News Scrapbook 1959-1962

EVENING TRIBUNE Pigskin Pick-It Line HARRY 80ft 1108

he Fo r T n o r

p Men












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MCRO bv 21


Cal Wt 1 rn


bv 1


/I It /4


IJ 101J

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t; M. NIXO AGE: 47. BO N: Jon 9, 91


U-S-D~ a~binerx Pepperdine's Line II ra, ll to punch, at Pecarovirh said this Is an 1hei line and hortcn uµ our Important gamP, ··u we wm p c l! we Int nd to b ea t this, it will give u a 4-4 sea- Pepperd1 e." c-oach hke Pe- son mark and \le c-an afford <·arovtch told hi Unlvcr lty of to gamble in our la~t t w o :,;an Diego footballers this games ·• hr said. w ek as they prepared. for to- TJ~D \\ill leave tomorrow mo ow ght s batt at In- afternoon bv bus for Ingle- glewood s entini>l Fi Id. wood, taking a 49-man quad. think v.e have a better Prcarov1ch aid: ''Tl1('y"re J in , ' ,I' car0\ich ark11owl- (Pepperdme) a lot br!ter ball l'dged •· nd v. 'JI try to club than the record would in- m kt' r ther- dlcat . wi '-' \o take to the He selected the following air o t a es. We starters. .Mike • lcDevitt and t cm. Jim Gabriel at ends, Wayne \ ha, c to Bourque and Gray Elliott at nd hooks a d tackles, Wally Joos and Mike p e ce w i 11 G u r r o I a at guards, J i m O'Leary at center. Jan Chap- 'l'he F r1 (' ump d heads man at quarterback, J o c Tue da d Wcdnl' day and Locschm1; and Joe Gray at ddens('d against P pperdine,halvrs and Jim Desantis at plays yesterday fullback. o 'SD pl~ycr will be un- --------~----' abl to go at full peed They are gl{arus Wally Joos and Al Zunlg . .Joo , a cracked ... T-. o- H

, at Yorba Lindo, Calif.

HEIGHT: 5 ft., 11 1 2 in. WEIGHT: 165 lbs. . BACKGROUND: H p t nts wer of pioneer st?ck! in m~nh? for encrotion . His father, 9 native of Ohio, 1s de?d, 1s mot~ r a native of lnd,ano, resid sin L~ I:abra, a Ii f. F? r many y~an; they operated a grocery a~d filling stht1on 3.t th1t- ti r. The candidate hos two brothers living; t:Wo ave ie · EDUCATION. Attended public schools; received A. B. degree from Whitti ; College in 1934, L'L.B. with honors from Du~e University in 1937; has received ossorte~ honorary degrees, in- cluding LL D from University of San Diego. MILITARY SERVICE: Served as an officer in the Navy, 1942- 6 mostly in the Pacific. • POLITICAL RECORD: In notio nol politics 14 years; wos elect- d to U s Hou e of Represent at1ves in 1946, re-electe1 oter nomination by both ma1or parties in 1948; elected to l:'· . en- t 1950 elected Vice President in 1952, re-elected in 1956. ~T •~R ACTIVITIES: Practiced law in Whittier, 19~7-42; he d port time job a assistant city ottorn~y; atto~C '19~1- fic for Em rgency Management in Washington, ., • RELIGION: Quaker. FAMILY: Married in 1940 to Patricio Ryon, born Morch 16, 1912; has two daughters, 14 and 12. .

1//1/ko 1oneers Out

Sar, D go lndap•ndent, Thun , Nov m r 10, 1960 Page 5 -Wave rucial

the game, 35-0. 1'hl~ . aturday night thn l'lonf"n rhool. cmm J•hoto by John n. Pre-le.) . . ______ 1..o n,ef"IP

tr1,vPI to

to m""'t l'PpJierdln" College nt lnglt·wood High

• ega1n


only e limited serv- Zuniga. w,th a broken


Third In SPrlPt111 Pioneers to Clash With Pe perdine The University ot San D1 t.I,Lv 1• t.o Loll ,'ngelM Satur- day nig-ht and continues a thrcc-ycnr nvalry, me tin I'eppndi~ Coll1>ge at Ingle 'ood htlnel f" 14, Kickoff \~ .S p.m. The Pioneers, a.mew 8 to 1mprm on their

