News Scrapbook 1959-1962
-::1'1!. I8~AI I//! /. r t1amat on to Open Homec,~1hg at USD
r· ;,es o ... e'ep Marchin )( i
'Marines Will Keep Marching, Jacobsen A sures QB. Club
Jacobsen Tells QB Club
II /~-/e, 0
(Uontinne(l from n 3)
rt sire
l n v rslty we v playl'd nll year against a runnir game. Pass defense upped t elr
ever}1hmg the hard way. But if they get by Gro -
t·cached the top, according to coach Harry Johnston.
rh , I do ciult 11 hp O
R •
ire hmen on
with 27 squa · d"
01 go
k n th
21· am wln11lng
"A lot of breaks ha\'e mont (Friday), U1ey may
been our \\cakncss." Bob Sc. ton, !llllng in for h ad coach Mike Pccaro-
treak on
ll n
trn Jc
a or. •point dee Ion Oct.
the ~oughest. te~~
them, ' said
gone again t
th~I 1~~w~I so~tht
Ja b n r p
• t y 5•
t rl
the San Diego section.
becoming con
uartt•rbaek Cluh
tr•rd I In h
r ally
l SD
on Vall Y
t Ml
being cast as the Josc-r i·ri grldiorn "cUHhangc s." "We've Io t three ames
a Jot !aster th n we
coach Paul
r ady ••
I fl d,"
xpectcd " "With a 4 two games get out wlth a erved • exton,
,o\' rn ii, w h O
re,orcl and "we may nlng sea- ob-
lCRO ground c~ in the last touch-
topp d
• 10 point ," he
tot I
by II
to go,"
ttttack hut yl lded Iiv
"ll s
rcPQrt II. Jo c, but ·i.
downs on I> 1
Whipped oil •gr., y In their
ha v" to
30 '~ minute of play, "This
son. We dlcln't expect this (Contlnurd B-6, Col. 5)
toughr t
the hard
bntnd or tlefrn Ive football
niv ·~to St~gEf Homecoming F te
given dow 3-31 would league o u r
horsepower'' when fullba!'k Ron Power was Injurer!. "He's a big 01:e," com- ment<'d Henson, "and he ll ,n·t like an} body out on a i!oothall i,rld." This has been an uphill sea on for , toun • iguel High, but it just about has
as rday
USD Gri ders With Cal Poly
1// 17 IC,() amecoming Victory (ti/ PoJ ridder.
r , Jan Oha?ma.n.
rcla \\ nior, '" High. Cha.111nan l~ the C<>llege ll will be present at 1he Cal t. larrla; a
ii 17/t..c, em1nar1an Scores In Scholarship Bid
both of San Diego
DCM!! ;R• Clark, a. at Immaculate Heart and a. semor a.t the Un of San Diego"s College for haa been narr ed firs' a t for a n,ooo' atfc by the an Diego bra,nch the English Speaktni Umo Clark, a philo op!zy !!lPj th~ son of Mr. anc, Irs I B. Clark, 2050 Stratford W to Kenda.II M. S q u I r e , a San Diego State Colle e tu liPII. or- D I n•"a k•r 1pot wilJ th th• lo• of Al Th• o• w•11k •nod " Zuni~a d umb. 1 •d to to & b1 Th., Pionr rs are x rount on qua •rb,i. k .Jee C"Ap- a.n·~ pR~sini:- Anrl kicking abtl- lty tn "M th~ o.t•,ck. L•Ading rrn11nrl J:a nor Jim D•SAnt!s and halfb&i:k• JoP Grey a.nd Joe Lo~ rhnig ·ill a~rry the ru~h- 1.ns: load for tr• locals. TR/BlJNE Pigskin Pick-It LineA~ tudy In Grrat 13 next for 1 summer. for students at • an D ego State acceptanc" at Georgetown Uni- Call!omla Western Unlvcrs1ty, .ers1ty I School ot Fore,gn and PSD were eligible to apply serv •e He wanted to go into 0 r,ginally api:' ed millPe narrower! applicants to 20 and a Imrnac\llate Heart lion cc-mmlttce cut the n\i nber Seminary, where he is now tn to five ••nalists, who then were hill fourth ,ear o~ study. He mtervlewed lndlvlrl aby. hopes to be ordamed to the priesthood m !our mo·e years. The selecti n committee •as I Clark is cSrgamst for the col- composed of John Aseltine, 1 m nary and Immac- chatrman ot the English Speak- e 1g~. se • Ing ltnton scholnrsh~p con_imit- u ~:· and three other seminar· lee; D~. ')Odrow C Whitt n, ians are asseI11bling an old pipe Cal \\ estern; Rev John 8 - 1 The •mniaculata I~ • 0 nd D ,.. organ n , · Bremner, US ; a r. ..,eorge • to the semmary by L.. Phillips and Dr. F1 ederick :ethei;:;,.ern owner. the list of to elec• apply to tor l'1e scholarship the roretgn s l'V\Ce and was A prellnunary sel ct. n rom• epted b) the scpool He dPctded, how• v • r, ROGER CONLEE Santo Cora by 10 Cal Po V bv 8 HARRY HACHE BCB ORTMAN 808 ANGUS RICK SMITH PA.UL C.1,,UR Or -qon v Orir i>n - . The San Diego~Un ·on's Gridiron Selections ThP eminar1411$ mantle It piece b then haul the Park. It took 011 trnck to mov" them a ls d I r e c t I n g the o which t, almo~t c·o Jl four ha, e been world project six months. Contributions fror1 clnb" have defrayed the p~n s for necc sary parts. Clark aid the expens s y;o•1ld not 4,000, hut the organ~ \•.:hen rta!IF-PmblE"ri, would bP worth ~,,o,oon rne /A, - rhll :~\ 7 I r,cr, fft.. :: ' . l '-,. I " .rohnny Howard Rolla Chuck Sawyer • elson Fisher Jack Warren Wilson Harry 1 Monahan W-110 L-&1 u I,;;; Jl'rryl Games I• · Bob BIii Gallup w=iiJ~ Pct.•712 )JcDonald Ha1ren W-lll L-74 WillianL<1 W-171 L-7' Pct•• 6'J Consensus Collier Murphy W-170 L-&1 Pct, .641 W-174 L-U Pel• . 61G ca·, PO,-,-- Cal PoT;---.!..- WIiiiam. W-lof L~ Col Poly bY 3 MCRO by 12 by 3 u1;~ bV 7 Oregon California $anta Clara Magee Hollohan Wj,Jf.1 Jfi'" Ca'- Poly (Pomona USO ., US:> I by 4 Whitman MCR 0 at MCRD bv 10 Cal WHier_n__ Santa Clara at Santa Clora by 2 UCLA UCLA at use tJY \t ls tanford -r-llO L-77 Pct..7'3 W-17' L-&1 Pct, .615 W-177 L-&1 Pct, .681 wi-176 L-il Pct•.685 w~~f.~;! Pct.• 712 W-1'2 '--PS Cal Poly __ c, PCI. ,622 , Col Poly Cal Poi~ by 3 MCRO by lO CalPolv- Cal Pair Cal Polv by 13 MCRO by JO uf~lc...:"1_ i.ol-Poi-y-- caT Poly lPo.l by 7 1MCRO bv 0 t s~:o, by I by 6 MCRO bv 6 MCRO by 3 y I U\~ I MCRO by I by 2 by 7 by l UCLA bY 7 Bv J i>lfe~ SOntO Clora MCRO MCRO ..bY l4 MCRD bv 12 by 7 bv 14 by 14 Mj;:~o bv by 10 Santa Clara bv 6 Santa Clara Claro Cal Western Santo Claro by 6 by 1 by 6 UCLA California Santa Ciara Cal Western Cat Western Santa Clora bY 3 bv 3 by' UCLA California Santa Clora bY 7 DY 7 by I bv 3 by 6 bv 7 Weattrn UCL_A___ by I UCLA DY 3 'Stanford bj 1 BY 1 bV I by 3 UCLA UCLA UCLA oy 1 Ul;~ UCLA by 7 California bp 1 Coliforn,o u~c by 10 by 13 ub~A; Califorri,-.-- California Californ10 California California . -California California at 9reqC?"~· by :, Oregon -·· bv 7 by 1 lc~V•fnlo Oregon st. bv 2 DY 7 by 6 bv 3 - by I CaJ~o~nla orae•r W~lngton by J .... C, -- by J ' --· Oregon St. DY, hv"7 .. _., - I .,.__, hv 11) by 1 -~ -w •, ..
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