News Scrapbook 1959-1962
~one'efg EyCAlcala
1'um 61 ofdt yes 12th Straight Against USD Spec ol to Th• San Dit90 Union ARCATA, Sept. 30-H um- boldt tate -powerful football squad v.ill be out to l'(I Ire the Unlver ty I01 an DI go !t two clubs collide in Eureka s Al- bee Stadium. Qn tht' other hand Ml kc Pecarov ch's Pio rs a r e still in search of their first victory after ctback ·. USD will ta c,k 'clepth at end anil at halfba('i{ because of injuries. Dan Bodle, a 6-2, 188-pound frcshman from Ox- nard, will have to -start at left end becau.~e of the ab- sence of starter Mike fcDe- vitt, who has the flu, and re- serve Larrr Tessary, h o ha::: a sprained ankle. Pat Long, who will be at tight tackle, i the other !rcsh- man in the startlng u!lit for thP Pioneers but he earned that with an impressive game _ (<;:ittnued on a;_21, Col. 3) 1 13th straigt.t lct!m toMor• row mght h th Kickoff 8 o'clock. IS sch ul d f. 0
Sh /'.t~i:un•d
Chapman Pins
Initial Win Hard Way
umboldt Eyes 12th Straight Agains USD (ContirmPd) against • ·ew Mexico WPstcrn last week. The Pioneer hopes rest with quarterback Jan Chapman, halfback Joe Gray and full- back Jim DeSantls. Meanwhile, Humboldt Is loaded with .26 ll•tter winners and can counter with quar- terback FrPd Whitmire and haHhnck Cecil tcphens In the pro-t)-pe T. Whitmire h a s been at the helm while the Lumb rjacks re I d pnst 11 teams. Ster ns r a1;1d p ck d
PatroneS~es. Patronesses for the Ha Mode de Pllris" tashlon h
• ng
Fancy Pa On Own'
\ tin proira ouprganizelt In 959, ~lcala of mothei s _a nd \11 e wivPs of stud~~c~~~ ; 1 ~!'~: :in on\zation Is t? <5'!~ 15 Gull,;\ eo!\si I •
ARCATA - San Diego could have plckec.j~ u i l dA~ 1; 1 to break into the winning col- bave been announced. University of to be sponsored by ~t~t• an easier opponent In 1i'.ln~:rsitY p of
1~· at
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,P · mote In e
um•\ ~r7;
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football season.
ihcluded are rme\tSey:le:~s!ty and support i~
The Pioneers, seeking their Suitt, M. Jack \~r~edc{bcri:, gram. Mrs. Dam.el K. er first victory aftr.r two defeat , mour RaAbinD~·Fairo Jr Wll· pr<'sident. h O n and fash· F:ugene • St• hen The l u n c e , 1 . t challenge the .strong Hum- 11am J. Martin, 11. <'Pk ion show Is the guild s irs \ b ld S t I . GI nn A Lonn.-c er, · t o t ta e e even at 8 here K 1 n g, e · ,.. orgc T. big projcr , l E k • Alb St Kenneth A. Young, "e n ure as ee adlum. Zellmer Emma F. Robinson, ·-------------- , Humboldt rides an 11-game Leo Patella, Sophia. Bar1;-n, SD efe' n'..... Se~ winnlng string into the fray Howard w. Rozelle, Bernice Toe Lumberjacks opened the E Williams. LucUle D. Bar• campaign with a 25-6 romp b;.r and Marie L. Markley. past Eastern Washington. Mrs, D~ 1:,a~c~.o c:~ 1 ~1;1:nt~! lauded Desp"1te Coach Mike Pecarovlch will the even • ,•n c Io s e
It develops that Jan Chapman, pass plt !ling sensation !or Unfverslty of San Diego, ls a blooMln <'ie1,tific marvel, equipped wlth h1 own mysterious rad r "He has difficulty s ,ng," coach Miki' Pe arovlch re- ported yesterday to the Quarterback Club es n .line
r 1
'he can· t
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"He becom
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wher they are s.u po ed to be. He throw on p tterns, expect- • Ing the fellow to be there. 'We're going to get him con- tact len s to wear," added Mike, "and open up a new v. orltl for him ·• USD, till wlnlC' s after two games, faces another tough as- signment this week against Humboldt State at Eureka. "l don't know what we'll do," aid the Pioneer coath, 'but I'm hoping for the best," Pecarovlch related that he "tried to trade eight players • for 'ew 1exlco Westem's Juan
10 o D f t • eea
11 t
• start two freshmen tonight. Wednl.'sday but tickPts wlll be Dan Bodle from Oxnard goe available after that date ~y
at left end because of starter M e ,., Devit s 1llness and Larry Tessary's ankle sprarn. 1k .., ,
contacting Mrs. Philip Nacozy r Mrs Albert Nottoll. o Alth~ugh an over~ll Fr<'nch me will be earned out In tdh or with a French salon to
1t1/ ,, / (, ,.
