News Scrapbook 1959-1962
Gray Scores 3 TDs As USD Rips foes, 56-14
W!O coa Ji li lt e South er
ray Gets 3 's lh Easy USD Win
llf., ,·ame up with on ha t v 11 does that hut still b . came a ri6,H vict im of U 11- versity o! San DIP.go a t West- gat!' Park Saturday night. HOWl'VPr, it may be a dlf- f<•rc~t ~tory th is Saturday ven111g h n the Pione,•r.•
,Col. 7)
\. •ST
Army 54 Harvard 9, Dartmouth 6. Princ<'ton 21 Cornell 18. Yale 36, Col ate H. IID\\E 'T fkhigan State 35, ana 0. Oh, o U 2l 11!,ami Ohio 0. Tu1sa .A, Cinc'i!I'lati 3. Joy;a 21, Purdue 14. Yarderbllt 23 Marquette ! 'l N o t r e orthwest rn 7, Ka Dame 6. th rn Ohio State 34 Wisconsin 7 Kansas 14 0 k I a ho m a State 7. 0 lab:ima 4 a 6 I . !pp! 'olorado phi~ State 0. TJI Houston 0. tate 21 ~m- Virgirla T e c l 40, Vlr- inia 6. 0. Georgia Tech 14, Tl.Jane 6 :Ouk 2 C'I 6. Soutl Caro Carolina 6. r e r. n c s s e c 35, Chatta- noo a O Vir- Aub 1rn 20, Miami (Fin.) 7 , b6 THE SAN DIEGO UNION . - ...---------' Casper Rates Bot One Of Goff's 3 e t I A WONDERFUL GOLFER' a er Say o eates 0 eOf 3 average • The V rdon , 'It . r pl t B holr. y against ft r Har- ,t '.Im d ophy ,,as c had to i h pro and ardon great l"\" ,'l t •our r !ere , d w had • Th ce o! o u r downs wrrc call<>d back, lot cf pe alt es. 1t when Al Hall and Billy tartln IJro c a c011p c of long , ar d b or t e ca ly 1 •n 1 r found! .: t e Var tou or m. er l p, g 1p). . kr or. Important onditlonifl!! ls a :fa ·tor ol tourr:aMC'nt l' o I t. \\ 1en I get o t of shape, eitl1• . r from sta3,1 .. lip la c, or Jim Lor "lZ and John Fritsch n c tally do .ri after playing carr ed t e garre for us I t or 10 tralgl!t tourna- agair. t Lejeune. One of Lor- nl~. I f!Ct 1rnpy with th nz Int rceptlon \\ a a cru- ga lerlcs _ . Arnold Palml'r .:i, "' • has the ability to get ' (l" I k Hid.; Gorrie, H<'lix HI g h f w oth!'r golfe He' a r at "lG-0 winner o\er Gro~ mont pla3,er and got of to h great 'We thought an early .field ear by winning at P a 1 m goal might be the margin. Spn gs. than it exploded. \Ve have ' Everybody ay putting Is good depth and enthusiasm tht' main part o! rny game but but are taking them one at a l rri sec! only 12 greens at time. We expect tough games Co ta M<>sa, s,x at Portland wit~ Chula Vi ta, l\It. Miguel, and eight at He peria, and Hilltop and El Capitan, and \\On those tournam nts. I like _are not looking beyond them." to think rm both playing and Harry West. La Jolla High putting better these days. An- 12-7 loser to Crawford-"Poo; otlwr thing· It usuall; take tad cg hurt us - especiallv t l a one rmmd with less on Cr11wford touchdown run:, t a putts to I a maJor ol and 6., yrrds. . •• ·e."Ct t ur m t but m; fe, ·est opponent J·earny will be a put on a •le round at real problem_ . . Halfback He per 33, and I won K "l Libert --had mo,.e work t er e a the mo t to do last y r, Cl\ITJ,mg the um; ual r- rt ,o( y career ball about 20 times per game. ago at But he ha, help from a b<>t- I rorcd an ter-balanc<>d La Jolla tea m h a O on one this year,. and al o plays de- ,vith 64, tense. He s sill! the best o!- C's, w ot underway. . occurred 11\0 ~ca, C lcago, whe.r a BILLY CASPER TO SPEAK TO QUARTERBACKS TODAY Highlights of the PGA .fall tour will be d1.russrd by pro Billy Casper, formrr ational Open golf champion at today's noon luncheon ceting of the Union Trib un ' Quarterback Club at Mission \'a lleYInn Casper has won three straight ~-ircuit tournaments 1hi fall at Portland, e prr!a and Costa M<>sa. 'tt rlsllon 6. Colorado HIGH SCHOOL 9, Ar,ny-Novv Acodemv 7 J..rmy Navv Webb Schoo op nlng 80, hole, but ca &1 and 6i and son D e90 M, 1 1tary JV 13. in hcd only il'n~ive back we"ve had three stroke oft I.he winner t rre years." . GoU Is pcrbap t 1c hard- st game ln the ,,o d to pla • J 1-- cp his score do\\ • • • I doe , don t know persol"ally bu un- pa de1stand some pros spilt the line." pur c when they tic and play Jllke P An amatt'ur or turec tlm u t a w la,Y t\\ an , !onica - tncludlng Gcorgn Schutte, San Diego or College, 24-H loser to "I take full throwing a k Just to re pons1blllty for all my t am rom our thrcc-y a r ct roYkh. University of 8an Diego, ~,6-11 winner in Calffornia Col- · "Ot r
off." J.O -., W.\lr TOI.D The \'cry Rev. J O h n R. Ahcrnc principal of St. Au- 'H h l h Id fU\\' t netlll 11g • t,ot t c dclu ' tcrback • "elson Murphy Is a own fine prospect, for his thinking 1 Diego High (14 6). \Ve waited HI good height h 0 1 e~. ngs. 3 lea~s .for this one. It was We'll upgrade 0 ~{s s~~dui~ a que hon o! stopping the San after we can hand! t"' DI b k d 1 • b"lit e .ie ones ego ac s an t 1c1r a I Y we now have _ such g O O d to go all thr. \my. and the clubs a· San Francisco St t boys did lt. 'J'he ' 1 tary wa~ Humboldt State. the Mari~:'. a t11bute to th,e pla} crs and and Flagstaff. There's noth- coach Tom Carter and Joe tng wrong \\Ith their rc-co ·d " Galindo." 1 s. ( a 1,t, Hans ,la ob en, • Ja. 1,11 Rcc1 u1t Depot, who ha e s 18 ' en co"'.c t~ earth after dclcatmg San ability as well as th th! - r tt.rned with hl squad from t>a t n vlctorles O\ er Ft. Bel-
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