night run on the Onh·e~lty of San Diego c.ampua tonlg to right, Paulette Santos, Denni• Halloran, and Glory !llullen,
nion Staff Photo
r 11 e "
(' mpleting "rrangemenl Informal" 1,cld la I night b ni11er. ily of San DiPgo are, Jrom fo{t, l\1orgarel c Twirman, and largorel
~j).d~cti'~~,o X Applous
t bl'· l'l ~ar•
meeting will lir. t;1e fl twel'n the two collrgl'
Gets Riot
er, clecora-
!-'lty football.
lion chairman.
t II
The Pionl'rr
t'Ck their
1irst victory a!tl'r lo Ing
Constance Jlf'rre hoff No one saw the Im l Ible Halloran who appPale rabbit but evcryonr who at of ou better in tendcdThursdayp·ghtsopen-role of Dowd
ran ccutive College,
gamC'S Whittier
Frcshmc Fill Sia ·e At SDCW Y 01.1\ • < HA IBER · Bureau w re el ted last The Fre hman clas ot the Thursday. Cl-airman of the Bu- lJ nivcrslty of n Diego Col- reau ·will b<' • ha Golden. lege for W man announced fary Bahan ,vJI serve as his- its first f I htly o!flcers torlan and Colleen Conway as Sc-pt. 2 • An Boehler w!Il secretary. The Women's Ath- be pr!' I nt. Fipp, vice Jelle As. ociation also elected presid n d i;• Downs, new offirer . Diane Corkill Is sccretar) pre ldl'nt Patricia ::-.r~fahan :\liss Boe aduat<'d i secretaQ trea. urer. from Lo et m) El The movie "Hondo" will he Pa. , Te c ('r\'Cd pre. ented at 7:30 p.m. Friday as student t !,;he in More Hall. A rally will fol i.s thl' d D . lo\, the mo\1" The freshmar :'.\!r C. C ' I Pa o. I ss i In charge. liss .E'ipp, Dr Th~ sophomore class an end Mrs. B. grad- nounced Its group leadrrs las uated 1. r o m Ro ary High week, ompl ting the clas: School. .l\1i. s Down , daughter council. Group leader· will b• of Mr. and Mrs. John Downs, Barbara Br -.elf'rl, Co 11 e e 1 was graduated from the Con- Coll\\'a), Eliza th Fiorinc vent ot the Saered Heart ln El uzanne Gaughen, Winiire, Cajon where she was president Golde , Geraldine Kavanagt and vice president of the Girl Stephanie O'Connor, Athletic As. oc ation. Oldak, Mary Jo Rogers, Patti- • ·ew officers ot the Speakers cla Shannon and Eleanor Taix . By M
20-fi, New M<:.Xico Wl'stern. :19-20 and IIumholdt 1 State, 20-0. The Azu a CollegP Sl'ntinels have a 2-2 record. La t week Azusa de.teated Pomona Col- J ege fro , 20-18. Last month they lost to Laverne College, 1-1-6, and Los Angeles CI l y College, 22-6. The Sc-ntinels defeated Southern California Coll('ge, 14-0, on Oct. •. Last year the SentinPls fin- ! hcd ihr.1r IS<'ason with five wlns and two· Ios c, CJIAP'\fAN TO Hl'RI, .Jan 'haprria'), USD quar. tnba 1<, \\ ill again lead the Pione r attack. Cl:rapman, 15th In NAIA mall college punting -with a 42.9 average, ha~ al o completed 28 of 59 pa ·se attempted for 271 yard, ccl'iv. Pr 1:; end Jim Gabi el. Jim has caught 11 passes for 85 yards and onll touchdown. Dan Bodle, freshman end f r o m Santa Clara Hlgh, Oxnard has ca u g h t tour asses for 74 ' yards and one touchdown. t:SD v.ill rely upon fullbj1ck .Tim Desantis fo:r 1t ru3hmg yardage. DeSantls, a J.m1or, has gained l4~ yards In 33 car- ries. Coach Mike Pecurovlch re- ported 1his week t5at half- back Pat Heminger had a dis- , located !
he at
Diego'• t s·ao
fJa lornnAJ
eemed a natural for convey- comedy lrg Do,, •. kind~•· generos- tonight q'huraday a •
mg of Mary "llarvey:" at th
for a four-
nivers t
lty and friendllnes tyl<' oJ acting.
in a quiet night ru
o! San Diego belle · d that th tall, \\hlte rabbit wl:o \'as th
by the
of th1
talented cast the
cons ant . wood P. Do, d, was actuall Glory !114,1) 11 a Dowd's avar- Lit • present 1ous istel-" a,d niece· Bar- a nd S The c ·11 t d1 e ion of t a Jordan as the atu'.active direc Rev. Ll'o Lnnphlr W'l aga1 c dent c In Dr. Chum- F' , admlreJ in th s 'Harvey' Jey ho pi al for crackpots; nis produrt Th¢ cnst Include H 1 b Su,llivan as an intelli- memb s of the Alcala Mas- gent Y()Ung doctor on the way Bert, quers from the College for up, and B('rt Degherl as the Herb Men and g\le B)I r trom ferocious Dr. Chumley. As it 1 Phll B the Colle or Womel'. '111 urned out, Dr. Chumley was Grantl play I g1v n rcp_eat per- ore demented th n any of .Mlkha formant:es D ton} ht arid Is patients. to_morrow mgil( at tfw LlttlP Other acto Ill Rmg T In the Ar• ard •ere Liz Kor~1;1di Sele t o cam- Chumle). Gran pus. lay: is pr ·nted ln as JudgP Gnfu c rr1•1an1or. of El \\ r P11ulette S a n t o s and
r Koran d er, ardaon Al Zuniga, r.he:r., and Penny quera• !1rat produc- 1960 61 sea.son Is y Roger Mehlbrech,
the han
11 i n g man. PN,l Bur
a ailable for rapid ly '\', itlt J\
Mlle ha ,tagc deta~.~rken In charge of
set chan,.,mg.
