IT Examiner School, Providence, RI

Project Timeline

 August-October 2015: Developed Workprogram • Reviewed existing workprograms and IT Handbooks • Received input from many stakeholders  January-March 2016: Piloted Workprogram • Twelve FDIC territories (two per region) • Nineteen States • All twelve FRB districts  March-April 2016: Incorporated Pilot feedback  May 2016: Incorporated RD Memo feedback


Pilot Feedback Enhancements

 Streamlined Procedures  Clearly labeled areas (including vendor management)  Emphasized ability to scope down  Clarified that not all bullets need to be worked  Clarified that not all control tests need to be worked  Clarified that both the Cyber and GLBA Workpapers are summary documents, and not stand alone work programs  Made InTREx available to all banks, including complex (Level A) and large banks, as a baseline workprogram  Added a “catch all” decision factor in each module  Corrected typos/formatting and made other minor edits


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