animiert magazin nummer21 winter

Der Hotelier Eduard Cattani jun. (1874-1952), bereits im höheren Alter, am Curlingspielen. (Standort Foto: Famili- enarchiv Cattani).

A photograph of hotelier Eduard Cattani Jnr. (1874-1952) playing curling. He was already elderly when this picture was taken. (Photograph: Cattani family archives).

Die Eröffnung der Standseilbahn Engelberg-Gerschnialp am 21. Januar 1913 (Standort Foto: Privat- archiv Christoph Berger, Disentis).

The opening ceremony of the Engelberg-Gerschnialp funicu- lar railway on 21 January 1913 (Photograph: Private archives of Christoph Berger, Disentis)


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