News Scrapbook 1959-1962


,rough Test Faced B SD Grid ers


gam o

the sn.

Quart.erb ck Chapman comple ed nln o! T pl\sees at• t mpted for 100 yanls and one touchdown Ha.l!back Joe Gray gave not,worthy o!tenllive p rfonnance with 28 and 12- yard touchdown ruru. Chapman p ued to !r lunan enli Dan Bodle tor 43 yards and a touch- down !or the other score. uard Al Zuniga turned In another outstandlil& defensive per!()rmanre and freshman tac- kle Pat Long won /! etArtJng lgnme-nt for the Humboldt \\'Ith hl3 howlng Ag inst Ja gam

Nan (4), Tim (5), Sally (6),,Mary Kate (7), Mike (8), and Siobhan (9). Sexton is former general manager of Syracuse Na- tionals' pro basketball team.

Above, they harmonize in a family song- fest. At piano is Mrs. Sexton with Bob (10), on lap. Clockwise, around piano are Ellen (1), Danny (2), Susie (3), in father's arms;

F~lILY SING-Bob Sexton, athletic co- ordinator and assistant football coach at t'nivC'rsity of San Diego, has his O\\n choir at home. The Sextons ha,·e ten children.


SD Gr· Aid Is Versati e Sort· ByPAU,COUii Defore his short-lived singing cat"Pl'r, SPX• ton had planted his root in athletics. He

ew .Mexlc<> \Yestem

'I'he rotund Sexton was appointed lo lhP top h op post In the middle of the 1953-54 season afters rvlng as publicity dirl'ctor ;for the N11ts. Jt was while he was in the Syracuse tront• office job that he met Father J. Wal.-h Mur. ray, USD athletic moderator. Father Murray wa the chaplain for the Nationals while serv. ing as a member ot thP. faculty o! Lc>moyne College, Sexton's irifndship with the team chaplain later ,, as to bring him to San Diego. Sexton toyed with the Iden o! being a pro- fe sional Inger during his rollt>ge days. He was ieaturt>d on I\ Buffalo ,radio show titlt>d "S•mg by Sexton." The Morton Downey,s1ylP. crooner recalls he did !us own comm rcials on the show. "I was a!tl'r th<'m to get me an announcer," Sexton recalls. "One day a lady who'd heard my !'.''lw stopped and askl'd me 'Who is that lad v o d your commercials.• It was me allte c'

Bob Sexton, an I · h tc-nor froM the Bronx, • cw York, Is back doing the thing he likes best-coaching fter a varied career in radio. pro basketball managc-ment, public relations and promotJon Sexton came west to San Dle:;o last spring to accept a post as coordinator o! thl t cs and football line roach at University ol San s quite a mov for the smll ng Irish• o. H brought w1th him a wlfe, Jane, hi' re ranging ln ages from 1 to 11. \\a gereral manager of the Syra- k, als of the National Basketball As- rom 1~ th :ough 1958. He's proud of the fa t he had a part In managing the t am that has the best overall won-lost record 1 th h story of pro basketball.

playl'd football at Dartmouth in the Navy pro- gram in 1953 and later was an all-service guard with the Sampson and Bainbridge Navy teams. Ile sc,-ved on Grnc Tunney•~ physical fitness staff while In service in the European theater during World War JI. Sexton returned. jo college after the war and playl'd at an- !sius when• he was graduated in 1950. AftC'r graduation he coached high school !ootbaU and was athletic director at a m!JI• tary academy in New York before entering the pro basketball field. , Sexton Mill sings, but ;..riot for pay. \Yith his wife, Jan, at the piano, he and all the little Sextons arc a hit with their rendition of "You're Much Older Than I." Bob hasn't sung the blues yet, despite Uni• versity of San Diego's record of no wins, two losses.

G TRI UNE Pigskin Pick- t

• ,ne

GENE GREGSTO OC( dental by 6 Humboldt SI by 3 CaJ/f'



BOB ORTMAN cal we,reM bv 6 Humboldt St. by 14 Cal Poly 11¥7 Oho Stai. bv 3




Cal ~e1rer'1 H ,mt,ofdf $1 bv .. c'l,'Y~tv


()11~ 1,



10:wo at ri.Jorthwestern. at Vl~lanova at Davion. Dctrc,it at Xavier Iowa State at Ncbro5ha, ~6~'iifte 0 ~tK~1:g~flsln. Bow~ng Green at Miami (Ohio) 1i~~~gea~t ~!t~cs~g~~ Slate, . USC at Ohio State . P1trsburqh at Oklo'homo x Hardin-Simmons of Tulsa. South


Texas bv 13


Texas by 11

Texas by 10 TCU by 2'

TCU by 1

by 2 __..:L:.:.S...:U_______:L:.:___.SU -- ---LSU--

_:_,..,~-·l•--,,~-"---~--:.:,;..-=:---1-..:...-";C.::,.--l--..::.:...=...--l--...:bv:.:_:6:.__-J-_ __:b::.:v...:3:.__.. j.


1t"""'Vonderbilt at Alaboma JJi::. Auburn at Kentucky. · C,todel cl Davidson VPt ct Clem!)On. . ~9i: T~g;vcif'ifh,rida. ~~oie 0 fti~~;1~ot J ~~~~Y1;,<;.'~~"c'stf.t Georgie. •-Mls5issrppl 'lt Memptlfs Sta 1 e T~ncssee at Mississippi StolP. · ~:~i 1;;,1~nta~~:1.carollna State. Southwest x-Arkonsos at TCU. x-Tulane or Rice. x-Texas Te~h at TeJCos. ;=~::'of':~~o 0 ~t {,7~fli Western, x-Wyomlng a t Ariz0t10. · Rocky Mountain x-stonf9rd ot Air Force. x-Washmgton St. at Ariz,

Illinois bV 7 Miami bv 3


Illinois bv 18 Miami bv 9

bv 12 Miami bV 1

"·, l

0011:e by 6



Notre Oam•

Notre Dame



bV 12


North .vestem

.,,, 2


Mlcnlgon -st Mkhigan~ M chi9an St.

Michigan St. --- ~·- -- Svracust bv 2

bv 1

by 6

bV S


Syracuse bv 3 Oklahoma

Svrocuse by 7 Pjtfshurgh

Svracuse by 3 Pittsburgh

b 8


bv 2

bV 9

bv 6 11-7-2 _611

bv • l~S-2 722

12+2 .&67 22-16-2 .S79

13 5-2 .rn 23-1~2

2:1-15,-J .605

2.C.U--2 .432

TOUGH FOE SD Landing Seen

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