News Scrapbook 1959-1962
The on Diego Union's Gridiron Selections Harry Bob \,Jprry Bill
Pioneers eeking 2nd ~ictory This Weekend and wo to1.&chdowns
W-f2 L-5-1-- W-tl L-51-- w-,1-L-sf
W--., L-54 -- -w.101 L-i2-
Pct, ,706
Son Diego ·s_L_ SantoBo-r6a"r"o""' Santa Barbara
SOn Diego~ Santo Barbara
by-'5'------ ut~~7____
bY 5
bY 7
bY 6 ui~;
hc"'1-c'~+,--{ u
Cal western- Cot Western
Col we5-tem-- Cal we,,ern
Col Western
hv 11
bv 10 by .. bv2 bv 7
by 1 B
by 12 bv 6 bv2 by 3
by 10 bv 15
UCLA --.--
- bv 12
bv u
wOshln~ 0ret1on SI.
Oregon St.
bv8 0re1Jon ---- Oieuon____ ClreQon bvl
WashingfOft ot Ore,on St Or•ton - at Calitornio Air Force et Wyoming Novv ;'e::"~.-----• ot lllinols M1chl1Jan St. :':J-~~~~ana:____ 1 at Iowa
Ore9o_n___ Orego_n___
_by 7
by 5 Air Force___ bV I ---NaVV --- by 16 Penn St. ~v l -·--- Mrchiqan st. bv lO ___
GtXltSliO at Kentucky TexolA&M at Bovlor Texas- at Rice P1ihbur9h
:~~c~u,_____ 1 ~=~
TeMas Tecti-- rexa, Tech
by 2 ~- Bear,----
,-"-''-"----l_<>bV 3
iat Tuo_s Tech
Rom1 -
bv 6
Packers :<---- di~~ 8
Packers cfiocr,"'1___
'9ers at Packers Colts at Lions Cowboys at Cordinats
bv 10 by U (ordlnal1___ Cardlno-1,--
~•~Y-"7____ 1
bv 6
bv 6
--- 6r wn
at Browns.____ 1 SIHltrs at R:1dsk=m,_,s___ Patriots :'01~:~·_:; Broncos Liv 7 Raiders Broncos by 7 Raiders -- m~:,:---- Tl~!n--'!'---'---l by 1 Last week: at Bills Oilers or T1rons Even Last week-:-- W-20 L-7 Pct.•741 W-20 L-7 Pct••744 OCTOBl!I! 20, 1960 THE SOUTHERN CIOS!!i, port Our Advertlsers--Th y Support U ~oneer to Try Fo econd Wi CASPER GUEST Grid 1 n' Golf Mix Monday At QB Club Bill Cas er, ChUla \' I s t a profo s,onal golfer who h a 5 won t h r e e straight tourna- ~•>nt~ on tour, will be pe- c1al guest Monda ~t t 11 e weekly lunch on ting o! the Quarterb a I • lo Valley Inn., ('r will be compe w ekend In h pro-am ent at El Camino Co l~b In cean ·Id • Tl~( h g h school football co Cl I! also will be guests lon~ay, alon" wlth the re"U· Jar CL>acflihg 1>anelist - P;ul G nall, an Diego S t a t e C,,01lege, George Schutte San Diego Junior College; Capt. Han, Jacobsen, Marine Corps Recruit Depot; Al Lewis, Cal West~m. and • fike Pecaro- vich, University of San Diego. The public is invited to the Quarterback Club meetings which are sponsored by t h ; Union-Tribune 0 Publishing Co. an D1e lootball turday night when Cope e at Westgat 0 0 University of th 11-6 Win over vi81ling Sevc~ operate• from • 1lot-t fo·r,natlon. H 18 supported m the backfield by halfba~k Sam H1g in• (1851, fullback Hatold Robertson ( 175) and slotback Loren Graf (llill). EVENING TRlBU#IE . c-4 Tl"N DIE'Go. CALIFOR,NIA urs., 0 t. 20, 1960 , EVENING TRIBUNE Pigskin Pick-It Line 'I,ntathe tart.et1l Unnu JtY of an rlif'A'D M k• ltO.vlU Way e BoU"Q Wa 1 1J Joo ,hm O'LH.r M kr GUT1'01a Gray Elllott. Jim Gabr r-1 1an Chapman Joe Lot- chn Jee Gray J m Dt-Sanu, I l I ~:~:1'1:":c o~~r sa~ I I ' • a; ,.-:~, Jttn 1~ (..~t~ r -,-- •..-,,-_ § , UL toua GENE' HARRY HACH!! R1C1C SMITH u: Lr L!? Ii BOB OR~~AN c~ONGL'L,, GREGSTON Santa Barbara ev;""'" F _ _.K ... ~=E.,t.R,.__, Santab•B•12rbaro 1.- -~S51!!lN~s!lu~s_, Santa Barbora Sonia Borbara . ANGUS santa Bcrbclrc Santi Santa Barbara- Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Sant~YB~rbara by 9 by 12 by 2 UCLA by 13 by 6 b, 7 __ Y ---'___ b_Y_6___ Cal rejtefn 'by 8 by 7 Cal Western by 28 , by 7 ~Wes~ ~Western Col We!.tern we~te-;;;--" --=c=-a""I_W_es-tor-n--1,--c-.i w~ Cal ~e}tern Calb~ei5Jern bY 6 ~;~t Y ~s~Dmt - I by 11 UCLA 14 by 24 ~CLA bv 13 ~$L~ UCLA bv 1B o~::n bv 6 UCLA by 10 UCLA by 12 !f,~Lf' ubw -W In~--.