dqwm.1 in l tory ov r I week. has n\ era earries. F
Tn<' bruisc>d Univc>rsity of draws an open rlatc this week followinl-( 11s 1hircl stmlght sea- ~an DiPgo football sq u o. d
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bread db tter pla)c-r {or the Ja ks h&ving p1t'ked \ 181 :yards tn 31 tries and tv.1> tou hdo, "II • USO Po>. BOdlt I Hl ~E w. W re"""' e(l91) T ~Yi'.~~ l 8 J! l'..oo· ms\ tv .12°fi, s RE Chapman C 10) Qt, Grov 0 901 LH l.oesdln g j190) RH 015a ts I 15) FB
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,•onst, won 1h<'ir 12th ~traight hut had to battll' off the young Al1hougi1 l14mholdt won tlw hatllc of .-tati~tlPS, too. it was at! fylng to some extent that USD was up to the ta~k anli J,cpt IIumboldl lrom stretching t11c margin with 1rong defPn- s ve line• work. Q1•art<•rback :Fred Whitmircc, tossed for two touchdown passes to end nrcw ]to b<'rt~ for s \' <'11 and . ::6 , ards in the s<· onil ;inti third per ods to put the ~nme out of 1each, \Vhitmi •• c-ompl<'t<'d 13 ,!)" 21 pa,,:'\es. cighL al them going to H.operts. Cecil SlPphens :,;cored the jlr~t Lum bNj a " k 1ouchdow11 in 1hr !lt·sl period when he c-iimnxrd a 92-yard drive with a two-yard plunge. Some con. olalion for USD, J10wevcr, was thC' fact that it held Stephens to BS yards in 17 carri<'~. He had a 13-yard- per-carry average after two prn\·ious games. . USD coach 111\k<\ Pccarov1ch and his coa'ch staft \\ere ;pleased with the interior line- men on d!'fcnsc, singling out Al zunirv, !3oh Huges anti V/aync Dourqu~ [01 prntse. USD'~ moHt pflective runnrr was fullb~d: J i m D"santis who gained 26 yards in seven carries. • threatened twice but each time had to give up · the. ball on downs. USD will have to spend time on pass defense for its, next contest with Af.U.,a Colic~ at Wcstgntc Park, Oct 15. J'ioncPr~ twlCl' Half 1,acl T h c Pion<'C'rs
Vasquez Inst week bu• Must ng Tl' n or Al J h E'red with "an offer of two' for the Plance ' Joe Gray. •'So," ('On luded l\rl k e, "we talked about poetry and ph1Jo •ophy." on count-
-i,~ 1111~
~4 TH~ ti Ol:GO U'.10 I CAf\fPUS CAN OP T
Sun., Oct. z. 1960 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA . o P ~esc - t ' ce
worn t ume loch th b nc..., s .