ic v.h ha d,



1 I play onl} on de- 1cn e Trouble is Zuniga i of l k r

EIL HOPEFUL 1rj;"1J /6




SD Facing Giant-Killer Role Again Jf. l _,, /" Q 1'.Jr11vers1ty of San D ! ego, still numb from its stunning upset victory over Marine Corps Recruit Depot, is busy preparing for San Francisco State. They'll mr<'t the Gators in San Francisco Saturday afternoon. "It's like jumping from the frying pan into the fire," comm<'nted head coach Mike Pecarovich, re fl e ct ing on USD's 21-20 victory over the Marin('s and looking ahead to San Francisco's homecoming game. San Francisco State, win- ner 01 four consecutive F a r Western Conference cham- pionships _ fnd last year the only uode~ated and untied team in tn11 WC>st, is 6-1 this season. The Gator. have defeated University of California at Santa Batbara, 14-0; Long Beach State. 20-0; Cal Poly of Pomona, :I0-0; Los Angeles State, 35-6; University of Ne- vad~t]-8·7 and Cal Aggies, 41-0. an Francisco lost their c-ru- c1a! ]i'ar Western Conference o eqer. to Humboldt State, 21- 18. San Francisco has a varied u f turing both t h e •T and professional T- t\Il, The (fators have l


• r1nes

Coll Theater


rie .



"I figure the Marines are couple of touchdowns under last y<'ar's quad," 1,aid Tei!. n (Editor'ii !lote: Th<'y'll have


(_ rt 'Held I Uff l 11 ~I.RE.U ophc more cla~ o! the

Don t believe

it, at l

the 1958 meeting, .i -1~. The PJoneers were an'!'!i F anc-ls~o- State last Saturc1try afte'!'no n and lost 35-0. 'The I end d USD's three-game win trtak San Franc,~co·a ctory su<:c fully ended the Gator homec-om• Ing week and extended their win streak to four B ra h by powerful San

when it comes to athlC'tlcs.

ih rt fir


in point



• ·en, San Die o to be more than that; it was




ck , la t

64-6. l,1'>atht'r

·tate publicist and part-ti recnJter, though hi crcd tials as a recruitPr ha\e be qut:'!'tlonC'd hy none othe the Aztec coach, Paul Gov Judging from and live losses record of one Yictory, a nail


!Jnlver tv ot Diego Co}. lege for Women attended an after theater party at t h e home o! Miss :i: orma Peck, class secretary, Frida~. Mis- ses Kathleen Day end Elean- or TalJc were In charge o! the e\·ent held following the mlver lty production ot "I Remember Mama '. Miss :Mary Flpp \\i I give n alter thcater party :for the freshman cla s at her !Jome following todair·s mafu, e per• formance o! the play. Re- !r hments will be served be- tween 5:30 and 7·30 p.m. Yesterday the All'ala Play. crs sponsored a theater par- tv in Los Angeles for the 1 matinee ot tile play "O n c e Upon a Mintress" at. the .Bilt- more Theater. FollQWlng the performance the girls attend- ed the USD-Pepperdine foot. ball game.

••we have to figure on tBU- . iarhn getting away at · least on ·e, on a punt, pa s or kic-koff. But Al Hall {the 0th- tarine ba('k) do<>S tic not go for the long one so ly)

Little American

little all-American

Fuller, -,.

last season, brok, San Franc,s-

the Aztecs' er crnc:k thi: . ea..on. much.

e .

on to

Shows Pragreu (!CJ s individual scoring record ol Pepperdine College bu a 1•7 16 t.ouehdown• with his effort. record. The Wavea ha e a Tlte Ga.tots have two games re- young, scrappy team and hMe nlng: showed contlnumg progress e p oneer~ exchanged mis- with each game. 'Xhe Wave:i ta cs th the Gat~s in the travelled to San Diego State firat quarter and were in con- College last Saturday mght., and tention throughout mo5t of the lost a thriller, 20-27, lri r.ain• fir~t half. The Gatora showed soa.ked Az,tec Bowl. superior !me alrenglh, and bJa.z. Pepperdme has lost to Chlqo lng backfield ~pPed, outn1shlng State College, 6-22; U.nlv~11t the Pioneers a13 yards to 00. of Nevada, 8·25; Loa Atlgel.;s 'the first quartc1·. despite deep State, 6•27' Whittier Colleg , p netrations by both teams. 0-28; Sant.a Clara, 28-~ and scoreless. Cal Poly (Pomona), 14 The Fuller scored on a 15-yard Waves d f a.ted G ten: h Univer it. 1 4 f the! J!nly t end sweep and .scampered 1 ~. ' pr Ii yards on a 11creen pass-play v; ~- F. cis c:1,a~ nd from quarterback Ron Sweet in an ran co " ' .aeco · L~ second quarter. · rated small college in the wes~ I 8 F . h d th extended it~ •eason record t,o n renci~co cru~ e e 7-1 by de!eatin~ the Pioneer . !ieartened Pioneers m the fl• Gat.c,r ha.lfb8"k Cb.. rller Ual ~wo penodi,. G&tor fullback --------------!

