MSVCC P and P Revised

 Respondus 4.0: A tool for creating and managing assessments that can be printed to paper or published directly into Canvas allowing instructors to set point values, select number of questions, and create variations of test banks with the click of the mouse. 9. MS-SARA and NC-SARA The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement is an agreement among member states, districts, and U.S. territories that establishes comparable nation-wide standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs. The reciprocity allows participating Mississippi colleges and universities to offer distance programs and courses to residents of member states without seeking state-by-state approval, and is intended to make it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state. SARA is overseen by a National Council (NC-SARA) and is administered by four regional education compacts. SmarterMeasure by SmarterServices: Quantifies a learner’s level of readiness to study online and/or in a technology rich environment by measuring non-cognitive variables of Individual Attributes (motivation, procrastination), Learning Styles, Life Factors (time, support resources), Technical Skills and Competency, On-screen Reading Rate and Recall, and Typing Speed and Accuracy.  SmarterProctoring by SmarterServices: A proctoring management system that organizes and manages all proctoring modalities including virtual testing center, virtual proctoring, in-person proctoring, and automated proctoring. The software is delivered inside Canvas, centralizing the proctoring process for all 15 schools and the 55 testing centers across the state of Mississippi. This tool allows institutions the flexibility to select what proctoring modalities that best meet their students’ needs.  B-Virtual: A live, online proctoring service that allows students to take an exam via webcam, microphone, and high-speed internet connection from a secure location. B-Virtual is a partner of SmarterProctoring.  RegisterBlast: An online testing center scheduling solution that allows administrators to manage exam schedules and students to register for proctored exams. RegisterBlast is a partner of SmarterProctoring. 11. Turnitin An internet-based plagiarism prevention service that integrates through an LTI into Canvas and is utilized to check student submissions for original content. 10. SmarterServices 


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