t:I, COCR 1 I ei ce in the an th Pioneers await tonight's kick• ar.k, but th(! San Dlcgans expect to •nlnrslty of
C'nt th Ann ri
ation, I Re-
The junior class of the Uni- mcr.1':> r Mama, the annual versity o! San Diego CollegC' C'~n.,tm s Pag ant, the mor- for WomC"n ,,ill presen t the a 1ty r1ay Everyman, a va- annual "Autun.n Informal r1ety show, and 'I\\elfth Night Saturda y. Th dance wll. ".it!rmg the sea on Ros<'mary be held from !) p.m unu. 1 Jo," pr~sldcnt o! the AJ. p.m. In the Rose Room ca,n • lave, il"troduccd Mr. . '1 R Vnn Vlcek, drama de- Marv Bahan. jul'!wr class partmc t h a .. d • d · · l h 1 n c a,rm n. \\1·0 a . presi cnt, 15 genera c a r- dr sscd the l-
chalk up tbeir !lrst ctqry of the sea!;On. Azusa College Will pt ovlde the oppos!tlon in the first -------------:football game to be play d LINEUPS in the baseball home of the San Diego Padres. Kickoff
USO e.8~~ 1;i g mile res ''We figure our bOys are b et t er prepared for th lf,•rv m game than any we've played all season ' so.Id r.oach Mike ,Foi', is at 8.
ASUSA COL, Mann om
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~ 18 8m hiil°l ??JJl
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enoo';,,":.n I: L't?l~;;r. ,~
Pecarovich today.
~~w~;J; 0
Azusa doegn't figure to b -------------in a ela~ with the Pioneers' first three opponl'ntc \Vhittier, New Mexico Western and Humboldt State. USO lost to all three. . ea~n record. Tltey barely edged Pomona Frosh, 20- 8 and beat Southern California Collegl', 14-0, A1.l,lsa' losses were to LaVerne, 14-6, and Los Angeles Cit College, 22-6. Pecarovich tire Sentinels' passing most. "They throw about 60 p~r eent of the time. This boy (Tom) Nelson Is a fine passer," Perarovich commented. Pass d.-fense has been a problem for the Pioneers this season, ut Pecarov!ch :feels "the boi know better what , to do no\.\'." Fr~~uuan Tony Gilham will replace sophomore Jim Gabriel at right end in the starting USD lineup, Gabriel was called home by the death of his mother. USO will o with its regular J;tartlng bo.ckfield o! Jan Chapman et quarterback, Joe Gray at right half, Joe Lo chnig a: left hal! an ,'Jill) Desantis fullback. De- Santis has b 1 the most co is nt gainer with 141 yards in 33 carries. Chapman has eompleted 28 of 59 pass for 271 yards and two touch owns. He 's the nation's 15th ranked small college punter with an average of 42.9 per kick. The Senlillfl 1,av a 2-2
PIONEERS WIN· £..~.1~ 0 Ball Park' Place for oor D's· By PAUL COUR \ The end zones we:e a prob- University of San Diego and Jem. The south one 1s right ln Azusa College scored a totallft't)nt of the Padre dugout. To of three touchdowns as foot- keep pass catchers and ball ball came to Westgate Park carriers from falling in, sev• Saturday night, but we only eral bales o! hay torm a bulk· 1 saw one of them. The Pioneers head. The north end woo. ls won though, 14-6. pre_i;;irlously close to the left- One of the drawbacks of field !ence. Pads were draped playing football in a baseball over the fence to prevent any park, in this case anrway, ls injury, however. the location o! the pres box. - - · It's a perfect birdseye view of home plate when thtt ba •
manager. Grant Richardso is handling publicity and J er ry Williams, bus ness Lead• ing roles will be pattrnye by Dennis Halloran and Paul ette Santo~ Other cast mem- bers are Phillip Btirch Ber Degherl, Donald Gelslng, Bar- bara Jordan, Ellzabeth Kor- ander, Gloria Mullcl'. Veron- ica Nutting, Milc'l:a -Sanchez, Herb Sullivan, and Al ZC1J1lga. ltl'v. Leo F. Lanphier is the director. a-he drama department of th • College for Women prc- v i e w e d the coming attrac- tions for its ninth year of theater last Tuesday, in th" theater. '!'he students will pre.
