(PDF) HK035-Main

Ex. 1129


Ex. 1130

1128 1932-45 A comprehensive Manchukuo collection, starts from the 1st issue, with 2nd regular including the 2nd regular issue, commemorative issue, booklet panes x 9, unmounted or lightly hinged, minor toning. Viewing recommended. 100+. Photo HK$ 5,000 - 6,000 1129 1937 A stock of Manchukuo 4th regular issue 2 1/2f, 5f and 13f set of 3 in complete sheet or bundle, unmounted or unused. Approx. 1200 stamps. Fine. Sc 112-3, 115. Photo HK$ 6,000 - 7,000 1130 1942 Return of Singapore to Far East, complete set of 2, each value in complete sheet of 100. unmounted, dry gum and dirty on reverse. Chan MK131-MK132. Photo HK$ 1,000 - 1,200




1131 1938 and 1942 Two Manchukuo regular 4f green stationery letter, both tied by special commemorative CTO, toned. 1132 1940’s A cover from Mukden reg. to Tokyo, bearing Manchukuo 4th regular issue 6f and 12f, tied by faont ‘MUKDEN’ cds. Photo. HK$ 600 - 700 1133 1936 (25 July) A cover from Kilin to Shansi, bearing Manchukuo 4th regular issue 1f and 5f, tied by faint cancel, dirty and repaired at right side. Photo HK$ 500 - 800 1134 1938 (17 Jan.) A cover from Mukden registered to Germany, bearing the 3rd China Mail 8f ochre (seldom found on cover) 4th China mail 2 1/2f, 4th Regular issue 1/2f, 1f, 12f, 1y and Completion of Capital Hsinking 2f, all tied by char. ‘MOKDEN PINGAN PLAZA’ ( 奉天平安廣場 ) handstamped char. ‘Mokden Pingan Plaza 198’ reg. mark in blue green. on reverse with ‘ZITTAU/4.2.38’ arrival cds, Fine. Photo HK$ 1,400 - 1,800 HK$ 600 - 700


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