
Article 37. USE OF GRANT FUNDS FROM TIME WARNER CABLE PER FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN FOR “PEG ACCESS EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES” To see if the Town will vote to approve the appropriation of $5,000 from the Cable Grant Account (G1-203 – $28,657) for the ensuing year for the following: unanticipated maintenance of cable TV production and broadcast equipment. All unused funds will be returned to Cable Grant Account (G1-203) at the end of the ensuing year.

Motion: Second:

Roger Levasseur moved that Article 37 have passage as presented

George Carman

Discussion: None Vote:

It was voted that Article 37 have passage as read

Roger Levasseur moved and George Carman seconded a motion to adjourn at 9:45 p.m. The motion passed unanimously.

ATTEST: ______________________________________________________________ Sharlene F. Myers, Acting Town Clerk


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