Kartri Blue Book Catalog

Manufacturing, Sourcing & Warehousing


Save �me, money and warehouse space by teaming with Kartri Sales to create a custom program. Benefit from the efficiencies of higher quan�ty runs without the ini�al capital expense or costs of warehousing large volume of product. Used by some of the biggest brands and distributors in the business, Kartri will warehouse and ship items as your business needs. Whether big or small, contact a sales rep today to set up a custom program!


Need an item not on our price list, or not happy with your current supplier? A family-run business since 1975, Kartri is trusted by suppliers across the na�on and around the world. You can leverage our vast network of contacts and buying power across a wide variety of vendors to source the product you need at compe��ve prices. Contact your Kartri customer service representa�ve to see what we can do for you!

Custom curved shower rod program

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