
ANNUAL REPORT Caring Community of Gray-New Gloucester

The funds provided to CCGNG from the Town of New Gloucester were used to buy gift cards for the families for Christmas who did not get sponsors. We had about 60+ families who did not get adopted for Christmas. When that happens we use our funds to buy gift cards to give to the parents to buy gifts for children or shop for these items with the help of volunteers. Depending on our funds we try to give a $100 gift card for each child as well as a gift card for a holiday meal. This year we saw an increase of families needing assistance by 10-15%. Each year the funds are awarded to us they will be used in the same way. Feel free to report them that way every year. I don’t expect that will ever change but if it should, I would notify you.

Respectively submitted,

Christina Foster GNG Caring Community


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