U.S. To S .A C..tho!:c prir t who µ; a na friend of 'th 'President or S \uh Vktn m Vietnam v:oulu 11nm :11atel~' be engu f d if thP United S, tes wi hdl'ew its aid
Sun., Oct. 16, 1900 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA
San Diego Unlon Stoff Photo
Tim commillcc {or the "J luute
lode de Pari "Jm11ion how presented ..,an Diego ampl1i1/iealer by the A lcala a, from le[I, Mmes. Rm·moncl ( . } fart, promotion; Daniel uild pre ,den!, w11l Eugene OeFalco, d1mrman of t11e show. llniver it • of
A'f.fPUS CANOPY Modes Shown By Alcala -uild BY ::IIARY 0. CllA IBERS The Alcala Guild of the Uni- Mar)"• f11ances Polakiewicz, versity o! San Diego pre- Patr~ Rubie, Susan Scar- sented a fashion show, "Haute pulla, '.Kathleen Shaw, M a r Y :Mode de Paris" in the Alcala Stevens, Teresa Sousa, Joanne Theater yesterday. Luncheon Urnezis, P_atricia Wahl, Su- was also served. sanna White, Ruth Wicker- The Guild consists of moth. sham, K1iY Roberts, Margaret ers and wives of the s t u- Everett, Nancy Kok, and Guil- dents of the College for Men lermina Gomez. and was formed to promote in- CHORAL GROUP tcrest in the university. Mrs. A special choral gorup will Daniel K. Kerr Is the pres!- also sing. Toe members are dent. Proceeds from the fash- Donna Brower, Maraaret Aral- lon show were donated to the ia, Patricia Tiernan, Ma r y College tor Men. Megow, Michaele Flaherty, On Thursday, the student Nancy Erhardt, Veronica Nut. body of the College for Worn- t in g, Margaret D'Agosti- en will celebrate its annual no, Norma Peck, Marilyn Puzo, President's Day. Stephanie O'Connor, an d :\IIRACLE PLAY Barbara Jordan. Toe Freshmann class an- Toe Drama de?artme~t will nounced their group leaders present the medieval miracle for the year as Christina Can- play, The Annunciation, under well Susan Korzon LI n d a the direction of Mr. R. B. Rahi. Joellen Pech~cek, Mar. VanVlcck. Members of th e garet Morgan, Patricia Mur- cast a_re Joellen Pech~cek, phy, Ruth Wickersham, Pa- Geraldme McCarthy, Eileen tricia Tiernan Judie J oh n- Kirkbridge, M~rgaret Mor- ston, Maureen'Pecht, Deborah gan, and Victoria Stfassler. Davidson, and Muriel Palmer, Choral background will be and Jackie Johnston. provided by the Choral Club The senior class also an- directed by Mr. Hendrik Jan nounced the Ir group lead- van der Werf. Members of the ers as Diane Head An it a Choral Club are Jeri Booth, Dolan Carollta Pe;kins Jill Mary Olive Chambers, Bar- Brady, and Ruth Patters~n. bara Connelly, Beatriz Cota,1------- JoAnn De Rosa, Cornelia Der- .Yb err y, , 1ary .Jar.e Fan-
at urday at th mild in l I
ball Padres arc ple.yins ttiet but you're looking dol-lli into the end zone when die grid- ders are on the field,. Unfortunately, 1or tlie. press box observers, San l't,icgo's first touchdown an(! A?l.l!ia's only TD were scored at the north nd o! the flel!1, almost out of si ht. Gray Goe$ OvC'r Joe Gray scooted fi'om the \••. I guess it was about thC' seven-yard line with a·littl more than nine minute to play In the :first quarter. The run for extra points was short. Press box 1ans settled back, hoping the next score would come at the south end of the lield so they could watch it. The Pioneers', after thrashing about against the scrappy Sen- tinels for two more tiuarters, finally obliged when frE'sh- man Wayne Blaker recovl'rNI a fumble on the Azusa 2,.