All The Men 1966

Alpha Delta Gamma Fraternity was founded in 1924 at Loyola University of Chicago. It is a National Christian Social Fraternity established on various Catholic colleges throughout the nation. The Omicron chapter has been an active campus organization at U.S.D. for five years. ADG is based on fraternalism, the true union of men in a common bond dedicated to high ideals and pledged to the success of its brothers and the realization of their goals. The purpose of Alpha Delta Gamma is "to unite congenial minded men." Emphasis is on the well rounded individual—the athlete aswell as the scholar. This academic year 1965-1966 has been marked by a number of outstanding accomplishments. ADG was rated number one among ninety other fraternities by the College Survey Bureau; Omicron won the A. J. Kelly Award for the best scholastic chapter in the organiza­ tion, and the Travelling Award for representation at the annual fraternity convention; finally, the year saw the activation of a record number of pledges. ADG also contributed to the overall spirit of competition and service exhibited by the fraternity system on campus with the Kickoff Dance, Greek Week victory, Snow Trip, "Mission to Mexico," clothes raffle, Flole-in-One contest, and an annual shamrock sale for St. Patrick's Day. The year of 1965-1966 has been one of plentiful deeds and not a few rewards. The Brothers of Alpha Delta Gamma at U.S.D. realized the challenge of showing continued competence and continued to strive for their goal of being only the best.


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