Franklite Catalogue 25


Compact adjustable fittings in bronze finish with small clear edged satin white glasses. The single wall bracket has one switch, the double wall bracket has two switches, the table lamp has a switch on the base and the standard lamp has a switch on the cable. Suitable for dimming if used with mains voltage G9 halogen lamps. LED G9 lamps may be used but suitability for dimming will depend on the lamp and switch used.

SPOT8982 2 x 33W G9 W 350 H 160 P 190


2 switches

SPOT8981 1 x 33W G9 W 130 H 150 P 190

SPOT8983 3 x 33W G9 Ø 460 H 185

SPOT8984 4 x 33W G9 W 820 H 190

TL984 2 x 33W G9 Ø 120 H 445


SL221 3 x 33W G9 Ø 200 H 1510


Made with FlippingBook flipbook maker