2017-2018 Student Handbook

3) Courses completed to satisfy this requirement MUST INCLUDE U.S. & Virginia History and U.S. & Virginia Government and two from World History I, World History II and World Geography. 4) Three credits of one language OR two credits each of two languages must be completed to meet the foreign language requirement. 5) Fine and Practical Arts courses must be selected from a list of courses approved for graduation by the Virginia State Board of Education. 6) Courses completed to satisfy this requirement MUST include courses above the required in the areas of:  English  Math  Science  Social Science  Foreign Language  Arts 7) Personal Finance and Economics is mandatory for all diploma types beginning with the graduating class of 2014-2015. 8) A student may utilize additional tests for earning verified credit in computer science, technology, career and technical education, economics, or other areas as prescribed by the board in 8 VAC 20-131-110. 9) A student must earn a board-approved career and technical education credential to graduate with a Standard Diploma, beginning with students entering ninth grade for the first time in 2013-2014, graduating class of 2016-2017. 10) A student must successfully complete one virtual course, which may be non-credit bearing, to graduate with either a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma, beginning with students entering ninth grade for the first time in 2013-2014, graduating class of 2016-2017. Non-Diploma Graduation Certificate Requirements Applied Studies Diploma Students with an Individual Education Program (IEP) who complete the graduation requirements as defined by the IEP, but do not qualify for the previously described diplomas, shall be awarded an Applied Studies Diploma. Certificate of Program Completion Students who complete a prescribed course of study as defined by the Carroll County School Board, but have not earned required verified credits, shall be awarded a Certificate of Program Completion. STANDARDS OF LEARNING TEST The end-of-course Standards of Learning Test scores AND the final passing averages in English, Mathematics, Science, or Social Studies courses will be used to determine whether the student has earned verified credits. If the final average in a course is a passing grade, the student will receive a unit of credit even though he/she may fail the SOL test. A verified credit may be earned only by passing the class and passing the SOL end-of-course test, or an equivalent substitute test/assessment determined by the Department of Education. The following are courses that require end-of-course testing providing opportunities for earning verified credits: Mathematics Science Social Studies English Algebra I or Algebra I Part - B Earth Science World History I English 11 Writing Geometry or Geometry Part - B Biology World History II English 11 Reading, Literature Algebra II Chemistry World Geography & Research Virginia & US History ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS All students are required to maintain a full-day schedule of classes except when:  A senior is enrolled in the Career Interpretation II (Internship) program supervised by a cooperative program teacher, in which students participate in a supervised work-based learning program in a pre-determined occupation, OR


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