Decommissioning and abandonment


Decommissioning and abandonment


ƒ Governments provide legislation to give guidance on decommissioning ƒ Most structures assessed uniquely ƒ Not all equipment must be removed ƒ Decommission in-situ if no detrimental effects to environment ƒ May require monitoring program

Any questions?

Governments have introduced legislation to cover the decommissioning of offshore structures and subsea pipelines. The legislation gives guidance on considerations for decommissioning, but most substantial structures will be assessed individually for their unique requirements. We need to be aware that not all offshore equipment requires removing from the installed location. Decommissioning in-situ may be acceptable if no detrimental affect to the environment can be proven. To ensure this, a monitoring program may need to be implemented to ensure there is no long term damage to the environment.

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