l SD galred only 15 ;>ards through th pa ng c.I quar- terback J I Chapm n gain t th onrushin" :-ia Franc1 co t e a m. C''1apman's passing . hould Tl'tlrn to form th is week agaln t a weaker oppo- nent. It \las Chapman who playctl brllllartly In the big victory over the Iarmcs. D Santi

perhnr~ a third man should "I saw USD beat the Ma• try fiu hlng the player rines and after that one I be• But back to the otlier haltle : llew.•' we can hold our own, Neil was:-i't in the rigging tackle to tackle. One tiling's of the Bol'lhomme Richard, !or sure: They

and rangy Sam Stuart, a good defensive end. may see only Un;iited service because of an injury. Ex-Capt.• ·en, wl10 has pre- dicted more victories than Kennedy ana Nixon com- bmed, ha.n't• a scratch on him.

WJl11e Simpson cored on touch- down nm11 o! 12 and five yards and reserve .(ullback Bob Bur- nett scored th""final touchdown on & five-ya.rd slant left guard. Tentative Startars ~-. ~ci!~;t?ia: I, ~rpi~rf::h~; 11 ao w. Bourque JP8 ur. R. Polston 19!'1 Nally Jooa 18'5 I.iG J. O'BrJl"n 18,'t lim O t..1.1~ .228 C., D. Stoflord l85 d. Gllrrola ¥3~ 'W o. Jf";>son 185 1', Elliott 217 RT T,, &lgH 205 l1m Qab.r d '217 E Dennv Ari& 175 Cha.pma.n 160 QB Ray Wrenn 110 Lt>,otb• LH D. 0.Spa,n 160 lo" c:; ·,o RG Orne Wtl:i;on HIO J Ix 186-. FB H. Wootton 188 1960 Football Statistics , taeven gamea I Tota! E&1ned Oppon. t;SD from running plays _u.32 Number or i•ards lost N{~ 0 ~Ak 0 8~g1/ &!tlJ£o- 291 FROM RUNNIN' PLAYS 1193 Forward passel! attempted ar, ~;N,d ~/'Jl~~ c3TI'J~;d 6A 1265 HS JO •• 123 '4 FR.OM FORWD. PASSEi! 961

617 ,


P'on;a.rd T(~:~!Lce~~i

Special to The Sen OiHo Union INGLEWOOD. Nov. 11 Pepperdine coach Pence Da- cus has .·liaken up his team 's lineup for tomorrow night"s battle with the University of San Diego at Sentinel Field. Kickoff Is set for 8 o·clock. Dacus, praising the play of his second unit in last week- end's 27-20 loss to San Diego State. announced that this group would get the starting call when the Waves play their final home game of the season. This means that none of the club's three ;eniors quarter- bat·k Ray Wrenn, halfback Dwayne DeSpain and end Denny Aria will be on the . !ield for the opening kickoff. Meanwhile, coach ~1ik<> Pe- carovich hopes his Pionee1 will be able to r('bound fro__m their 35-0 pasting at the hands of tough San FranciS<·o State in the Bay City l 11 :;; t W!'Cke11d. Quarterback Jan Ch p'0l&n, \\ h o i; P pa ing Pl!t l'llt• agi, d1µp~d belu\\ .500 la t Y.CPk. will be joined b (. bad, Joe G1·av and J e




RUNNING & PASSINO First downs tram runninr plt)'A Flt!t d0\\"J\5 from pa.Mtng- pla}~ ---•~- .. _ M r,g;:.J,o~~~rnol,WNl~1e~ 9~ Total scrimmage J)l&H minus punts _____ 426 Number or punta ___ _ 28 Total yardage of punts _ 9.)9 Avera1e length ot punt. _ 34.2 Punta had blocked __ O Number of penalties against _ • ri1 Yards Jo5t on f'nalttea _ 475 ! Total numbn o fwnblea _ 19 Fumblts l05t, _ l!i fg~~~:5~:;: --r;:::::: f i A,·f"rage P"r ))lay_:::.:.• AO Total polntt _ 10 Rushing ~090

H65 ~3

Cal Poly (PomonaJi

21 • 79

430 39 1589 41.8 l 62 540 10 4 17 8 361 ll7



football t(' m comir\Z fa~t aft- f •nrt, may heed t er a slo\\'

t: o t 1..:hdowns



'O Via~ Pepp





• at da





it goes. a.,aln~t third straight opponent from

night when

Cal Poly r Pomona m

in coach Mike

an Diego

:\< st-

Ttb 1·I _N,.t At", Tds


Jim tb ga

•11 323 ;l15

4.fl3 • ..6 6 :t.:.o 1 o.•s 3 r:~ g 2.00 O 1 f.00 3.20 f>.00 0 0 0

4J4 2Rn 186 • I U


gate Park.