\ right below us. Five play,; Jati:r Jim Desanti.· crashed over from the Jour-yard line for the TD a.1,;1d Jan Chapman passed to M'l'ke .McDevltt for two extra points and a 14-0 USD l~ad. Touchdown Rumor Azusa s touchdown, \\h1ch cam~ a the 11 n a 1 110111 sounded, was a rumor at fi,st to the p ss corps far at th!' othrr end of the· field, btlt it was conflrmM 'tliat Dargon Mcwhorter threw a pass to Gerry Nelson for six yards and the TD. Lo.ying out a footbal~ field , at Westgate Park prov ·d to be quite a problei'n. The J 00 yards wouldn't !it, if laid out exactly parallel to ihe left. field line, so the field had to be placed at nn angle. It looks crooked and gave some of the gridders the same elu- sion. The s o u t h 50 yards are clearly marked, but the noi-th 50 aren't and this makes for some guessing of where the ball Is, even !or those fans who nrc close enough to the scene of action.
l I. K1 rr,
pl"' st
•·The situ tion th '"e Rev. JoJcph H. Hoc, an in- structor in political science at the University of $81\ Dic;o·a College for Men. '"The Communists are ter- rorizing the country and d g it without fear of ri,taltatien," Father Hoc ~-aid during an In· ter\'iew. •·Only in Saigon i• thete any •ecur1lv And lhat will last only as Jnng as t; s. aid cont!I.Jue~. Signs of .,t..ttack "Con1muni orces arc now concentrating n South Viet- nam's border, u ..Jng Laos as a base. There a~ .ications that they mily be!:"!n an attack soon. There is no hence of surd,·e1 \\-tt.hou• help from th 'Uni d
1~ desperate.''
USD, State Frosh TO g~sUat~r~~y Tlte Unnerslty f San Diego and Say, Diego State College ,I! meet In athleUc contest for thE' first time Sa.turda • when their freslun n football teams meet at Aztec Bowl. Game time n Ncl. on i\lurphy, a
ztlcs:,s'ioneers Face First Cla~h San Dlrgo ,·t 1 !/iA f/nf !rr- sity of San D1rgo v. II meet in an athl<'tir contest for the fir t time Saturday when their freshman football tl'am Pla~h in Ai c BowJ at 10 a.m. U ·o• fro h squad I 1 t fir t In hb"toi;. Previou ly, it hat! Junior ,.arslty Quarter- bac~rn the Pioneers' year- ling efoH'!l." 11 be N l' I o n :Vlurph)', n gt duate o! Pius X lligh rhool m f..os Ange- h•5 He I lll'mg i;roo'lled for thi' rnr It; spot ne. t year. The ztec fro h o p e n c d their- ra on Inst .:'.aturday. Jo mg to Ocea Ilic-Ca !shad College, , -20.
t "as the year that lu~ • was partitioned and hie -ily had o flre North V j e ,n a m and leave most o( thei po r iors b hind. They e now among the thnusan of ref11g e3 ,n South Vietnam.,: r.o
ning, Mary Fipp, Patricia G i r a l d i n, Kathlc~n Hagan Katy Herb ry Jo Hodge, Alma Jhnc cz S:illY' Johans- ing, Nannette M g,:;ns, Doro- thy Mulligan, Frances Oldak
e onest man, but ~ome memb~rs of bis close (~ontinuecl on Page 3)
Don,,Carrothers, assistant principal at Needles, reports that Bob McCutcheon is doing the same thing he did at Ramona: he'>< d6ing a magnificent job and we're very happy with him." McCutcheon's team is undefeated and untiPd and Carrothers doubts that arty remaining op- ponent can rum the record. ,.. ' 1 ,,. ,, c. ' .........,..... ''/~"le
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