- nll!tn us To Or111an SI. I Wat~ 1 ~1 1on Ca~~o6nla Airb:rc• Pl'l,~;uh ....!..- Orei,on s!'.{ ~a~1:- i· ~Y :r by I Ptirs" ~:~n.fton Wa,:,::lon wa~hylnpton b 6 olrf" Air Force Oregon St, Waihlnj1on Wa•b~njlon Wast;":'°" bV I ob~f" tate Frosh -- bv 7 Or;;on cay~71a Oregon Oregon Ort90n w::~;no --Air For~-- ~omn; - Air Force Pl!~:u,r-.11 Texas by 2 by by 1 by 3 Air Force Wyoming Plt~::,oh Air Force Pit:s::,oh by ' vs. WVomtng Ai~tor Pittsburvh Wvomlng I I by 6 Saturday by 12 PiWua'gll ===P_v~'.,ir~~- !' Plt~iby~gh Pltf~~~rsih by 5 Rice ___b_V J by 1 by 3 bRic~s j Rice Tv:as Ttxas '~ _!__ I Mu~~ppl by J b/~ by 6 RI Rice by 3 by 7 R1'ce Rice by 2 bY 6 by 20 bv 6 Texas bY 7 vs. Rice Mississippi Vs. Arkansas __Ja~"T~· T I I Y by 10 Mls~;ssllDPI Mississippi Ml!islsslppl Mississippi Mls~~•~PPI Mls~~s~ppl Mississippi Mlsslss!DOI Mississippi b an Diego and San Diego s•a~e College by 3 bY_ lO ___ Uruve h ty of T G gc G,a6vTrh by 7 Ga,YT•ech G_a___ Te_c_h__ __ Go. Tech Gab,YT2ec.h GabyTrh Oby m t In at!: etlc contest for the fir t t 'Tle Salurday when Ir freshm n t tb II teams meet at ztec Bowl Game time I 0 Murphy, a ' Ga. Tech Ga. Tech G'l;y bY 1 by 7 by 2 Aub Miami.-,.-- 't~·t A~~u~-n--1---A-~_;~_u;:,_~.---•1'; A~~•fn Ag~uxn Ag~"[" Ag~uin Ag~f" CJ~rn A~:: c1:::~"v.. t --,oe~uk~.,--1---r:i;~,--1·--~;;--+--~;;;::---l---~b~y~7:_____ l--~b~Y23~-~I Duke by l ~ovw1 t,y 2 Iowa bY 6 by 8 towa t,y 1 i.-D~e ~~kf Iowa by 4 .g~\1 TIE g.;1~i Iowa by 7 botf ~~kr Iowa by 6 ~~k: Iowa bY 6 Iowa by 7 Iowa vs. __Purd e __ vs. otJg<'/;~ t :t. bY I o~ Ohio St, °!... 17 Not':v ~a-;;;;- p:t:::::· by 12 Mlnnesota by 1 Oho si;;to I Q~I, 0 ~1 ;t. oi 1: i'· oii: by 1 5 Ohio State Ohio st. ---Jiotre oa,;;;- North '· Nott~:::tern -;;;;;- 1i vs - Northw"t~ •~- by a-_•_____ b_y 2 by 6 by 6 Northwestern ,.,('rthwestern Norlhwestern l\or1hbwy elstern p:~:~::· by 15 Mlnne~ota bv 3 th N - b by " t NorthWHfern NorfhW@stern J NJ A7~~~nvs. ftare y~;:;;~;t;1 ! -1----=bccY_:8:____ f__ •-~2-ot_a_____bTYIEi7~•~-o_,.,:b:;;..:i,:.'_'•_•_n_.: ' Ml'l>iYn __ Mili: ian Penn State Minnesota MlghJ~an •- , 3 Minnesota M1gp1!on bv 3 lll~ls Mlfi~l1an ~enn 11b-~i:-no_:_·__ l~~nils Missouri Jl~l~o4s Missouri Ml~ln;~s _-__ IIJ~~ls PenbnySJate • Mb,:~~., Mt;:~,, Y' t ~u_r_l__ ,___.::.:,_:___ _J l S5ourl Missouri I Missouri by 14 by lB kJ~ by 20 b~sv2 , by 10 LSU by 1 by 6 LSU by 6 by 7 pu Y 3 t~"\i' IJ.6-1 ,684 6'-32 4 LSU by T r LSU t,y I LSU by 1 Florida ' ~s. LSU _ Florida \~Y~,r 15-'-1 by 6 i::;,, LSU by 3 sg:ig• .737 ,68B 66-30-4 Baylor BOV!or Baylor 1 6st2 1 69-2 , by 3 Texas A&M ag:ijr 1 ~~;1 Tl~ BbayYl7or Baylor by 7 lH-1 .m l~YS-21 J:n Lvas;, ' < ----=c:...:;_______b_y 2 ll-8,ll---i----;l;:;l-6-';-;1---l----;1,:2--=1-=-1---l---1~,!'._5~.1:___ I __Record :--.,-,.: 119 Stosan-,,--, I I 7 719 4 IJ 1 re h 'M.cOev1t Jim Dans l ,579 61 6 fs< ,632 ,594 57-39'4 ,68< tr_ 62 3'- 65-31-4 '6-\0,4 ,U Rocord 681~-• 646 4 t . Mi 59 61~4 ,677 Marasc-h o Btll Kuf1,r Pt.\ t.o g To ., (I lhan: '"l.30 1ur ,; J.,Jm Bee er H. WI l!unson Car' B edsoe
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