Aging in Place Workbook 2019

Appendix B: Home Maintenance Checklist Deferred home maintenance can lead to expensive or even dangerous conditions over time and may diminish your ability to successfully age in place. Not everyone will feel comfortable performing each of the tasks listed below; it may be worth hiring a professional to do some of them. Since each of these tasks should be done annually (by seasons) you may want to print a paper copy and date it for each calendar year. Please use the open spaces in each section to add maintenance tasks that are particular to your home or property. ( Note: If you are unfamiliar with some of these items, YouTube can be a great resource to find step-by-step instructions for even the smallest home maintenance tasks.)

Spring List: March, April, May


 Inspect and replace HVAC filters  Clean kitchen exhaust hood and filter  Install fresh batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors  Test and dust all detectors  Inspect bathroom and kitchen caulk; recaulk as needed  Vacuum refrigerator coils  Schedule air conditioning inspection (if relevant)  Check fire extinguishers

 Remove storm windows, and install screens  Repair/replace damaged window screens  Prune spring-flowering shrubs after they bloom  Prune summer-flowering shrubs before they bloom  Schedule yearly septic tank inspection (if relevant)

 __________________________________________________  __________________________________________________  __________________________________________________  __________________________________________________  __________________________________________________

Aging in Place: Your Home, Your Community, Your Choice

Appendix B


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