~o 1',l

Jn,_ hb


The Pomo11anc: extended the

Pep 10 147 81

First downs ~~:~l;: ~~3g:: ·· ~::~~• intorceottd bv

Lorschn1g, Jot Chapman W1lll•im. C Dor~owekL, D

.J. qb !2 165

farl,l"es early in

San Diego


Jft HI 10



tb 6

the sea ·on 1' fore bowir-K, '27- The Pion e . , losels o~ their 12.

\VilllaDllion 11 hb 2 :i~;nfl;:i PU Jib : Lant.a, John q,;; 2

Punts ;~~~~•=r,tc1










l /..JJ Jo N

first thr~e game fourth , 1ctory 1.. 0 five . ta~t~ In I .gjEV.QOO IIP t('d a Pecarovtch'11 Pioh.eers: The ~hll!l'Pd Cal W1?stern , th.eir I a . t Wavr, l -R, bllt fell to a.n D I e g 0 urday mght wit~ I;! 20-1.2 deci- State. Zl-20. and to USD by s10n Ol'er PPppe1 dm ih sanre sµrcad 20 13 It squ111 cc, 1J ·o· ra ·onal uso ' a , • '-20 record at 4-¾. P••••rdine • o • 7-13 a!

Passing A

q'btt Com~/~'9 ~cts!l\~di

Chapmon, Murphy,


N~los"s i\cEiv1N~

(mp.Int. Pd. Yd. Td

1 250 19 o NO. YDS. TDs

f>98 6 19 0

48'5 260


r h



• s, tin{1 Mi s Margarita Zelaya of L1 Sfllvador witli a chemical exper- mrnl i Matl,er c1,mit o/ Ifie { 1 niuer5ily o/ ~arl Diego ColTege /or \Vom-

N. 'I.ti




i~~r~;',oJ~me. .':. '.. ' 1; Tessarv, Lorrv e .....•.. 6 ~:~1~~!~.J~,,~b ·.:":•:? wmra~s,T~~c: fb .. •· ···.·.) Gray, Joe hb McOevltt, Mike e , , .. • . . 3 .•• , . 4

1 o 1 g 1

Tll1 j


70 66 43 1l 1~

'1' .

:l 1 n I l n n

0~ -~ •B '

~mon, r rusli CLoeschnio


l:oac • Jan C 1npman ,.i,,s1;1


in biology in prep iralion for a career in medi-

en. , far nrltn i mu1or!n


e rlorteer bell- Gt~~iflf, \.111.i, ght of 11 Coo,s 11edl "II"

r'\%~ 1cg~~Jinan


as sual welh('r, H passes 9,r


lo reti.m to h r counlry to ptacficc in ou1lyi11g areas.

I, plan



U • nc.-lud- to i! d • llk

_42 1


Chapman, Jan ~~OR:INJ0

26 IUsh (Wrenn kick).

Pe,,- 'lodl on

0 0

Tfi l 2?


Ing a 7 M~D vi play.


1m D

chnig and 1uljba.c tis in ti e U, 0

Joe hb

. •..




Iir t




Gabrfe1, J Im e Chapman, J_an qb ~~t':Sifl. J~•11. 1b. Loeschnlg, Joe hb Odle, Dan e e nrv, Larry e

.. .. .. . J

2 o

18 l~

• 3

1 ?

!\;n, \d A,1. Ttant Blocrud

USO McDevll09~1 W. Bouraue (198) Joos (185) O'Le<>ry 12281 Gurrokl (185) E llloll {217) Gabriel (217) Chapmon (180) Loeschnlg (190} g;i~n't 1 1 !° l, ss 1

• . . . .



I 0

!Ul 40.8 38 38.0


Chapm•n. Jao qb Gabriel, Jim

s 6 3

1 o

1 0


•• 1


but. odd!

•• . .

2 I


a rOe itt was grounder! on thP two- ard line. touchdo n.



, • •



'J'P • 2 22 IX JO

1 H11 PA'fa

7 S 3







• •



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