News Scrapbook 1959-1962

cs1W3_f;~ft&gney~ On Good Behavior Although rec.ently he has Robert Montgomery, making been good as gold, J ames his bow in that dual capacity. Cagney has spent one-quarter -

of his long mm career (30 years and 59 pictures spitting in the eye of the law. That, o! course, was back In his salad days. These days, he's more likely than not to be playing somebody like FAdm. William F. Halsey, commander of the A 11 i e d :forces In the South Pacific during World War II. Porlrays H11,lsey Cagney portrays Halsey In his latest picture, "The Gal- lant Hours," opening on May 17 at the Fox Theater. The opening will be a benefit spon- sored by the University of San Diego Women's Auxil- iary. "The Gallant Hours" Is the story of a five.week period in the life of Admiral Halsey in which, against overwhelm- Ing odds, he succeeded In Rtopplng the Japanese and turning the tide of war. ' Cast Named Suppl)rtin., Cagney are Den- 11i_s Weaver, Carl Betiton Reid, I Richard C.arlyle, R i c h a r d Jaeckel, Les Tremayne, and Vaughan Taylor. A Cagney-Montgomery Pro- duction, "The Gallant Hours" · was produced and directed byl

-f'R.~'lil PREl\lIERE PARTIES-Festivities on the night r- 'd ··l)f the premiere of "The Gallant Hours" May 17 will .:,/ 7 Jiu begin at 6 when many theater-goers gather in the Caribbean Room o[ EI Cortez Hotel for a cocktail party followed by dinner. )Irs. Thomas J. Fleming, cochairman of the dinner with :\lrs. Hrnry G. Fenton, and !Ur. Firming will be hosts at dimwr. Thrir guests will be Messrs. and .\hnr,;. Anderson Borthwick, Paul Hort'ln, Guilf



-Son Die;a Union Stoff Photo

Rev. John Cadden, principal at Uni- versity High, left, and Robert (Bull) Trometter discnss plans for this fall shortly after it was announced that t0~ 7 tt~~~l~~ce~~;;;:~;T;~i;~~rps Recruit Depot. Tro etter Accepts P~st By JOIINNY )le DONALD pn football and baseball since said the scJ1ool would play :!\Iarine Chief warrant Rob• 1936, admitted. he lacked ere- Ramona. Army- ·,n-y Acad- •~rt 'rnum Trometter noted dentials and "felt "this might emy and San Miguel 11nd Is for his successful te~ms atl' be my only opportunity." nego ;iting' \>itlt Aquinas Hi~h Marine Corps Recruit Depot, "The first time I was asked. of: San Bernardino, last ye{lr announced last night ·at the I turned it down because I A_rto

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that Trometter's duties would sity Hlgh will enter the South- begin Sept. 1. Trometter said ern Prep League and ''within he would prepare papers to- two years hopes to be In the day for ltls retirement from Western Leaglle." He said the \ the Marine Corps after 25 enrollment this fall would be years sr,r\"ice. His retirement. t,et,,\ een 550 and 600 students. date is set for Ang. 1. Fathed Cadden said that al- 1 "This Is soniething I've al- though Trometter will no t ways wanted," said the veter- teach at the school, he has an Marin(l coach, "It's a def• been clearPd b.y the repre- 1 inite cha1lr.»ge for me. r,-e sentatives of the Southern Caj- J been accm;tomed to h a v in g Uornla Interscholastic Feder• experienced pin-s n el but thL ation, San Diego region, un- will enable m to · it drr. pl'OVi ·o ~et forth for boys at the early ta .' t private 1nstltu.tioos. Tromet ter, 43, who h a s l Although schedule has not been a player and coach both I been announced, ~r. Cadden\


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' And the premiere of " The tammg well above B

Gallant Hours " a motion pie. averages. ure depleting the World War I ,cplolts of the ·late Fleet

Adm. William ;F. Hulsey, will elp provide the university's rt of the loan mo1 ~y Th premlrre will be spon- May 17 at the Foit The- n r b) the- u•1ivf'rsity's worn- au lli:lry w uch conh'ib- tc. the loan fund. cou dn't h a v e de It witflout the fund," s Art "Our sc11olarships pny our t•1ltlon, hut tne Joan p r_ tor our ou ing and ..

in More Hall on the Unlver-1 sity of San Diego campus. The bands will be directed by Merle G. Coady and P aul

Nine parochia, ~chools in Schmidt. The Rev. Corneliusl the San Diego ar<'a will par-lJ. Cronin, superintendent of ticipale in the fifth ammal schools for the San Diego Battle of Bands and Musicjcatholic Diocese, will present Festival Sunday at 2:30 p.m. the awards.

mittce members of the Woman's Aux- iliary to the University of San Diego, sponsors of the premiere, hin _the hoTo~ of Mrs. Carlos Tavares, c .airma~ the benefit. The dinner_w1ll be given

DINNER PLANNERS _ Mrs. Henry G. Fenton, left, and Mrs. Thomas J. \ , Fleming, La Jolla, are cochairmen for the no-host dinner to precede the May remierc of "The Gallant Hours." Ftr~~r 17

ii{;Ji;' "Pia~::;r

.Hotel c,nbbean Room

Natural law Resurgence Stressed At USO ( ntinued from a-17) senJiower. The Most R e v. Chari s F Buddy, bishop o! the S iego diocese, pre- va s celebrated in San Diego at the[ founding o! the University's law school December, 1957. "It ls not to be forgotten that the first patron of th e lawyer ls the Holy Spirit, the' Counselor, Who alone can teach us the law, the whole law of God and true law of man according to the eternal the Rev. ,.., George J. Yahn, university law professor, said In giving the sermon before the 300 1 members o! the legal profes- sion. "Any deviation from God's law brings the lawyer and his client away from their last goal and destiny, perfect hap. piness. Natural law, !nflu- ~nced 2,000 years ago by Ar- istotle and Plato, and more recently by St. Thomas Aqui. nas, and others, is based on human Inalienable rights. "The adversaries of natur- al law, logical positivists say the law is unprovable," 'said Father Yahn. "On the con. ~rary, the voice of conscience , 1s never unprovable. since It g!ves rig-hts of others and rights to preserve law, it is gomg to be accepted." The Red Mass first '{ plan of God,"

