ESTRO 35 Programme book & Exhibition guide

In the abstract book Oral Communication abstracts are designated with OC + number. Poster Viewing abstracts are designated with PV + number. Posters are designated with PO + number. Electronic Posters are designated with EP + number.

INSURANCE The organiser does not accept liability for individual medical, travel or personal insurance. Participants are strongly advised to take out their own personal insurance policies. LUNCHEONS AND REFRESHMENTS The registration fee for the conference includes coffee breaks to all participants and exhibitors wearing their conference badges. Lunch will be available for purchase in the exhibition area and is not included in the registration. MEETING POINTS Special designated meeting points for each ESTRO discipline are located near the poster area. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The official language of the congress is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. OPENING CEREMONY ANDWELCOME NETWORKING All participants and company delegates are invited to the official opening ceremony which will be held in the main auditorium on Friday 29 April at 18:00. The opening ceremony will be followed by the welcome networking which will take place in the exhibition area. Opening remarks (18:00 – 18:15) Philip Poortmans (NL), ESTRO President and ESTRO 35 Chair Yolande Lievens (BE), Chair of Scientific Programme Committee of ESTRO 35 Ben Heijmen (NL), Chair of Scientific Programme Committee of ESTRO 35 Umberto Ricardi (IT), Chair of Local Organising Committee Michele Stasi (IT), Chair of Local Organising Committee Keynote lecture (18:15 – 18:45) Christian Greco (IT), Keynote speaker A dialogue between Egyptology and Science: Archaeometry as a tool, Research as an end



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