anrhez a~
bt·w1 aered Jam-
There was riotous applau~c ·ly it
rown ls student dlrect-
O .-..
• l
tmg ,r and Le Alds is in charg
e 0
for the cast after the opening as a maicl. Al .Z "Harvey." comedian, performance of
1 1:a a
ifted 1 ' 111 •
,t a b g hand as g mg
ane Head Is cos- . arge or props. and John
Chief laurels go to D en n i
.ume m 11 nl a ghe r, e s n :oo
ad O
I taxi drtvt>r _____
B he pmormancea to- night through Sun ay night, there v..ll be a. matinee this Saturday, 0 tober 8, to which all thf' $1ste lJ ot the area are invited The Saturday night perform- ance will be hOJJted by the Uni- versity of San Diego Auxiliary, With a social hour and dinner preceding. e
LC:VJollans~Pu; "'l= igh For University Name • o\, n Council the board mentioned that San \\ Ill send a. representative to Diego ls in the title of three a meeting of the Uni,·ersity colleges now San Diego of California board of regents State, the Uni\'ersity of San in Berkeley Friday to fight Diego and San Diego Junior to have the La Jolla campus College - and that another orticlally named the Univer- would cause more confusion. sity of California, La Jolla. At a general meeting of the Decision to pre the cam- councll at the La Jolla Ele- pa gn for the name of the mentary school auditorium campus was made al an aft- last night. five candidates for ernoon mN!ting of the coun-1county supervisor addressed c I board of trustees attended about 150 residents present. Climaxing tae meeting was <'ouncil President F. Seth the showing of the film, Brown said the resolution of ''Communism on the Map." La Jolla b) 30 townspeople yesterday.
L o L oms
SD .Brings Football to Padre. Park • llt>n, "~ 1 r-, l,.
Boa rd of \~ j()/&~/60
~lul.J.t"-l?J:l,.::V~l 11--0onflict over de ignation of the of the Unher~ily of California in the Tor• re loomed today. ' The La Jolla Town C)uncil Board of T ee- d~c1ded to
lcufr 'X
ioneers' AJ
R 10/,3/,A_o~ a s Keca Ven, 1 aldez Spe:'.ol lo EVE)IING TRIBUNE DALTL.10RE - Suddl'nly \'ern Valdez ha - a job again. The former l:niversity of San Diego and Marine Corps Recruit Depot football star was put on the playing roster again :ye;;•crda by the Los Ange:~s Rams and is tiekcted to see act,on J:lere Sunday against the Colts. Yaldcz, a clefensi,·e back, was cut last orith when the Ram• parrd t eir roster down to e league p.ayer limit. But, in a ob\l ou effort to bolster their agging pass de- fense, the Ram called him back and cut loose de:fensive back Jack Morris.
D fense to
oppo·e an attempt by the San Diego City Council to have the campus named the Unh-ersity of California at San Diego. Both In Appeal Both tJ-,e Sa"l Diego and La Jolla groups are e. peeled to send repre•entative;: to the umvers1t · Board of Re- gents mel't rig Frldav in Bcrkdey to pport their re- speetL e Pds. The campu site t;.a been referred to .nforrnally in re- cent ear a the l.Jnner 1 y of California at La Jolla. Thi, San Diego council will advo- cate u mg the name San Diego n the title becau e the land being g•ven the univer- .. 1ly a t, the peo- ple o! enUre n Diego area.
>CSc -r
I P, arker to Appe 41 ar On TV Program Irving W. Parker, de!!-n of-: admissions at the· University of San Diego College for Men, will appear on a television panel this Sunday, October 16, on the subject "Rising Cost.. and Ad- ·ssiona Standards for Collete- Bound Youth." The other panelists will be Dr. Melville Ander~on, dean of admissions, !':~n Diego State Colleg•. and Robert McKay, di- rector of admissions, Cali.fontie. Western Unl\'erslty. They Will be interviewed by local high school seniors. The program will be at 2:30 p.m, over KFSD-TV (Channel 10) .
n Diego'
EVENING TRIBUNE Pigskin Pick-It Line
October 14-15
l11. lH1Jl '·Mu t I,,,~
J)Jj!A(San Diego Union's Gridiron selections
,,a.;c u l )·cat's
! Warren Wilson
'Phil Collier
!;1. t
Consen~us W-81 L·:IS
~H~a~g'e'n:..--~ u~~Io"n'a'l~1a_n__ 10 W-73 L-43
T lw
!light srs 10
:,;, wul or Law b,•gan ·vl11g of 1H3I (•l'l \\ 3, adrl~d in
W-72 L-44
W-71 L-4S
'11f' .., ilH' f-1 I of l' ~)!L
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