Before 1 Gallant Hours 1 The Caribbean Room of El\ Mrs. Thqmas J . Fleming • t and Mrs. Henry G. Fenton or:trz el will be t~e s~ · are chairmen for the dinner tir;:: for a ala lack-be dm• at 7 and for the no-host cock• nr.r preced g 1e premiere tail party at 6 beside the of "The Gf\ 11t Bours" May swimming pool. 1T i-11 the 'Fo Mrs. J. M. Daly and Mrs. planning dinner ..._ George Heath are decorations for the tables.

Natfflaw Resurgence Stressed At USD America is entering a peri- od of resurgence of natural law, San Diego County law- yers attending a Red Mass In observance of Law Day were told yesterday at the Univer- sity of San Diego. "This reestablishment o~ natural law will serve as a I basis for higher legal prin- ciples," the Rev. Martin Mc- Manus, an attorney and re- gent of the University's law school, said. 'LAW' IS BASIS As celebrant o! the R e d Mass, ,;econd of its kind ever celebrated in San Diego, Fr. McManus said, "I look to nat. ural 'raw-man-discovered law based on the goodness of hu- , man nature-as the basis up- on which to build the legal system. "Lawyers cannot be content simply to be legal mechanics, but must have a' basis of mor• ality founded on the legal principles of natural law in order to fulfill our obligations to our clients, to the courts, to the nation and to ourselves. CHALLENGE CITED "It is now our challenge as attorneys to go to churches and schools to restate these principles. In short, it is a re- activation of ethical princi- ples, which will benefit all mankind and restore faith In our legal profession." The Red Mass constituted the diocesan and university participation in the nation- wide Law Day proclaimed first in 1958 by President Ei- (Continued on a-18, Col. 4)


The Alcala Mlll!~c:s have a busy fmale tc, the! season dur. ing the month of 11;1ay. Their first aim al Gl>ll'mun- ion Breakfast is schlld•sled this Sunday for May a '('he, i'ama society will attend the S,,a.m. MaSII in T~ lmmaculeta and later breakfa,st at the L;rk. ' Ned Wilson and Michael Ma;- ques are in charge of arrange. ments. A picnic at the former Harold Bell Wright estate ln Escondido Will to 11 ow ,,,.ith I swimming, games, and refresb- men ts featured'. May 17 marks the premierJ of "The Gallant Hours," th,:, Admiral Halsey story sponsored by the USD Women's Auxil- iary at the Fox Theater. Mas• quers Will usher, wearing the official USD jacket. On May 21 the a1,mual Awards BatJquet wil be viven ,at Valle's. Ml\rty Murphy" and Roger Melprech will chairman the event. St Gene~ius medals wm be awarded to tne Best Ac- tor, Best Actress, Best Come• dian, Most Versatile Actor, Best Supporting Players, and to the Most .Representative Masquer of th 19159-60 season. This latter wifl be voted on by the members assembled. Officers fol'" Ile t'Oming year also will be elected. New member11 were voted into th'e clup on Pl~dge 'lght last n!_ght , after 1mc<:essful!y finishi tht,lr probationsh . They ar Al .eunlga, Joe Vargo, Tim 13$ulet ndre I ortie , Hank ; arclll, l'!lll ~k Bert Degh~n. Km Soares, Ricl'tard B"-1'$ I. 'Ed Zenor, Phil owere, Jc·e C'nBeo, Bit Henn- en, Joe Bc/r,, Steye Brown, and Herb "ullivan


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Reservations, limited to 400, may be made with Mrs. Ed· win Ferguson, 2604 Penrose St. 1 A large number of high ranking Navy officers, many of whom served with the late\ Adm. William F. Halsey Jr., central figure In the mc>tion picture, will attend· the din• ner and the premiere. The beneiit is sponsored by the University ot San Diego Auxiliary, to raise money for the scholarship fund, library and scientific equipment. ~'c;~~f{.(~~o In USDW1n Special to- EVENING TRIBUNE REDLANDS - Tom God- dard's "one-man" team per- formance yesterday enabled University of San Diego to ed?'e Redlands University, 5·J 4, ma baseball game. Goddard pitched four-hit ball and singled in the Pio- neers' last two runs in the s e v e n t h, stretching t h e team's win string to 12 games. Score: ~o Eoj an~~~~~1Ja~nd Cox; Ward, Grover, Hosey on • . ...... 002 Oil 000-, , 1 uRedso1 d.............. 008 200 300-R.s


Back in Class A San Diego State College J,-cturer resumed teaching to- day after serving 24 hours in j Marin County Jail for the way he protested the execution of Caryl Chessman. Franklin S. Harper, 30, a Jec_turer in freshman compo- s1t1on, was arrested Monday when he sat in a roadway with 20 other demonstrators, and blocked passage to S a n Quentin Prison, scene of the execution. Harper said a municipal judge yesterday f o u n d him . guilty of "rrmaining in place at .q. nlawiul assembly that had li n Jawfullv warned to disperse." Two other counts were dismissed. He was sentenced to a day in jail and released because he had been held since Mon- day.

-San Diego Union Staff Photo · Rev. George Yahn preaches the ser- mon for Red Mass at Church of Im- _ _ _ _ _n_1_aculata in observance of Law Day.


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